The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 119 Hayato Kitajima

Chapter 119 Hayato Kitajima
"Then let's get started!"

Byodoin walked aside and said a word indifferently.

Hearing this, the coaches finally let go of their hearts. Fortunately, Byodoin did not take it seriously.

Oni, Tanejima, Irie and Ochi also breathed a sigh of relief, they didn't expect Fuji to say such bold words.

You know, Byodoin Phoenix is ​​not so easy to defeat, even ghosts are not sure.

The junior high school players of the first army naturally looked regretful. They didn't expect this to pass like this. What a pity.

This group of high school seniors had already known in their hearts that the special welcome ceremony this time was aimed at them.

I didn't see that all the contestants who were arranged to participate in other places were all high school seniors.

Thinking of this, the third-year contestants were all aroused in their hearts. They dared to do this, so they had to be taught a good lesson.

Looking at these people in front of him, there are No. 1 Byodoin Phoenix in the first year of high school, No.

The rest are all high school seniors.

NO.3 Hayato Kitajima, NO.4 Akima Ito, NO.6 Nogarhiro, NO.7 Akuta Kitahara and NO.8 Kojiro Sasaki.

Others in the other army are accepting challenges in other places.

I have already read the information of these people yesterday, which was prepared by the coach long ago.

According to the meaning of the three coaches, they suggested that Bu Er challenge the seventh or eighth place. From the data point of view, Bu Er has a great chance of winning.

Bu Er's gaze swept across the group of seniors one by one, and finally settled on Hayato Bei Dao.

"I think the badge of NO.3 is pretty good."

Bu Er stared at Hayato Kitajima with ice-blue eyes, and said slowly.

"Sure enough." Yukio Kurobe smiled helplessly.

Saito Zhi touched his head, "It's really nerve-wracking, and he's not playing cards according to common sense."

Kaji Fudo and the others were surprised that Hayato Kitajima was able to rank third not because of their humility, but because of his own strength.

Although Oni Jujiro didn't challenge him, his strength is quite terrifying.

Before the group of them came to the camp, Kitajima Hayato was the No. 1 in the camp.

"This is? The new freshman?"

Kaji Fengta asked Taneshima curiously.

He became interested in this guy who dared to directly challenge the strongest player in the third year of high school.

"It's a secret."

There was a smirk at the corner of Taneshima's mouth, he would not easily hand over Fuji-kun's information.

"Cut! You wicked fellow!"

Seeing that Tanejima refused to speak, Kaji Fengduo didn't ask further.

Anyway, after the game is over, he can just grab someone and ask him to find out.

When the third-year contestants heard that Buer said that they would directly challenge Hayato Kitajima, they all had weird expressions on their faces.

This guy!
Are you so overwhelmed!

Kitajima Hayato is very strong, and the coaches have already mentioned this to Fuji.

But it's more interesting that way, isn't it!
Competing with the strong can stimulate one's own evolution even more!
Kitajima Hayato heard that Fuji said he wanted to challenge him, and walked out slowly. He was tall and burly, with a cold face and no expression on his face.

"I accept your challenge, let's begin!"

Even the tone of his speech was cold, and he turned around and left the court after speaking, without the slightest sloppiness.

"Fuer-kun is really true."

Shuji Tanejima looked at Hayato Kitajima with a serious face.

"Oh, this game is interesting!"

There was no smile on Irie Kanata's face, it became a little serious, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.


When Byodoin saw that Fuji had chosen to challenge Hayato Kitajima, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "That's right, let me see your strength!"

Although he disdains this group of seniors, it doesn't mean that all the seniors are weak.

In any case, they are always a part of the combined camp, representing the highest combat power in the combined camp.

Especially the top ten of the first army are not weak, especially Hayato Kitajima.

This former defeat of his subordinates, when he first entered the dormitory, Hayato Kitajima's strength made his eyes shine.

But it was just a flash in the eye, and he was not his opponent after all. It wasn't until Byodoin met Jujiro Oni that he really met the guy who was called an opponent.

"How dare you choose Bei Dao, is this brat crazy?"

"He doesn't know Bei Dao's strength, does he?"

"Even if the coach didn't tell him, he should understand what it means by looking at the number on the North Island collar badge."

"Hmph, arrogant brat, wait to suffer!"

The contestants in the third year of high school all looked like they were watching the show.

Of course, Fuji knows the strength of Hayato Kitajima, and he still clearly remembers the data given to him by the coaches.

Kitajima Hayato, Speed: 5, Strength: 6, Stamina: 5, Skill: 6. Spirit: 6, 28 points in five dimensions.

A few months ago, he used to be No. 1 in the joint camp. He had a cold personality. After losing to Byodoin, he became taciturn, trained hard, and had an extraordinary attachment to the U17 first army seat in his heart.

And the coaches also said that Hayato Kitajima is considered the best among the senior high school players. If it weren't for the dazzling generation of Byodoin and Oni, Kitajima would be a good leader.

On the court, the two of them looked at each other, motioning for the right to guess the ball. Hayato Kitajima said coldly, "You serve first!"

After hearing this, Buer nodded calmly. He knew that the opponent gave up the right to serve because he didn't look down on him, but simply because he didn't want to waste time.

The two sides returned to the bottom line, holding the racket with their right hand and gently tapping the tennis ball with their left hand.

After looking for the ball feel for a while, it is better to hold the tennis ball with your left hand, spin it lightly and then release it.

Right hand racket bottom up everything.

The tennis ball flew straight to the opposite half.

Hayato Kitajima's speed was astonishing, and he arrived at the landing point of the tennis ball in a blink of an eye, and he was ready to hit the ball.

"This ball will disappear!"

As soon as Fuji finished speaking, the tennis ball in front of Hayato Kitajima suddenly started to move violently.

Then disappear!

The swing misses.

Kitajima Hayato turned his head to look at the tennis balls on the ground, his expression did not change at all.

"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 15:0."


Byodoin leaned against the wall beside him, and when he saw Fuji's serve, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, "A child's trick!"

Except for Oni and Taneshima, the rest of the high school students were taken aback.

Has tennis really disappeared?
how can that be!

Fuji smiled slightly, took out a tennis ball again, and gently touched everything.

call out!
The tennis ball flew across the net again.

"here we go again!"

Seeing that Fuji was serving in this posture again, the high school students polished their glasses.

They wanted to see what was going on.

Kitajima Hayato stayed on the baseline, his eyes fixed on the tennis ball.

Suddenly, Kitajima Hayato burst out at an astonishing speed, and disappeared from the spot with a swish. When he reappeared, a tennis ball was spinning in the air in front of him.

As expected of No. 1 in the past, he saw through the principle of the disappearance of the ball so quickly.

It's just that this ball is an evolution of the disappearing serve, Feng Yan!

There was a touch on the racket, and Hayato Kitajima swung the racket without thinking.

"Touched the net and scored with Fuji, 30:0."

(End of this chapter)

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