Chapter 130

Soon, the five games between Shizile Middle School and Wuzizaka Middle School all came to an end. The head of Wuzizaka Middle School is also a national-level master. He played in the singles and won the only victory for Wuzizaka Middle School. .

"Let's go, it's our turn tomorrow!"

After watching the last match, Buer took the Qingxue tennis team and left.

Although the distance between Osaka and Tokyo is not too far, if you take the Shinkansen, it is only two or three hours by car, but considering the rest and state of the players, in addition to local schools, most of the schools in other places will choose to be in Osaka Find a hotel to stay.

Qingxue entered the national competition for the first time in history, and the school naturally took good care of the tennis team.

Because there are no coaches, the school originally planned to send someone to take care of these children's board and lodging in Osaka, but Tezuka refused.

Although they didn't send anyone to come, the funds given by the school to the tennis club are not small at all, which is enough for them to live comfortably and eat happily in Osaka this time.

After finding a nice hotel, a few people settled their luggage and began to think about dinner.

Although dinner was provided in the hotel, it was the first time for everyone in Qingxue to come to Osaka, so naturally they wanted to go out for a walk.

"When you come to Osaka, you must try the authentic Takoyaki and Okonomiyaki!"

Mentioning this, Kikumaru became very excited.

He had eaten takoyaki a few times in Tokyo, and fell in love with it immediately.

When I came to Osaka this time, Kikumaru wanted to try the local takoyaki for a long time.

"But it's not good to eat too much of this kind of thing?"

Kawamura Takashi is not very interested in this kind of thing, and it is really not good to eat too much of this kind of thing.

While a few people were arguing endlessly, Bu Er suddenly looked up and saw a barbecue shop.

"Why don't we go eat barbecue!"

Everyone froze for a moment, then nodded.

Barbecue is not unacceptable!

Thus, Qingxue and his party rushed into this barbecue shop in a mighty manner.

It's just that they didn't see that behind them, a khaki legion and a blue and white team followed behind them.

One left and one right collided face to face.

"We meet again, Sanada!"

Keigo Atobe stood at the front of the line, looking directly at Genichiro Sanada with a serious face!

Sanada nodded, and Sanada was also a little surprised to meet Atobe here.

He originally thought that for a young master like Atobe, someone should be responsible for taking care of the food, instead of going out to solve it by themselves like they and Qingxue.

"It looks like Qingxue is very happy!"

Atobe turned his head to look into the store, and could vaguely hear the voice of Kikumaru Eiji, the living treasure of Seigaku, talking loudly.

A gleam flashed in Yukimura's eyes, and he smiled at Atobe and said, "Sorry, my team members and I are excused first!"

After all, he took Sanada and others and pushed open the door of this barbecue shop.

Compared to Hyotei, Yukimura is more interested in Seigaku and Fuji.

"Heh! How can such things be less than our Ice Empress!"

Atobe snapped his fingers with his right hand, and also walked into the shop with Shinobu and others.

"This is Lihai Yamato and Ice Emperor! Why are they here?"

Gan looked at a group of people who kept coming up from the stairs, they were all old acquaintances.

"Long time no see, Buer!"

Yukimura had a warm smile on his face, and his amethyst-like eyes looked straight at him.

"Long time no see, Yukimura!"

"Hey, hey! I told you guys, don't ignore the existence of my uncle!"

Atobe held his head high, these two guys were really outrageous, they dared to ignore his existence.

"Atobe-san is still so interesting!"

Fuji put his hands on the table and looked at Atobe with a smile on his face.

"Since we are so destined, why not share a table together?"

It's not a problem to see Li Haida standing with the ice emperor's people all the time, but fortunately he was the one who opened the mouth. After all, they are all schools in the Tokyo area, so it's good to exchange feelings with each other.

"In that case, then interrupt!"

Yukimura went straight to sit opposite Fuji, followed by Sanada, who was facing Tezuka.

The four looked at each other, Fuji and Yukimura all smiled, while Tezuka and Sanada kept their faces straight, the atmosphere suddenly became strange.

Unable to bear the weird atmosphere, Kikumaru and others who were originally sitting at this table silently moved the tableware to the next table.

In the end, the only people left on this table are Fuji, Tezuka, Yukimura, Sanada, Akutsu and Atobe!
The charcoal started to burn, and all kinds of meat began to simmer on the barbecue net, and the smell of meat wafted in the air.

"No two, so you like dipping sauce when you eat barbecue, don't you?"

Tezuka looked at Fuji.

Fuji smiled and glanced at the dipping plate in front of Tezuka, "Why, Tezuka, you are dipping salt pie?"

"I'm the same as Fuji, I'm also a dipping sauce pie."

Yukimura picked up a piece of well-cooked barbecue, lightly coated the surface with a layer of sauce, and put it in his mouth.

"The spiciness and mellowness of the sauce form a wonderful symphony. I can't resist this exciting feeling."

Yukimura squinted his eyes, staring at the dipping plate in front of Sanada that was exactly the same as Tezuka.

"It's not too late to eat something like salt when you get older!"

Sanada put down the chopsticks in his hand, "It seems that the two of you still haven't grasped the essence of eating barbecue, you say so, Tezuka!"

"Cut! Boring arguments!"

Yakutsu curled his lips in disdain, picked up a few pieces of barbecue, first rolled them in the seasoning plate covered with salt, and then put them in the plate full of sauce.

He couldn't figure out what's the point of arguing about it, children only make choices, and he wants them all!
"Oh! My uncle is different from you. My favorite is authentic barbecue."

Atobe picked up a piece of barbecue and blew it, chewing it several times in his mouth, "It's just that the quality of this barbecue is really not worthy of my status!"

On the other side, Gan and Liu are constantly turning over the pieces of meat on the grill, controlling the best heat with the accuracy of seconds.

"Okay, it's ready."

Kikumaru twitched his thumbs after getting dry's instructions.

"Then I'm welcome!"

Just when Kikumaru was about to stretch out his chopsticks, someone tapped him on the shoulder.

Turning his head, he saw Akutsu's conspicuous silver hair.

"Tezuka asked you to bring him a plate of sauce."

"Akutsu" turned his back to Kikumaru and said, but the voice sounded somewhat strange.

"Oh, okay."

Kikumaru looked at Tezuka in the distance. There was only a plate of salt on the table, so he walked towards Tezuka with a plate of barbecue sauce.

"Here, the sauce you want!"

Putting down the plate in his hand, Kikumaru just wanted to hurry back and enjoy the food.

"I didn't ask for dipping sauce!"

Tezuka gave Kikumaru a strange look, and said lightly.

"Huh?" Kikumaru's left foot almost didn't stop, "But Akutsu just told me clearly..."

Akutsu raised his head and glanced at Kikumaru disdainfully, "I've been sitting here without moving since just now! You idiot!"


Kikumaru shook his head and slapped himself hard.

He knew that Yajiujin would not joke with him like this.

Is it!

Are you hallucinating yourself? ! ! !


"The battle was successful!"

In a small corner that no one knew about, Nioh gave a strange laugh, and gently stuffed the wig in his right hand back into his pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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