Chapter 121 Domain

Even though he knew that freezing would not work against Fuji, Kitajima Hayato still chose his best style of play.

Thoroughly insisting on himself is also his style.

The ripples caused by the biting ice piercing into Guixu disappeared without a trace.

"go back!"

With a low shout, the tennis ball dragged an arc in the air and hit Bei Dao's left corner.

Kitajima Hayato's thigh erupted with great force, the afterimage dissipated, and appeared behind the tennis ball in an instant.

The right arm tilted down slightly, and then swung out violently.

Tennis balls pass by Fuji like a white horse, the speed of the ball is astonishingly fast.

"Nice diagonal flat shot!"

"Scored, this brat will definitely not be able to react."

From Buer's previous performance, the third-year players did not dare to underestimate Buer's strength, knowing that the opponent definitely has the strength of an army.

So Kitajima Hayato was able to score and they all looked very happy.

However, in the next second, something incredible happened.

The tennis ball was not far behind Buer's side, as if receiving some kind of traction, it drew a beautiful arc and circled back to Buer again.

"what? What?"

"This is."

The army onlookers were stunned.


Byodoin also had a bright eye, and blurted out.

Field is an advanced technology that requires extremely rich experience in tennis and precise ball control. Simply put, it is to control the opponent's return ball through the rotation angle and strength of the ball you play, so that all the opponent's return balls They all fly to the center of the court and move one step at a time.

Even in the world, such tricks are quite rare.

"No, it's not the same as the field!"

Irie Souda said with a serious expression that his extraordinary insight made him realize that this ball does not have the complicated rotation required by the field.

On the contrary, it is more like being pulled by an invisible string.

In fact, what Irie said is correct, this is indeed not a domain, but...

The home of the wind!

With the help of the ubiquitous wind in the court turned into invisible wind strings, it pulls the tennis ball living in the court and pulls it back in front of itself.

This is the combination of technical form and spiritual power, the incarnation of wind!

It is also the second dimension-level magical skill that Fuji has comprehended since Houshan, and it finally appears in front of the world at this moment!
Compared with everyone's shock, Kitajima Hayato can be said to be the calmest one.

As the perfect opponent, he clearly felt the oppression brought by the opponent.

Maybe he is slightly inferior to him in terms of strength and speed, but in other aspects, he is definitely better than him.

Definitely a player on the same level as him!

Kitajima Hayato raised his racket vigorously, and the tennis ball rose into the air in a beautiful arc with a violent spin, high over the net.

Kitajima Hayato is trying to break through the best line of defense with a topspin lob.

However, the tennis ball flew over the net and was about to cross the bottom line.

It was as if invisible winds were twisted into strings and rested on the tennis ball, and it seemed to be shackled by invisible forces.

The rotation of the tennis ball changed unexpectedly by Hayato Kitajima.

Fuji smiled slightly and led the shot with his right hand.

The wind strings are like kite strings, pulling the tennis ball over bit by bit.

The tennis ball turned into a golden beam and exploded at Hayato Kitajima's feet.

"Good... it's amazing!"

"Is this the domain! Sure enough, seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. Is there no way even Bei Dao can use the domain?"

The senior three players whispered among themselves that although they didn't want to admit it, Bei Dao had indeed fallen into a disadvantage.

At this time, Shuji Taneshima's face no longer had the hippie smile of the past, and became a little dignified.

"I said Irie, it's the wind! Isn't that right?"

Although it was a questioning tone, Tanejima had actually given an affirmative answer from the bottom of his heart.

"Hmm! Fuji-kun is really... unfathomable! This puts a lot of pressure on us seniors!"

In Jiang Zuo's face, he lamented that the waves behind the waves push the waves ahead, making it difficult to tell whether this was his truth or acting.

Oni Jujiro didn't speak, but just glanced at Byodoin Temple.

The corner of Byodoin's mouth raised slightly, which was unexpected.

In such a short period of time, this group of coaches dug out such a piece of rough jade from an unknown corner, just like the original Oni Jujiro.

Thinking of this, Byodoin only felt a dull pain in the scar on his forehead, he turned his head and met Kamiki Jujiro's eyes.


Byodoin snorted coldly and turned to look into the arena.

The same goes for Oni Jujiro.

On the court, the fierce offense and defense continued.

"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 2:0."

Although this round was won by Buer, this round is actually a bit anxious.

The best combination of Wind God Realm and Guixu allows Fuji to easily counter Kitajima Hayato's incoming ball.

And Kitajima Hayato really showed his terrifying strength, counterattacking Fuji's returns one by one, and even used his own foundation to suppress Fuji for a while, making Fuji a few times in danger.

Fortunately, the Wind God Territory showed great power, so it was able to win another round.

This round also allowed the onlookers and coaches to see a wonderful offensive and defensive battle.

Every timing is just right, chopping, lobbing, smashing, all the basic playing styles are vividly displayed in Fuji and Bei Dao, turning decay into magic, glowing with the incomparable charm of tennis.

All the third-year players were silent, especially those who ranked lower.

At this moment, I no longer dare to point to Buerzhi, because the strength shown by Buer is enough to defeat them.

If they are the best match, I am afraid they can only end in a disastrous defeat.



On the court, Fuji held the tennis ball with his left hand and took a deep breath.

Hayato Bei Dao on the opposite side seemed to have noticed something, his expression became more solemn, his spirit was tense, and he stared at Fuji on the opposite side.

Buer gently tossed the tennis ball, in Buer's sight, the tennis ball merged with the sun in the sky, his eyes were burning, and a strange spiritual force spread from the body of Buer.

Everyone was frozen in this moment.

As if a long time had passed, and it seemed as if it was just an instant, a distant sound of hitting the ball came.

The morning bell and evening drum, like the echo in the deep valley, suddenly awakened the people who were frozen in peace.

"What just happened?"

"Where's the tennis ball? Where's the tennis ball?"

"Look at it!"

Everyone looked in the direction of the man's finger, and a golden tennis ball was lying quietly at Bei Dao Hayato's feet.


Many people's Adam's apple moved, and they couldn't help swallowing.

"This... how is this possible!"

"Okay... so fast serve!"

Everyone thought that Fuji's serve was so fast that they couldn't react, and they were directly scored by Fuji without noticing the trajectory of the tennis ball.

"No, that's not right!"

Irie's gentle voice sounded, and instantly drew the focus of the audience to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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