The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 131 First Battle

Chapter 131 First Battle
"Kuwahara, are you alright?!"

Marui looked at the barbecue under Kuwahara's hands, and asked impatiently.

"Okay, it's ready!"

Kuwahara confirmed it and nodded.

Just when Marui was about to stretch out his chopsticks, a black shadow flashed beside him.

"Then I'm welcome!"

Marui froze for a moment, the barbecue in front of him had disappeared.

"You bastard! How dare you snatch my barbecue!"

Marui looked angrily at Kikumaru, who was eating so much. This guy dared to take away the Brazilian-style barbecue that Kuwahara had prepared for him.

"Forget Wentai, it's just a piece of barbecue, and there are more here!"

Kuwahara hurriedly grabbed his partner who was about to explode, a little helpless, these two guys are really childish.

"Kikumaru, you're so serious, you're going to lose Qing Xue's face!"

Xiang Riyue couldn't help but chuckled.

"Oh? What is this? It looks delicious!"

Suddenly, Xiang Ri swept his eyes and found a cup of blue drink beside Gan.

Just a little thirsty, he picked it up and shook it.

"No! No! Don't!"

Kikumaru hurriedly wanted to stop it, but because of the large amount of roasted meat stuffed into his mouth, he became a little bit clenching his teeth.

After drinking a cup, Xiang Ri's face instantly became distorted.

He pinched his neck desperately, and then fell straight to the ground.

"Hey! Yue Ren! Yue Ren!"

The ice emperor and everyone hurried over, Shishido Ryo grabbed Gan's collar.

"You bastard! What did you give Yueren to drink?"

Gan pushed his glasses and said: "Don't get excited, first, I didn't drink it for Xiang Ri, he took it himself."

"Second, it's just a very ordinary special drink."

A gleam of light flashed on Yuji Ninzu's glasses, "Normal? Are you sure?"

Seeing this, Fuji got up and took out a thermos from his dry backpack, and poured out a cup of exactly the same blue liquid from it.

All in one drink!

"The taste is very good!"

Some unsatisfied smacked his mouth, and Fuji said with a smile.

"Cut! Yue Ren is really, there are enough weak ones!"

Seeing this, the Ice Emperor's people also knew that it should not be a bad thing, so they had to carry Xiang Riyue to the side of the tatami and put it away.

"No, can you pour me a glass too?"

Yukimura said softly that he also wanted to try the delicious drink that Fuji said.

Fuji chuckled, and filled the cup in front of Yukimura.

Yukimura picked up the cup and took a sip. In an instant, a strange feeling rushed from his abdomen to the sky.

Yukimura kept holding the cup like this, and it took a while before his body regained consciousness.

"No, your taste is really unique!!!"

Yukimura hesitated for a moment, but decided to give up the special drink.

Afterwards, Liu and Qian exchanged their experience in making special punishment tea. Liu felt that Qian’s method of motivating team members to train had many merits. Big training "reward"!
The tragic life of most members of Lihai kicked off!

Since there were competitions in the three schools on the second day, everyone didn't exchange many greetings. After eating the barbecue, they went back to their hostels.

The next day, the Osaka Forest Park was full of voices.

Today is the start of the second knockout round of the National Competition. After the baptism of the first round, the subsequent games will only become more and more exciting.

The champion of Kanto against the overlord of Kyushu.

How can this kind of competition not attract the attention of the audience, the crowd is crowded, many media reporters are also involved, and occasionally even some neon professional players can be seen.

Although it is only a competition in the middle school circle, with the foreshadowing of the previous diamond generation, the national competition in the middle school world has also been sought after by many people.

This year's national competition, the number of spectators was a bit scary.

This time the national competition, the organizers are obviously very attentive, and the scale of everything is close to the scale of the top international competitions.

Just when everyone was looking forward to it, the green light of the contestant passage suddenly turned on, and the smoke machine arranged at the entrance of the passage sprayed out, and the audience immediately cheered.

When the contestants of Qingxue and Shizile stepped out of the passage from both sides, the cheers reached their peak, shaking the sky like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

"My wife is exaggerating!"

As soon as they walked out of the passageway, everyone in Qingxue was shocked by the thunderous cheers.

Dashi instantly became a little nervous.

"Is this the national competition? The sudden pressure is so great!"

"Well, this competition can be said to be a severe challenge for you." Fuji nodded with a rare serious expression on his face.

"If you can't overcome the tension in your heart, it is likely to cause your own performance to be abnormal!"

The referees and staff were making final preparations, and everyone from Qingxue waited silently in the player's bench.

As time passed bit by bit, they also gradually calmed down from the initial nervousness and discomfort.

Feeling the cheers and shouts of the audience around, when integrated into this environment, imagining that I am a superstar under the spotlight, a sense of pride emerges spontaneously.

"Oshi, we must work hard!"

On Kikumaru, there was a rare temperament called calmness.

"Well, Eiji, we can definitely become the number one doubles team in the country!"

Oishi nodded vigorously, this is the oath he and Kikumaru made on the abandoned container in the park.

It's not just the two of them, everyone in Qingxue has set a goal in their hearts after reaching this point.

That is to reach the national competition finals all the way, and then take advantage of the trend to win the national competition championship!
Soon, the referee's voice sounded on the radio.

"The second round of the national competition, the competition between Youth Academy and Shizile Middle School is about to begin."

"Contestants from both sides please line up and salute!"

Hearing the referee's voice, the chaotic and noisy audience instantly became quiet.

At the same time, the teams of Qingxue and Shizile also stepped onto the court, stood face to face across the net, and then bowed and saluted!
"Next is the first singles match!"

"Youth Academy Akutsujin VS Shiraku Middle School Tachibana Yoshihei!"

"Contestants on both sides, please get ready!"

After hearing the referee's voice, Akutsu stepped into the field with arrogant steps, and the audience supporting Qingxue immediately remembered the warm cheers.

At the same time, the dazzling blond-haired Tachibana Jiping also came out of the contestant area of ​​Shizile Middle School, and the supporters of Shizile Middle School also cheered.

Amid the cheers, Akutsu and Yoshihei Tachibana walked to the net and stood face to face.

Looking at Tezuka Kunimitsu in the distance, Tachibana Yoshihei said with some regret: "I thought it would be Tezuka's singles three!"

Yakujin glanced at Tachibana Jiping with a slight contempt, and said provocatively: "I heard that you are called the Lion King of Kyushu?"


Tachibana Jihei looked directly at Akutsu, he is not the gentle leader of the Black Legion in the future, he is in the first grade when his personality is flamboyant.

A head of long golden hair danced arrogantly and unrestrainedly in the wind, the style of the game was fierce and violent, like a lion.

"I hope your strength can be worthy of your title!"

Yakutsu said with a look of disdain.

What Tachibana Yoshihei said just now reminded Akutsu of not-so-good memories.


(End of this chapter)

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