Chapter 72. 71. The tea house listening to the wind and rain

"Why should I kill you? The so-called God has the virtue of good life, I will let you live well!" Lin Pingzhi said lightly.

Some people are not afraid of death, if you kill him, it will be nothing to him, but if you take away his most important thing and let him live, this is the best punishment.

It is obviously impossible for Tian Boguang to take advantage of Lin Pingzhi.

Tian Boguang, who had died generously, was suddenly stunned.

It's hard to imagine how I will live my life without that thing in the future.

He begged to die.

But the more this was the case, everyone felt that it was more correct not to kill him.

Let him experience despair before dying.

"Lin Pingzhi, do you have some kind of psychopath, always like to make people into eunuchs!" Tian Boguang was anxious.

How many people lost their lives by exposing the evil sword manual?
Tian Boguang was very suspicious that Lin Pingzhi had any eunuch obsession!
Tian... wants to cry but has no tears.

"My lord..." Chen Yunfei spoke.

He rarely speaks.

"Should I kill him? If this person has practiced the evil sword art after he came from the palace, he will definitely be a great enemy..."

"No need, his meridians have been severed by my father, and he will be useless from now on, let him live." Lin Pingzhi said.

"His debts will naturally be collected by someone in the Jianghu..."

Tian Boguang offended too many people, even if Lin Pingzhi let him go, the Jianghu people would tear him apart... and torture him to death in the most cruel way.

Falling into the enemies of the rivers and lakes, Tian Boguang's ending may not necessarily be better than today's.

On this point, Lin Pingzhi was very relieved.

Just keep him and let him taste the revenge of the Jianghu people.

"let's go…"

The members of the Fuwei Escort Bureau left Tian Boguang behind and gave some compensation to the shopkeeper. While the shopkeeper was sending him off with a smile on his face, they were about to leave the place.

"Brother Lin is indeed a real hero, I wonder if we can make friends, you and I have a drink?" Upstairs, Linghu Chong and Yilin stood at the stairs for a long time, seeing Fuwei Escorts dealing with Tian Boguang, it was not easy for him to interrupt , can only wait quietly, after all, Tian Boguang was restrained by the Fuwei Escort, and he has no right to participate in the trial.

This time, Linghu Chong didn't make a move either.

"I'm sorry, Lin doesn't know how to drink, and he doesn't like drinking." Lin Pingzhi said with a light smile.

"It's a pity if you don't like drinking." Linghu Chong said.

"At first I wanted to have a drink with Brother Lin." Linghu Chong really wanted to make friends with a young hero like Lin Pingzhi.

It's hard to walk the rivers and lakes without drinking.

Heroes and heroes all have one characteristic, that is, they like to drink too much.

Good drinking capacity is also a key to evaluating Haomai.

"My son said that drinking alcohol is harmful to your health, you can't touch it at all!" Xiang'er said.

Linghu Chong: ...

He himself likes to drink, but Lin Pingzhi is afraid of alcohol like a tiger. It seems that the two people's living habits are indeed different, and it is difficult to be called friends who drink freely.

"Uncle Lin, Brother Lin, Brother Chen...and all the heroes of the Fuwei Escort, thank you for saving me again. There is no way to repay you for your kindness!" Yilin took the opportunity to come up and thank you.

"You don't need to report, but I will give you a suggestion. In the should follow in the footsteps of your Hengshan faction. Don't mess around. With you..."

With your IQ, you fell into the jaws of death just after someone rescued you, what a fool.

"With your strength, it is very difficult to walk alone in the world." Lin Pingzhi said it rather tactfully.

Hearing this, Yilin blushed and buried her head in her chest unconsciously.

Unexpectedly, this little nun could also master this skill.

With that said, the chariots and horses of Fuwei Escort were also ready.

A group of Fuwei Escorts got on their horses, those in their cars got on their cars, and left Huiyan Tower in a mighty way.

Only Linghu Chong, Yilin, and a group of gossip-loving quacks stayed. the way, there is also Tian Boguang lying at the foot of the stairs, not knowing whether he is dying or not.

As for how Tian Boguang will be treated after Lin Pingzhi leaves, and how many people will miss him... that can only be said to be a blessing in disguise.

Everything... deserved.

