Chapter 52 51. Ask me what do you think?
Tian Boguang: Don't care about your business, but mine!

He was crying with a mournful face, as if his own mother had died.

Tian suspected that the whole world was targeting him, otherwise how could there be evil sword manuals everywhere?There are princes from the palace everywhere?
It’s fine that there are many princes in the palace, but you guys are jealous of me, Tian, ​​who is strong, and attack me everywhere. These days... It’s really sad.

Feeling abandoned by the whole world...

"Ha ha…"

"Ha ha…"

Hearing this, all the people in Fuwei Escort burst out laughing.

Tian Boguang is inexplicable, unknown, so...

His eyes glanced around suspiciously like a mouse.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Scholars can be killed but not humiliated!"

You can kill me, but you can't laugh at me.

Everyone ignored him, instead they said to Lin Pingzhi:

"Young Escort, I didn't expect that after you exposed the evil sword manual, there would be such a good thing!"

"Let the great flower picker, the entire Jianghu martial arts world, and Tian Boguang, who is helpless by the government, be deflated everywhere."

"It's a good thing, too."

"Yes, yes, the young bodyguard is wise and martial. Not only has everyone in the world practiced skills, but he has also made some treacherous people powerless to commit crimes. His merits are boundless!"

They also felt that what happened to Tian Boguang was quite miraculous.

Unintentionally, Lin Pingzhi actually did something good.

When Tian Boguang heard the words, his eyes lit up, and he looked at the people around him in surprise, and looked at Lin Pingzhi:
" are the goddamn Lin Pingzhi, you are the Lin Pingzhi who exposed the evil sword manual and made it difficult for me to walk in the Jianghu?"

When he saw the Lord, it was as if he had seen the enemy.

Enemies meet... extremely jealous.

Tian Boguang's eyes turned red with hatred.

"You said have the evil sword manual, so why did you expose it? What good does it do to your Fuwei Escort Bureau and your Lin family? Are you stupid...Look, what kind of chaos has become in the world now? ? It's all because of you, you broke the balance, and you will suffer a thousand knives!"

There is grievance, there is anger, and there is sadness!

All emotions come.

It was... horrible.

Such a miserable villain... actually made the people around him a little more sympathetic.

It's so pathetic.

Of course... sympathy is sympathy, they don't have a good impression of Tian Boguang.

"Hey, you Tian Boguang, how dare you scold my young master? What are you!"

"My family's young bodyguard is dedicated to helping the world, how can you understand?"

"Hmph, how dare you blame my young escort for exposing the evil sword manual, otherwise, wouldn't you and other thieves be able to get away with it?"

"It should be exposed, so that everyone's martial arts can be improved, and the knights with a sense of justice can have the strength to defend the way of chivalry!"

Escorts of Fuwei Escort Bureau, have you ever lost a curse?
Tian Boguang's face turned red when he was scolded... After all, what he did in the past was really not a glorious thing.

You can't beat and beat, and you can't scold.



Tian felt that one day he would be pissed off by this world.

"A person like you deserves to be cut to death!"

"Do you still have the face to call my young master?" Xiang'er hated the flower picker even more.

"Young master, kill this guy quickly, and don't let him go out to harm others."

"Yes, it should be killed."

"Please give the order from the head of the bodyguard, I will end this thief!"

Everyone began to ask Lin Zhennan for instructions.

Lin Zhennan glanced at Tian Boguang, then turned to Lin Pingzhi: "Pinger, what do you think?"

In Lin Zhennan's heart, he was actually inclined to kill Tian Boguang, but he didn't say it directly, but asked Lin Pingzhi for his opinion.

Because he feels that he is getting older, and in the future, the affairs of the Escort will gradually be handed over to Lin Pingzhi, so now he will ask Lin Pingzhi's opinion on some matters, and listen to his opinion, so that the Fuwei Escort People can hear more voices of Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi glanced at Tian Boguang.

What do you think when we meet for the first time?
His impressions of Tian Boguang are all in the film and television dramas. Putting aside his private life, this guy values ​​love and righteousness, and keeps his word. He has no liking for him, nor does he hate him. Damn it.

How many men in the world are not old perverts?
But it's inappropriate for realize your desire by picking flowers.

This is illegal and criminal.

According to the laws of the country where Lin Ping lived in his previous life, there are two types of punishments for rape. Fixed-term imprisonment of more than ten years, life imprisonment, or death penalty.

What is the seriousness of the situation?
One is that the means of crime are poor, such as violence, binding, choking, covering the mouth, etc.; the other is that the target of the crime is the mentally ill, dementia, pregnant woman, or sick woman; committing a crime against a certain woman for a long time; The process was very violent.

The second is committing crimes against multiple people; the third is committing crimes in public places; the fourth is committing crimes against the victim by two or more people; the fifth is causing serious consequences such as the death or serious injury of the victim; the sixth is persecuting people under the age of 14, regardless Whether you want it or not, it will be regarded as a crime and punished severely.

Don't ask me what I think, ask what the law thinks.

As for Tian Boguang... Obviously, he can be sentenced to life or death.

Lin Pingzhi has nothing to say to people like Tian Boguang, he deserves what he deserves!
You say you... If you are old-fashioned, just be old-fashioned, quietly make a love strategy, and go after other girls well, can't you love me?Why are you forcing?

Look at Xiao Wang, who has made so many girlfriends, who said he broke the law?

So, ignorance... legal illiteracy is terrible!
This is a matter of legal bottom line...

cough cough.

Although there are no detailed laws in this world, how can social successors who thrive under the red flag have no legal awareness?If you want to ask me what I think...then I can only see how the law judges...

"My opinion is that according to the should be killed!" Lin Pingzhi said:
"The law is not forgiving, we must abide by the law!"

Lin looked serious.

When Tian Boguang heard this, he immediately exploded:

"I'll kill you bastard, this is Wulin... Wulin! How can there be anything according to the law? It's just that the fist is big!"

He is very dissatisfied.

"Well said, but... your fist is not big... at least not as big as ours!" Lin Pingzhi said.

This is indeed a martial arts place, and according to the original book, Mr. Jin did not clearly point out the background of the times when he created the swordsman. He actually deliberately blurred the background of the dynasty, just like recreating a worldview, which is really not very useful Care about the law and such.

But even if you respect strength, your strength is not as strong as mine, I am stronger than you... Then I can do whatever I say.

"Puff~" Tian Boguang vomited blood when he heard this.


Indeed, I can't beat them myself.

"Kill it!" Lin Pingzhi said.

"Wait..." Tian Boguang panicked.



(End of this chapter)

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