Chapter 129
"Serve to the net? Well done!"

Miyazakigawa glanced and found the figure of Tachibana Yoshihei who swooped on the Internet.

Lead the racket to draw a straight line from the shoulder to the waist.

The tennis ball was accurately hit back to Jihei Tachibana's feet.

Almost as soon as Tachibana Jiping's front foot hit the ground, the tennis ball bounced off the ground and flew straight towards its face.

Tachibana Jiping didn't panic at all, while dodging sideways, he turned around and kicked back.

Miyazaki moved quickly to the landing point of the tennis ball, with his left foot in front, and the ball came from his side, the racket was slightly pulled back, the racket was tilted forward, and the racket was swung quickly from bottom to top.

The tennis ball flew over the net with a strong topspin, and then fell sharply.

Without the slightest hesitation, Tachibana Jiping turned around and ran after him.

He unabashedly showed a competitive heart and desire to win, and he tried his best for every ball as if it was the last ball.

"What a fierce attack!"

Seeing Tachibana Yoshihei in the field madly launching an offensive against Miyazakigawa, he wrote it down in his notebook while admiring.

"Of course, he is known as the Lion King of Kyushu."

Suddenly, beside the ears of everyone in Qingxue, a familiar voice sounded.

Everyone turned their heads to see that Buer was standing behind them with a smile on his face.

"No two!"

"No two!"

Everyone was very excited, and Kikumaru was even more attached to Fuji.

The arrival of Buer gave everyone in Qingxue a shot in the arm, and their nervous mood instantly eased.

"No two, how did you find this place?"

Yamato asked curiously.

"I saw on the schedule at the entrance that we had a bye, and I guessed that Gan would definitely come here to scout for intelligence, so I came here, but I didn't expect everyone to be here."

Bu Er explained with a smile.

"Welcome back to the team, Buer!"

Ripples appeared on Tezuka's face which was rare, and it was obvious that he was also a little excited.

"It's been a long time for you, Tezuka!"

Fuji smiled, and looked at Michi Tezuka in front of him.

"It's nothing, I'm also a part of the tennis club, this is what I should do." Tezuka said lightly.

Tezuka was born a qualified leader, and managing the tennis club was a piece of cake for him.

"Hmph! You guy, you still know to come back?"

Yajiujin came over, with his hands in his pockets, and looked at Buer with a displeased expression.

Fuji looked at Akutsu's hairstyle in astonishment. The original black mushroom head was gone, replaced by the familiar silver hair in his impression.

"Aren, what's the matter with your hair?"

Bu Er snickered, pointing to Ya Jiujin's hair and asked the soul question.

"I know this, I know." Kikumaru jumped off Fuji, raised his right hand and said: "One day, Akutsu played a game with Tezuka and lost to Tezuka. His hairstyle changed the next day. It's like this."


Fuji dragged his long voice with a smirk, and turned his gaze to Akutsu.

There was a faintly visible layer of red on Yakujin's fair face, and he had a fierce look on his face.

"You guy, are you courting death?!!!"

Kikumaru felt the murderous aura emanating from Akutsu, and instantly hid behind Fuji.

"Buer is back, I'm not afraid of you!"

Bu Er pulled the two of them away with some nerve-wracking, "Okay, okay, there are so many people watching, don't be ashamed."


Yakutsu curled his lips in displeasure: "I didn't change my hairstyle because I lost to Tezuka, you all remember it for me!"

"No two, do you know this Tachibana Jihei very well?"

Gan pushed his glasses and asked Fuji.

"It doesn't count, I just know a little bit." Fuer smiled and said: "He and Chitose Chisato, another first-year player from Shizile Middle School, are known as the two heroes of Kyushu, and they are known as the lion king of Kyushu."

"The Lion King of Kyushu? What an appropriate title!"

Yamato looked at Tachibana Yoshihei on the field with a powerful smash to win his serve, and couldn't help sighing.

"It seems that our next opponent should be Shizile Middle School!"

Dry said silently.

"Well, it should be like this without accident."

Fuji nodded, judging by the aura of Tachibana Jiping, it should have reached the national level, and the other Chitose Qianli, who is also known as the Kyushu duo with him, must be similar.

Shizile Middle School split them into singles, and basically won two games for sure.

Thinking of this, Fuji sighed slightly.

Wuzizaka Middle School still has strength. If it hadn't been for Shizile Middle School, it might not be able to go forward a few more rounds.

This is the former alma mater of Shuji Taneshima and Kanata Irie. In the last few national competitions, relying on the strength of Shuji Taneshima and Kanata Irie, they also achieved good results.

But when the main players of Tanejima and Irie's class went to school one after another, the strength of Maikozaka Middle School was greatly weakened.

This is also the status quo of many schools. Many schools, including the previous champion Makino Fuji, have fallen into a situation of lack of acceptance.

That's why this year's National Competition was exceptionally exciting. The dark horses continued to show up, attacking for the highest throne.

Soon, although Miyazakigawa tried his best, there was still a gap in strength between him and Tachibana Yoshihei.

"This game was won by Jihei Tachibana of Shizile Middle School, with a score of 6:2."

After winning the first round of singles three, the next doubles round was even more one-sided.

Shizile Middle School's doubles has always been their trump card, but the doubles played by Wuzizaka is obviously a temporary team partner, and it is far inferior to Shizile Middle School's doubles two in terms of strength and tacit understanding.

As the surrounding crowd burst into enthusiastic shouts, a boy with thick black hair stepped out from the team of Shizile Middle School.

Thousands of miles!

"Come on Chitose, let them see your strength!"

"Come on, Chitose! You are the ace of our Lion Raku!"

Many of the spectators present were from the Kyushu area, and they had high expectations for these two boys who were also known as the Kyushu duo.

Chitose Chisato glanced at Tezuka on the stand, and a strong aura surged from Chitose's body, sweeping away in all directions.

Feeling the strong aura of Chitose Qianli, many viewers were excited.

"It's the realm of selflessness!"

"Is it full firepower as soon as it comes up? It really deserves to be a thousand years old!"

The spectators who have watched the Kyushu regional competition said this trick in one word. They came from afar to appreciate the superb strength of thousands of years.

Chitose Chisato glanced at Tezuka, and then directly threw the tennis ball into the sky.

With a bang, the tennis ball shot towards the opposite half like an arrow from the string.

"Tezuka, he's declaring war on you!"

Fuji saw Chitose Chisato's actions in his eyesight, and the opponent was clearly challenging Tatsuka.


Tezuka nodded, he naturally saw Chitose Chisato's actions, but now Chitose Chisato is no longer able to pose any threat to Tezuka.

There is only one opponent in Tezuka's heart, and that is Fuji!
(End of this chapter)

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