The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 133 The Devil's Breath

Chapter 133 The Devil's Breath

Seeing the blond-haired Jihei Tachibana dancing wildly, Akutsu became interested. The aura on the other party was somewhat similar to the aura he had learned under Fuji's teaching.

Under the blessing of the beast's breath, Ju Jiping's strength is stronger than before, and the speed of the ball has also become faster.

Yakujin's body sprang out like a cheetah, and the racket accurately intercepted the returning tennis ball.

There was a dull sound, and the force attached to the tennis ball made Yakujin couldn't help raising his brows.

This is already close to his strength in a normal state.

After activating the beast's aura, Tachibana Jiping's aura became even more compelling, launching a frenzied attack like a wild lion.

Super offensive tennis, totally ignorant of what defense is!

However, on the opposite side of him, Yajiujin withstood his attacks one by one, and even suppressed him a little bit.

Akutsu stomped his feet on the ground, arched his body back and shot high into the air.

Facing the oncoming tennis ball, Akutsu still had that supercilious look on his face.

The racket was buckled heavily, and the inertia plus the huge force caused the tennis ball to deform.

The tennis ball hit Tachibana Yoshihei's half court like a high-speed cannonball with tremendous force.

The ground seemed to be shaken by this ball, and this powerful ball once again tore apart Tachibana Jiping's defense.

"Game, Akutsujin, 1:0, change game!"

Tachibana Jihei took a deep breath, the sense of oppression brought to him by the other party was really amazing.

His back was completely soaked, and the neon in August, neither the temperature nor the humidity, was not so friendly to the players.

Such a high-intensity exercise made Ju Jiping's back completely soaked in sweat, and his clothes fit tightly on his body, fully showing the muscles of his upper body.

"You guy, is this the only level?"

When the two passed by on the sidelines, Yajiujin mocked with a faint expression on his pale and expressionless face.

Ju Jiping paused, without making a sound, and walked silently towards the half-court in front of him.

The form is stronger than the person, and the strength of the opponent is really scary.

Whether it's speed, strength, endurance or technique, he doesn't have the upper hand, and is completely suppressed by the opponent.

Even if he turned on the breath of the beast, it only smoothed out his own disadvantages, but he still couldn't get a point from the opponent.

Qingxue's Akutsuren, such a character is actually only Qingxue's third single.

Thinking of this, Tachibana Jiping's heart sank.

At this time, he can only fight hard.

If he can win this set, then based on the doubles strength of Shizile Middle School, they may not be able to win the two pairs of doubles from Qingxue.

But if he loses, the balance of victory in this team competition will be tilted towards Youth Academy.

After the game change, it was Akutsu's turn to serve.

Seemingly out of patience, Yajiujin decided not to play with the other party any longer.

"The Lion King of Kyushu, right? Let me see you off!"

As soon as Ya Jiujin finished speaking, a scarlet flame appeared out of thin air all over his body, burning blazingly.

Under the light of the dark red flames, Yakutsu's pale face became terrifying!
"This is!"

Ju Jiping's expression changed, not only him, but also Shizile Middle School and the audience present.

This aura is somewhat similar to the beast aura on Ju Jiping, but the aura is more breathtaking.

"You can actually smell the breath of a beast!"

Ju Jiping's face darkened, even the Lion King felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

In fact, this is not the breath of a beast, but Akutsu's wild breath combined with his own ability to be born from the devil factor, which is unique to Akutsu.

It should be called the breath of the devil, which is more appropriate.

Selling his spiritual power to the "demon" in exchange for a stronger outbreak, this is the ability he evolved after he completely mastered demonization.

Although it will still consume a lot of mental power, it is nothing compared to the consumption of demonization.

"Oh! Watch me beat you into a dead lion!"

Affected by the breath of the devil, Akutsu's temper became even more manic.

There was only a sound of hitting the ball, and the tennis ball had come to Tachibana Jihei's feet in an instant.


The huge force caused the tennis ball to elongate when it hit the ground. After frantically rubbing against the ground, it bounced violently towards Tachibana Jihei's face.

Sensing the danger, Tachibana twisted his body subconsciously, the tennis ball flew past his face, and a small wound on his handsome face began to ooze scarlet blood.

"Game, Akutsujin, 15:0."

Tachibana Jihei wiped the wound, the tennis ball played by the guy opposite was as dangerous as him.

"What a sidespin serve, it looks like Jiping is going to be in trouble!"

The third-year senior of Shizile Middle School sighed, the situation on the field is very unfavorable for Tachibana Yoshihei.

Chitose Qianli didn't speak, but stood up silently, cheering for Tachibana Jiping from the bottom of her heart.

boom! --boom!

In the subsequent game, Tachibana Yoshihei was completely suppressed by Akutsu.

Even if he wanted to resist, but with his strength, he still couldn't do it after all.

With the sound of the referee's judgment, the game also came to an end.

"This game was won by Youth Academy Akutsujin, with a score of 6:0."

Tachibana Jiping shook his head with a wry smile.

This is the worst loss he has ever lost since he started playing tennis in elementary school.

There is absolutely no room for retaliation.

At the end of the game, he took back the scarlet flames all over Akutsu's body, walked to the net with a supercilious expression on his face, and stretched out his right hand to Tachibana Yoshihei.

"You guy, you're not bad at all!"

Although Akutsu won, Tachibana Yoshihei's strength was also recognized by him.

Especially in Tachibana Yoshihei, Akutsu saw some qualities similar to himself.

Ju Jiping shook his head, and said with a wry smile: "Thank you for your advice!"

"You're welcome!"

Yakujin grinned, smiling presumptuously.

It turns out that this feeling of educating others is so comfortable!
Yakujin finally understands why Fuji always likes to practice with him!
Returning to the contestant bench of Lion Music, Tachibana Yoshihira said bitterly to everyone: "I'm sorry to disappoint everyone!"

"Hey! Ji Ping, it's not your fault, the opponent's strength is too strong!"

"That's right, cheer up Ji Ping! You are the pride of our lion music, I believe you will be able to find your place again next time!"

The rest of Shizile Middle School didn't mean to blame Tachibana Jiping. The opponent's strength was indeed too strong. No matter which one of them played, the end result would probably not be better than Tachibana Jiping's.

"It's fine, Jin!"

Fuji said with a smile, he didn't expect Yajiujin to improve so much during the month he left.

Being able to integrate demonization into his own beast breath shows that Akutsu can already control the demonized state independently.

"Cut! Don't come here!"

Even though he said this, it can be seen from Akutsu's expression that he is still very useful in the words of Fuji.

Handing Akutsu a clean towel, Fuji turned to Kan and Kawamura and said, "Next, it's your turn to perform! Do it, Aaron!"


Gan and Kawamura nodded heavily after returning from warm-up.

This is the first match of their national competition, so naturally they have to go all out to win this match for Qingxue!

(End of this chapter)

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