The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 118 Welcome Ceremony

Chapter 118 Welcome Ceremony
On the second day, for the first time in history, the people on Court No. [-] did not have morning training.

They couldn't even be seen on the court, which made many high school seniors scratch their heads.

All the high school students didn't know that the first army was coming back soon, except for the first-year high school players on the No. [-] court.

The players on Court No. [-] have already received the notice from the coaches, knowing that the No. [-] Army is coming back soon.

They are all making final preparations.

"How? No problem?"

Standing beside Fuji, Shuji Taneshima made a grimace at him.

Buer nodded with a smile, his heart was very calm, and his eyes were calm.

"Well, it's time!"

Looking at the players leaving one by one around him, he knew that they were all challenged by the coach, and his battlefield was here!

At the same time, two buses slowly drove into Hesu.

"Welcome back, thank you for your hard work!"

The three coaches stood in front of the central building of the accommodation, and greeted the people who came out of the two buses one by one. They were all members of the army who had returned from overseas!
Byodoin Phoenix walked in the front and glanced at the three coaches.

"You coaches are not so bored that you have nothing to do but come and welcome us?"

"Students from the Byodoin Institute are joking, you are so fortunate, it is only natural for us to welcome you..."

Saito said with a smile on his face.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's talk, what are the arrangements!"

All the way in, Byodoin had already sensed the weird atmosphere in the dormitory, he rudely interrupted Coach Saito and asked directly.

"Students from the Byodoin Institute are still the same, well, then I will say it directly." Saitozhi smiled and said: "In order to welcome everyone's triumph, our coaching staff has specially prepared a special welcome for you. ceremony……"


At this moment, in many courts in Hesu, there are freshman players waiting patiently.

Their gazes were all fixed on the intersection ahead, as if they were waiting for someone to arrive.

Not long after, there were bursts of footsteps from the intersection, and then various figures appeared on the court.

"finally come."

On the No. [-] court, Fuji and Taneshima are waiting with peace of mind.

Da da da
There was a sound of footsteps, and Budu looked over, only to see a group of high school students wearing neon U17 team uniforms walking over.

They were full of vigor and extraordinary momentum, and even the air seemed to be shocked by them.

Buer looked at the leader with dazzling blond hair, and his heart froze, "Phoenix of Byodoin Temple!"

Today's Byodoin Phoenix is ​​not like the bearded uncle in the third year of high school. Now he looks handsome and energetic, walking at the front of the team, exuding the demeanor of a king.

My best guess is that it was probably because of him in the World Cup in France that the Neon U17 team stopped, so his temperament changed drastically and he became the uncle he will be in the future.

"Oh~~ it's you guys, why, is there only one person here?"

Byodoin glanced over Fuji's body for a while, then looked at Oni Jujiro and said.

The coaches had told him about this special welcome ceremony just now, and he knew that this was an attack on the throne of the first army by the freshmen of high school.

As for himself, he is naturally very supportive.

Most of the first-year high school players were his opponents in junior high school, and Byodoin still has a good idea of ​​their strength.

Of course, the third-year contestants were naturally very upset, and even strongly opposed it. They felt that they should play with a group of brats.

The time went back not long ago, at the entrance of the central building of Hesu.

When the coaches told the welcome ceremony to the first army, the third-year players all looked at each other, and then a player at the bottom of the first army stood up and said: "We disagree, we don't want to play with a group of brats. The wine trick!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a strong aura came from in front of him, and an aura of death permeated his surroundings.

He swallowed, and suddenly regretted why he was such a young bird.

"Pingyongyuan. I. I am not.. This means. Ah~ah~ah~"

Before he could finish his sentence, a tennis ball exuding bright light made him shut his mouth.

"Now, who is in favor and who is against!"

Byodoin's words that were not easy to question rang out. Looking at the contestant who was hung on the wall, and the wall that had been dented by beatings, the other high school seniors naturally didn't dare to say anything.

"Ghost, do you want to do it again?"

There was a hint of excitement and fighting spirit in Byodoin's tone.

He didn't meet any decent opponents at all during this overseas expedition, which made him a little unsatisfied.

In the joint camp, he has only one opponent identified, and that is Oni Jujiro.

The aura of Byodoin Temple began to rise, and the aura of Oni Jujiro, who was locked up, also radiated involuntarily.

Feeling the invisible confrontation between the two, everyone around them silenced immediately, and the air became oppressive.

"Hey~ I said, senior, now seems to be my challenge time."

Fuji's light tone instantly broke the oppressive atmosphere, and he spoke calmly to Byodoin with a smile on his face.


The other players in the first army were a little surprised. They really are newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers. They even dare to intervene in the confrontation between Byodoin and Oni Jujiro. They are not afraid of death!
There were even quite a few high school seniors who were looking forward to watching the show, looking forward to how the furious Byodoin would deal with this guy.

"Hmph, if that's the case, let's save it for next time, ghost!"

Seeing that Fuji did not back down under his aura, Byodoin became interested, and the calmness in the other party's eyes surprised him even more.

"What. What? Is that the end?"

Seeing that Byodoin had no intention of continuing, the group of soldiers who followed Byodoin were very surprised. When did Byodoin become so talkative.

"Okay, let's talk quickly if the coaches have any other arrangements."

Kurobe nodded at Saitou with a bitter face.

"Now the other players of the First Army have faced the various challengers on Court One, and there is also a player here who will challenge one of you."

After hearing the coach's words, Byodoin looked at Fuji, and asked lightly, "Boy, who do you want to challenge?"

"Can I challenge you, senior?"

There was a gleam of light in Buer's eyes, and everyone was stunned when he opened his mouth.

"No two kings"

Oni, Taneshima, Irie and the others stopped him eagerly.

"What? You want this position?"

Byodoin Phoenix's eyes froze, and his sharp eyes looked straight at him.

"How to do."

The three coaches looked at each other, feeling a little headache.

This is different from what they planned. Why doesn't Bu Er play his cards according to the routine? Does he really want to challenge Byodoin? ! !

"just forget it"

Fuji glanced at the badge on the collar of Byodoin, and shook his head.

He is not interested in the No.1 position, and he also knows that he is not an opponent of Byodoin, but just wants to know how far he is from Byodoin.

"Just kidding, senior won't mind!"

Byodoin watched Fuji quietly for a long time, then turned and walked aside.

(End of this chapter)

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