The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 134 Suisato VS Tezuka Kunimitsu

Chapter 134 Chitose Chisato VS Tezuka Kunimitsu
Shizile Middle School's doubles team was a pair of third-year teams, and their strength was not bad, but they were still defeated in the face of dry data tennis and Kawamura's strength.

"This round was won by Sadaharu Seigakugan and Takashi Kawamura, with a score of 6:2."

As the referee announced the result, the audience gave their applause to the young pair of Qingxue.

Among the crowd, two familiar figures were recording the moment of victory with their cameras.

It was Seigaku's old friends, Mamoru Inoue and Saori Shiba.

Mamoru Inoue put down the camera in his hand, and said with some emotion: "They have become stronger!"

Recalling the first time he saw the doubles performance of Gan and Kawamura, Mamoru Inoue could only lament the importance of talent.

From being decent at the beginning, to now being an outstanding combination both in terms of tacit understanding and doubles skills, it only took a few short months.

This clean and neat game also ignited the enthusiasm of the audience.


"Shizi Le lost so badly, Qingxue's first-year strength is really terrifying!"

No one could have imagined that the third-grade doubles team from Shizile Middle School, known as the overlord of Kyushu, would lose to Qingxue's first-year team, and Qi Xue lost so thoroughly.

Chitose Chisato, who had just returned from warm-up, looked at the bright score and said helplessly, "Jiping, it seems that this game is over for us!"

The tone is full of regret and exclamation!

"It's okay Chitose, just don't leave any regrets, we still have a chance. In the next national competition, I believe we can go further!"

Ju Jiping's eyes were fixed, and he was very self-blaming for not being able to win the first game.

Chitose Chisato shook his head. Although he and Jihei Tachibana could still wait for next year's national competition, the other main candidates of Shizile Middle School were already in the third grade.


"If only Suzuki-senpai and Washio-senpai were still around, their doubles would surely shut up these people!"

Listening to the bad voice of the lion music from the sidelines, the players of the lion music gritted their teeth, feeling unwilling.

Unfortunately, there are no ifs in this world.

"The following is the second round of the national competition."

"Youth Academy and Shizile Middle School, a singles match."

"Youth Academy Tezuka Kunimitsu VS Shiraku Middle School Chitose Chisato."

"Players from both sides please come on stage!"

As the sound of the broadcast resounded throughout the audience, the smoke machine at the entrance of the corridor sprayed out a burst of white smoke.

From the smoke, two figures slowly walked out.

The audience immediately applauded like thunder, and the sound shook the sky.

These two people are very topical players.

One is Chitose Chisato, one of the Kyushu duo, and the other is Tezuka Kunimitsu, the well-known emperor of Seigaku who stepped on the throne of the Great Emperor Sanada Genichiro!

The game between these two people must be extraordinarily exciting.

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, Tezuka and Chitose came to the net, and the two sides shook hands and saluted.

"I've been looking forward to playing against you, Tezuka!"

Chitose Chisato looked down at Tezuka and said with a light smile.

It's not because Qiantose Qianli is domineering, but because he is really too tall.

Although he is only in the first grade, Chitose Chisato's height has surpassed Tezuka more and more, even taller than many high school students.

"I'm also looking forward to playing against you."

Tezuka said lightly, he could feel a powerful energy boiling inside Chitose Chisato's body.

This energy Tezuka is familiar with and cannot be more familiar with, it is the power of selflessness!
Qiantose Qianli smiled lightly and said: "I can feel whether you have my breath on your body."

"It's a very keen feeling." Tezuka responded lightly.

"It seems that this is a duel between the realms of selflessness! I hope to get a different inspiration!"

Chitose Chisato's face was beaming with joy, staring at Tezuka with piercing eyes.

Since realizing the profound meaning of selflessness, Chitose has been pursuing his own future on the road of selflessness.

He is the most devout believer in Wuwutang, and what he desires most is to have a duel between the realms of Wuwu.

Nothing can improve the limit of selflessness like a duel between selflessness realms!

Today's goddess of luck seems to be on Chitose Chisato's side, and he was lucky to get the right to serve.

The two sides came to the bottom line and the game officially began.

Hold the tennis ball firmly in one hand and the racket in the other.

A strong aura suddenly erupted from Qiantose Qianli's body.

A faint, milky white aura emerged from his body, even if the sun was shining brightly, he could still vaguely see the light on Chitose Qianli's body.

"Tezuka, can you please show me your anatta!"

Chitose spoke with anticipation.

Chitose Chisato could feel that Tezuka had gone farther than him on the road of selflessness.

If he can see Tezuka Kunimitsu's selflessness, then maybe he can use this game as an opportunity to see what a deeper level of selflessness is.

A powerful aura also erupted from Tezuka's body, sweeping all directions, this aura was even more terrifying than that of Chitose Chisato.

The selfless light on Tezuka's body is even more dazzling than Chitose's.

Chitose commented on the light on Tezuka's body with greedy eyes, and he, who also opened the realm of selflessness, can deeply feel the constant oppression from Tezuka's body at this moment.

In fact, since Qiantui Qianli can independently open the realm of selflessness, it is obvious that his realm of selflessness has also reached the level of proficient use.

But compared with Tezuka, he is still much inferior.

But Chitose Qianli was not afraid at all, and with excitement, he quickly swung the racket.

The tennis ball flew quickly towards Tezuka's half court.

Moments across the net.

In the eyes of the audience, the tennis ball suddenly disappeared in the air.

"what happened?"

"Where's the ball?"

"Am I dazzled? How did the tennis ball disappear!"

The audience boiled instantly, they had never seen such a skill before.


"Did you use this trick as soon as you came up? Shen Yin!"

The contestants from Shizile Middle School looked at Chitose, who had used his divine presence as soon as he came up, and said in surprise.

"After all, the opponent is Aigaku's Tezuka Kunimitsu, and I'm afraid that other tricks won't work against him!"

Tachibana Jiping's eyes were fixed on the field, he didn't want to miss any wonderful moment in this level of duel.


On the field, Tezuka's face did not change at all, it was still calm and indifferent.

The leg muscles suddenly exerted strength, and Tezuka's figure had already appeared in one place.

Without the slightest extra movement, he raised the racket and swung it into the air.

There was a crisp hitting sound.

The tennis ball appears out of nowhere and is intercepted by the racket.

With a flick of his left hand, a stream of light flashed across.

"Game, Tezuka Kunimitsu, 15:0."

The audience was silent for a moment, and it took a long while before bursts of applause broke out.

"Good... it's amazing!"

"I haven't even seen where the ball is, but Tezuka Kunimitsu from Aigaku has already hit back!"

"I saw through the opponent's tricks at a glance, and the speed of the ball this time is too amazing!"

Mamoru Inoue's heart was filled with admiration for Tezuka.

The strength of this young man is that he has watched him grow up step by step. In his opinion, Tezuka has a talent comparable to that of Echizen Minamijiro.

The audience was shocked, and Qiantui Qianli was also a little unbelievable.

At first he thought he could compete with Tezuka, but now...

It can only be said to be young and frivolous!

(End of this chapter)

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