Chapter 71 70. Tian Boguang: Please kill me!

Lin Pingzhi does often forget his name.

At the beginning, he called this palm technique Eighteen Beats of Slap.

Not long after, he called it "Eighteen Slap Palms", "Eighteen Ear Slaps", "Tianlong Eighteen Palms", "That Palm Technique" and so on.

Lin Zhennan felt that Lin Pingzhi might just make up his palms casually.

In the end, Lin Zhennan chose a more prestigious name from these names.

It is called "Tianlong Eighteen Palms".

In the Song Dynasty, there was a hero who could make a set of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, which was also very powerful. I followed suit, and called the name Cheng Tianlong Eighteen Palms, which is also a memory of that legendary hero.

This set of palms may not be as good as that hero's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

But no matter how powerful it is, fame should be domineering anyway.

As for the origin of the palm technique.

Lin Zhennan didn't think too much about it.

Many powerful martial arts masters have the ability to create their own martial arts. Lin Pingzhi is so powerful, it shouldn't be difficult to create a set of second-rate palms casually, right?
After all, I heard that both Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan of the Huashan School can create a set of unique skills called "Chong Ling Sword Art".

Lin Pingzhi is so powerful, he has created a decent set of palm techniques, and there are no logical loopholes.



Thoughts fly.

Tian Boguang, who was lying on the corner of the stairs, spat out a mouthful of blood heavily.

Pulled Lin Zhennan back from his distraction.

At this moment, Tian Boguang's internal organs were in pain from Lin Zhennan's palm, and he couldn't move.

They can only lie on the ground and let others slaughter them.

In an instant.

Lin Pingzhi, Chen Yunfei, Lin Zhennan, Xianger and others...

They have already surrounded the flower picker.

"kill him…"

"Destroy him!"

"Give justice to martial arts!"

The ears are filled with the voices of such quacks.

This group of quacks were shocked by the scene of Fuwei Escort.

A family of three giants.

Lin Ping defeated Tian Boguang with one sword, Chen Yunfei shattered a series of windows tens of feet high with one sword, Lin Zhennan's pair of fleshy palms set off a turbulent palm force several feet high...

The three of them wrote two words with just a few strokes: Powerful!

Everyone knows that Fuwei Escort is very powerful, but who would have thought that it is so powerful?
The invincible Tian Boguang has no ability to resist under Fuwei Escort!

Fuwei Escort Agency is well-deserved of its reputation.

One palm and two swords refreshed people's perception of Fuwei Escort.

His status in the hearts of Jiang Huke will definitely rise again because of today's incident.

The perspective returns to Tian Boguang's side.

Tian Boguang listened to the insults and crusades against him in the mouths of many quacks, and then saw the indifferent eyes of the Fuwei Escort, and smiled miserably.

The corners of the mouth raised slightly, revealing a bit of sarcasm.

"Kill me, I, Tian Boguang, will not be wronged if I die under the hands of the three giants of Fuwei Escort Bureau!"

"Hmph, you are heinous, raped and plundered so much kindness, how dare you feel wronged?" Seeing Tian Boguang's unrepentant expression, Xiang'er was immediately angry.

"I am heinous?" Tian Boguang sneered again.

"Since ancient times, you have won the king and defeated the bandits. Your Fuwei Escort Bureau is very good. If your Fuwei Escort Bureau beats me, I have nothing to say!"

"But if you want to say that I am wrong, then I don't agree!"

"You don't agree?!" Xiang'er was furious.

Good guy.

Don't you agree?

What three views!
"Why should I agree? You say that I am heinous... But in this world, isn't it just the law of the jungle? Isn't it just you robbing me? Some people like territory, interests, and status, so they launch sect wars and wars between good and evil to achieve their own goals." Desire... Some people like treasures, so they take them by chance... But I like women, and I am strong, so I will take them away. My behavior is just following the iron law of the jungle, and the people I have harmed have never had a martial art war Many, just like the Huashan faction's sword qi battle, they can kill each other for the sake of profit, most of them are from the same sect, they like profit, so it's no problem to fight, but I have a problem if I like women? Hehe..." I can tell, Tian Boguang Very unconvinced.

"You... unreasonable!" Where has Xiang'er heard such sophistry?
Immediately, he was speechless.

"You killed women who were powerless! Is that the same as fighting in the rivers and lakes?"

"What is the difference between a woman and a man? You are sexist... A woman is insulted, and a man is killed, do you think it is different? Aren't they all killed? Others kill for pleasure, and Lao Tzu for picking flowers Heinous?" Tian Boguang argued sophistry, but Xiang'er was choked speechless.

"Besides, who told you that all I play are women who have no strength to restrain a chicken? Like Yilin, does that count as powerless? No! She's just weaker!"

Disciples of the Five Sacred Mountains are considered weak?

"You... sophistry!" Xiang'er felt that Tian Boguang was absolutely unreasonable, but she couldn't find a reason to refute.


She cast her eyes on Lin Pingzhi, begging for help pitifully.

"Heh..." Lin Pingzhi sneered.

Nothing was said.

To deal with this kind of person, why do you have to fight with him?
Right or wrong...has something to do with me?

Tian Boguang felt Lin Pingzhi's killing intent.

"Haha...Young Escort Lin, Tian should have enjoyed his life, and he has enjoyed it a lot. Women...have played a lot too. If you die now, this life will not be in vain!"

"What's more, I still die under the hands of a master like you, Tian has no regrets!"

"If you want to kill, then kill it..."

Tian Boguang looked frank.

He knew he couldn't escape this disaster.

Not only was there no fear at all, but he was relieved.

He looked as if he wanted to kill or cut him down.

He felt that he was not at a loss.

You kill it... I don't care.

Lin Pingzhi felt a little upset: what kind of expression do you have?challenge me?
What is superior!

Tian Boguang's expression seemed to say: Even if I die today, I still earn money. You can kill me, but... I will never lose money. How can my sins be settled with a sword?
Lin Pingzhi originally wanted to end this hob meat with one sword, but seeing this kid's expression...killing him with one sword would not be such a good ending.

Murder is just a no-brainer.

Very simple.

One sword and it's over...

But sometimes living is more important than killing him.


Lin Pingzhi changed his mind and decided not to kill him.

It was a stroke of the long sword.

Meow... picking flowers can also give you a sense of superiority.

Then I'll make you lose your most proud achievement, let's see if you are still superior!

"I won't kill you..." Lin Pingzhi said calmly.

Want to make a fortune in front of me?Did I give you a chance?

Tian Boguang felt that something was missing from his body, and suddenly screamed.

His face also changed from indifferent to frightened.

Now, he really broke down.

"Lin Pingzhi... you bastard, kill me, kill me, you kill me!!!" Tian Boguang yelled.

His obsession with women is extraordinary, it's hard to imagine, it's better to die... It's more uncomfortable than death.

Life is better than death.

"If you have the ability, you kill me!"

In an instant, my heart felt ashamed.

It's worse than dying.

"Please kill me!"

Seeing his expression... the people present actually felt much better.

Hmm... It's even better than when everyone felt that Tian Boguang was killed with a sword!


 In the future, the update will be at 12:00, and the two updates will be updated at the same time, and the update will be stable. Thank you... Your sand sculpture author is back.

(End of this chapter)

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