The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 120 Fierce Battle

Chapter 120 Fierce Battle

Hayato Kitajima swung his racket thoughtfully. The weird feeling just now was... wind?

Back on the bottom line, Kitajima Hayato took a deep breath. He knew that the young man on the other side had come prepared. If he underestimated the enemy, he might overturn.

Fuji served the ball again, and it was windy again.

Kitajima Hayato ran quickly after catching the trajectory of the ball, and the tennis ball hit the door directly, and Kitajima Hayato heard it clearly in his ears.

There were two crackling sounds.

He lowered his waist slightly, and a gust of wind passed over his head, blowing a chill in his heart.

Then he got up quickly and swung a backhand.

This time, the tennis ball was hit back by him smoothly.

But Fuji had already expected it. After serving, he went straight to the net and scored the point with a beautiful short ball in front of the net.

"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 40:0."

Although Fuji currently has the upper hand, he knows that his wind has been cracked by Hayato Kitajima.

It really deserves to be the No.1 in the past, and it really has some strength.

Fuji served again, and the experienced Kitajima Hayato did not give Fuji another chance to volley at the net this time.

call out!
The tennis ball flew back to the right half court and went straight to the bottom line.

Step, step, step.

Bu Er quickly caught up with the tennis ball, raised the racket with his right hand, and swung fiercely at the flying tennis ball.

The tennis ball flew back immediately.

On the opposite side of Fuji, Kitajima Hayato had already set his posture, and saw his right hand lead the racket behind him, the veins on his arm burst out, and his muscles swelled layer by layer.

"Here we come, Bei Dao's ultimate move!"

Seeing this posture, the high school seniors were excited for a while.


Hearing a deep shout, Kitajima Hayato's arm swelled again, and the cuff seemed to be torn apart by the bulging muscles.

There was a loud noise, and the sound of hitting the ball echoed in everyone's ears.

The tennis ball rushed towards Fuji with a terrifying momentum, and the cold chill seemed to freeze the air.

This is Kitajima Hayato's trick.


"Oh? Yes, there is progress!"

Byodoin looked at the strength and momentum of the ball, and couldn't help but glanced at Hayato Kitajima.

I didn't expect this guy to improve so quickly.

"But that's all."

"This goal is not as simple as it appears."

Shuji Tanejima looked at the ball and sighed, Kitajima Hayato's move is not purely strength-based, but also mixed with his brilliant spinning skills.

"If it's Xiu-kun, he can definitely fight back easily! However, Fuji-kun should be able to!"

Irie Kanata said with a smile.

The tennis ball was in front of Fuji in an instant, and Fuji slapped it.

A huge force impacted the racket, and the terrifying force penetrated the racket and bombarded the wall behind it.

The walls were overwhelmed, and the gravel continued to slide, causing waves of smoke and dust.

The moment the tennis ball first touched the racket, Fuji felt as if his right arm was frozen by ice.

The chill spread upward like tarsal maggots, and with a snap, the racket in Bu's second hand slid down, and the tennis ball hit the wall behind him heavily.

Fuji looked at his right hand, smiled and shook his head.

"Look, how could this kid be Bei Dao's opponent."

"Now he's going to suffer!"

The power of Hayato Kitajima's ice seal is not just the amazing power on the surface, but the amazing rotation hidden under the strange power.

Even, Fuji still felt the existence of a spiritual force in this ball.

Strength, skill, spirit.

The combination of the three is the new look of Hayato Kitajima Frozen.

After that defeat to Byodoin, Hayato Kitajima saw a higher level of scenery. In order to step into that realm, he even gave up competing with Shuji Tanejima NO.2 and devoted himself to training in hell.

When Buer picked up the racket, the string on the racket surface was a little loose. The strength of the ball just now was really terrifying.

After changing a racket, Fuji served again.

This time he didn't use Feng Yan again, but a regular high-speed serve.

The two sides launched an amazing confrontation on the bottom line.

The net is constantly shaking from side to side, and above the net, streamers are constantly shuttling.

In the end, Fuji lured Hayato Kitajima into a netball with a low-angle slash.

With the help of the spin on it, Yifeng Returns to the Nest won his own serve by surprise.

Although he won a round, Buer's eyes were full of dignity, and the strength of the opponent should not be underestimated.

In the bottom line match just now, he was at a disadvantage.

That's why he had no choice but to take the lead in changing the game. Fortunately, he still kept his serve.

After changing sides, it was Hayato Kitajima's turn to serve.

I saw his right arm raised up, leading the racket behind him, his muscles swelled up rapidly, and his sleeve was stretched tight.

"This posture is! Frozen?"

"When will Bei Dao be able to hit ice when serving?!!!"

The players who belonged to the third year of high school like Bei Dao were very surprised, because before this, Hayato Bei Dao's ice block had always been played only when returning the ball, and had never been used in serving.


The tennis ball whizzed past with a icy chill, and in an instant, the temperature in the court seemed to drop several degrees, making people shiver uncontrollably.

Bu Er watched the tennis ball sweeping towards him, with flashes of light in his eyes.

Buer shot up, and an invisible ripple surged from the air.

Tennis was like a tamed beast, and it became quiet in an instant.

The ear-piercing friction sound is gone, the huge momentum is gone, and everything is calm.

"Return to the ruins!"

Then with a swing, the tennis ball lightly passed over the net and fell to the ground.

"This is!"

Byodoin stared, this scene seemed familiar.

"Shuji Taneshima's self-destruction?"

Hayato Kitajima's icy face also showed a hint of shock, this boy actually has the same skills as Shuji Taneshima?
But soon, he adjusted his mentality, so what if he died, he was not afraid of Shuji Taneshima, but would he be afraid of a boy?

Looking at Hayato Kitajima who returned to the bottom line without saying a word to prepare for the next serve, Fuji couldn't help thinking of the coach's evaluation of Hayato Kitajima.

"This is a player with strong willpower!"

He was not affected at all, as if he wasn't the one who lost the ball just now, Hayato Kitajima served again, but it was still frozen.

Bu Er hurriedly got up to chase the ball, Guixu resolved his strength and rotation, and then slammed his forehand vigorously.

call out!
However, as soon as the tennis ball passed the net, the opponent had already appeared in front of the net, and rushed to the track of the tennis ball as if the second serve came first, and he raised and pressed his right hand hard.

I saw a stream of light hit the ground and flew past Buer quickly.

"Game, Hayato Kitajima, 15:15."

The referee's voice sounded, and Kitajima Hayato returned to the bottom line again, his face was still bone-chillingly cold.

"Sure enough!"

Bu Er couldn't help admiring in his heart, the opponent's five-dimensional is higher than him, just relying on the basic tennis, Fu Er knew that it might be really difficult for him to beat the opponent.

However, tennis competition is not just about the basics!

(End of this chapter)

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