Undoubtedly, the performance of the Fuwei Escort today will definitely become a hot topic among these quacks...

Although the number of shots made by Fuwei Escort is basically no one's move.

But the few moves just showed the strength of Fuwei Escort.

You know, Tian Boguang was defeated by nearly a hundred martial arts masters.

Even Tianmen Daoist, the most famous Taishan faction, could hardly get him off the stool, and the three members of Fuwei Escort, each with one move, forced Tian Boguang to go to the sky and to the earth, and finally he was crippled by the shock. martial arts!
What is the difference between these methods and martial arts myths?
This is the topic that people in Jianghu like to discuss most.

that's the truth.

After the people from Fuwei Escort left, there was an explosion at the scene. They all praised Fuwei Escort and were shocked by the performance of Fuwei Escort.

One sentence per person... Let the whole scene be noisy.

(Ahem, the author won’t be in the water here, otherwise, if one person makes a flattering speech, the author will be able to make three episodes!)

These... Lin Pingzhi doesn't know.

The Fuwei Escort is walking in Hengshan City.

Looking for a place to stay.

Settled down and waited for Liu Zhengfeng's golden basin handwashing meeting to start.

"Chief Escort, in Hengshan City, the three religions have gathered together recently, and there are few free guest rooms, so it's hard to find... It's better to find a place to rest and settle down first, and the subordinates will go to take care of it, so as to avoid the chief escort and the younger escorts. ..." said a bodyguard.

"That's fine too." Lin Zhennan said.

Hengshan City has been too crowded recently.

"There is a teahouse ahead, why don't we go there and have a cup of tea first, and wait slowly?" Lin Zhennan said.

Naturally, no one objected.

Entering the tea house, the boss directly gave them an excellent position under the strong financial resources of the Fuwei Escort.

Tea is also good tea.

Received the best treatment.

That's the benefit of having money.

Once everything is settled, we are waiting for the reply from the bodyguard who explores the road.

The few people drank tea leisurely and waited, which was quite comfortable.

"Ping'er, do you know why I asked people to find a place to stay?" Lin Zhennan asked suddenly.

It may be just chatting, or it may be deliberately trying to talk to Lin Pingzhi.

But isn't this nonsense, there is no place to live, so I must look for it.

"Because there is no place to live?" Xiang'er subconsciously blurted out.

"No, no, no... In fact, our Fuwei Escort entered Hengshan City and came here on invitation. How could there be no place to live? As long as I can go to the Liu Mansion, the Liu Mansion must have already prepared a place for us to stay. The reason why I Let people look find a place where our Fuwei Escort can set up a flag, and open a branch here so that we can have an additional business office." Lin Zhennan said his purpose.

It turned out to be the case.

"So it may take longer, everyone be patient!"

Enter the tea house.

Fuwei Escort has become a transparent person.

Quietly listen to the conversation of the people around you.

It's nothing more than some recent big and small things among people in the rivers and lakes.

The most frequently heard words, besides how awesome Fuwei Escort is, is the influence of Liu Zhengfeng's Golden Basin Handwashing Conference.

Talking all over the place, talking endlessly.

There is also a discussion of the grievances and grievances between Mo Da and Liu Zhengfeng.

There is also a group of chattering and chattering disciples, one of them... has a little monkey on his shoulder, and in this group... there is also a girl with outstanding appearance and figure.

She may not be able to bury her head in her chest when she is ashamed, but that girlish temperament, her exquisite face...does have a feeling of being out of the world.

Yue Lingshan.

From a few words, he knew that this person was Yue Lingshan.

However, Lin Pingzhi only glanced at him a few times, and didn't intend to go up to get acquainted.

He didn't really want to have anything to do with Yue Lingshan, because it wasn't necessary.

Lin Pingzhi, Lin Zhennan, etc. drank tea quietly, not at all interested in participating in the discussions of these people.

Only Hey Tea House listens to the wind and rain.

People in Fuwei Escort know that they should act aggressive when they should improve their image, and they should not act aggressive when they should not. Forcibly acting aggressive will make people feel disgusted.

At this time, the approach should be to wait quietly.

Lin Pingzhi didn't really want to participate in this plot either.

Needless to say, from these people, they still got some novel information about the Jianghu.



(End of this chapter)

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