The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 117 Return of the 1st Army

Chapter 117 The First Army Returns

On a chartered plane flying back to Neon, a group of young people are resting quietly with their eyes closed.

I saw that they were uniformly wearing the uniforms of the U17 national team, which were mainly red and black and white, and each of them wore a metal badge on the collar.

On the badge, an Arabic numeral is clearly visible and shining brightly.

This group of high school students are members of the Neon U17 national team. The overseas expedition of the Neon U17 army ended relatively smoothly, and now they are on their way back to the camp.

On the seat at the front of the cabin, a young man was lying on the seat with his eyes closed.

A head of bright blond hair, a handsome face, and a white hair band wrapped around his forehead, highlighting a trace of heroism and vigor.

On his collar, the wearer has a metal badge.

The number on the badge is !

He is the leader of the Neon U17 national team, now NO.1, Byodoin Phoenix!

His brows are slightly clustered, and it can be seen from his right hand that keeps tapping on the armrest that his mood is not very beautiful.

Although the result of this overseas expedition was not bad, there were many things that annoyed him during the process.

The private actions of the group of high school seniors made him extremely impatient. He once had the urge to destroy them several times in his heart.

If it weren't for the consideration that they are still abroad, they represent the image of the country, and if this group of people is abolished, not only will there be no backup players, but they will also be responsible for collecting their bodies.

That's why he didn't abolish them, but just gave them a hard lesson.


Hearing a familiar voice in his ears, Byodoin opened his eyes, with sharp eyes, looking at the person who woke him up, Tono Atsukyo.

"what's up?"

Tono Atsukyo, who has been following Byodoin since middle school, naturally knew that Byodoin's style was so domineering, so he was not intimidated after getting used to it.

"Those seniors seem to be plotting something again!"

Tono whispered in Byodoin's ear.

Hearing this, Byodoin turned its head slightly and looked not far behind.

There, the senior three contestants were huddled together and whispering.


Byodoin snorted disdainfully, "Don't pay attention to them, if they dare to mess around, just abolish them!"

The tone is full of domineering, killing intent.

After hearing this, Tono Atsukyo nodded, and stopped caring about the group of high school seniors.

He can be said to be obedient to the words of the Court of Equality.

And for the strength of Byodoin, he admired it from the bottom of his heart.

During the whole camp, he believed that no player from the first army dared to question the words of Byodoin.

Of course, the same unfathomable guy as Oni Jujiro must be excluded.

Byodoin Phoenix naturally didn't take these seniors to heart. In the words of Mifune, they are just a group of miscellaneous fish.

They are kept now only because Neon U17 really has no background and no one can use them.

But if they are ignorant, Byodoin will not show mercy.

Just destroy them!

Anyway, bring any group of trash fish with you, no matter how strong the trash fish is, it will always be just trash fish!

This is the style of his Byodoin Phoenix.



The demeanor of the king is undoubtedly revealed.


Today's No. [-] stadium is already dominated by the first year of high school.

On the court, there are high school freshman players training hard everywhere.

Under the shade of the tree, Buer leaned on the mound of dirt, watching with great interest Kimishima Ikuto and the other first-year high school players who were training sparringly.

Especially the players he has an impression of.

Buer, who came back from the back mountain, immediately entered the salted fish mode.

In fact, this is what Budu originally looked like.

It's just that in order to pursue a strong strength, I had to force myself to work harder.

Suddenly, his eyes were covered by a large shadow.

Fuji got up and turned his head to see that Shuji Taneshima, Kanata Irie and Jujiro Oni were standing behind him.

"Is there something wrong with the seniors?"

Asked in surprise.

Oni Jujiro's face was solemn, and Fuji could even feel that Oni was a little excited.

"They'll be back tomorrow!"

Fuji's eyes lit up, and Fujijiro naturally knew who they were referring to in Oni Jujiro's mouth.

Finally you are here!
If you don't come again, you will have to leave the camp.

"Haha! I've said it all, Fuji-kun will definitely not be worried!"

Seeing that Fuji was not worried at all, Taneshima even looked a little expectant, and couldn't help smiling at Irie.

"Looks like Mr. Fuji can't wait!"

Irie smiled softly.

"Well, my hands are a little itchy after being said so by the seniors!" Fuji said with a smile: "Seniors, let's have a fight!"

Seeing Fuji impatiently walking into the stadium, Oni and Taneshima looked at each other with smiles on their lips.


On the other side, in the small black room.

The three coaches are preparing a special "gift" for the returning First Army.

"The first army will be back tomorrow, has the list been arranged?"

"Well, everything is ready. There is no big problem with the data, but I am a little worried about the harvest of the first army overseas. After all, it is not long before the start of the U17 competition."

Although most of the high school seniors in the first army, the senses of the three coaches are not very good.

But after all, they represent the overseas expedition of Nihong, and the coaches naturally hope that they can have a good result.

"Don't worry, with Byodoin, there will be no problem with the expedition."

"Are you sure there will be no problems with the list arrangement like this? Are you a little too anxious?"

Saitoichi looked at the opponent Yukio Kurobe arranged for Fuji, and frowned slightly.

"Don't worry, this is my analysis based on the latest five-dimensional model of my classmate Fuji."

Kurobe said.

"Oh? Has it come out yet?"

"Although there may be some discrepancies, based on the data obtained so far, the shock this young man brings to us may far exceed your imagination."

I saw that Kurobe called up the unique data from the computer, and it was displayed on it.

[Speed: 5] No matter what kind of ball he can quickly respond to and return, his dynamic vision is excellent, and the talent of the brain to the muscles is extremely good.

[Strength: 4] A slender body contains enormous power. This age has such strength, and the future can be expected.The secret to great muscle comes from the bones, and it seems that the collagen ingested from the pig's trotters helps him strengthen his bones.

【Endurance: 4】Physical strength is extremely good at his age, and he is basically not afraid of protracted battles.

[Skills: 7] His skills are very comprehensive, with extraordinary skills, creativity and talent are excellent.

[Spiritual power: 5] Although he can't always face the game seriously, this easy-going mentality allows him to remain calm no matter when and where.It's hard to imagine what he will look like when he is completely serious.

Looking at this five-dimensional data, the coaches were silent.

Although the data has only improved by one skill compared to before, the skills as high as 7 points, the sum of 25, are enough to make them speechless.

What's more, the real data of Bu Er is definitely higher than the current data.

"What a horrible monster..."

(End of this chapter)

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