The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 135 The Showdown Without Me

Chapter 135 The Showdown Without Me

Suppressing the shock in his heart, Qiantose Qianli swung his racket again.

Still hidden.

Facing such a powerful Tezuka, there is no way to compete with him without going all out.

The moment the tennis ball passed the net, it disappeared in front of everyone again.

This time, Chitose Chisato's eyes were fixed on Tezuka's movements.


At the moment Tezuka swung the racket, Chitose Chisato read the trajectory of the tennis ball from Tezuka's movements.

However, when Chitose Qianli was staring at the return ball with breathless concentration, the tennis ball disappeared again the moment it passed the net.

"Unexpectedly! The opponent actually played Shenyin?!"

The players of Shizile Middle School were shocked beyond measure, and Tezuka Kunimitsu actually played a thousand-year-old skill!

Could it be that this guy has learned Shenyin just by watching Chitose play a ball?

If so, it would be too scary!

Although Qiantose Qianli was equally shocked in his heart, his movements did not stop at all.

As the pioneer of the Shenyin technique, Qiantose Qianli naturally understands it very well.

The tennis ball appears out of thin air and crashes into the net of the racket.

"Good weight!"

Chitose Qianli frowned, the strength of this ball was beyond his imagination.

It's hard to imagine that Tezuka's seemingly slender body actually has the strength not to lose to Tachibana Yoshihei.

The muscles on his arm were exerting force crazily, Chitose Chisato gritted his teeth, and raised his right hand violently.

The tennis ball went straight to Tezuka's side baseline at a tricky angle.

"Beautiful! The opponent must not have time to react to this ball!"

Seeing Chitose Chisato's beautiful diagonal kick, the players of Shizile Middle School cheered up. In their opinion, Chitose had already won the ball.

However, Tezuka didn't intend to move his footsteps at all.

With him as the center, a whirlwind suddenly appeared around Tezuka, and even the air seemed to be pulled and became a little sticky.

The tennis ball, which was about to bounce out of bounds after landing, seemed to be attracted inexplicably. It drew a strange curve in the air, and was attracted to a place one step away from Tezuka.

A faint light appeared in Tezuka's left hand, and then he swung it vigorously.

The hitting sound of this ball seems to be extraordinarily heavy.

God hidden!

The audience still couldn't see the tennis ball, they could only understand from the shaking net that the tennis ball had hit Chitose's court.

The tall Chitose Chisato quickly moved into the arena with his long legs.

In front of him, a golden tennis ball suddenly appeared.

"As expected of Chitose, Shenyin has nothing to hide in front of him!"

The contestants of Shizile looked happy. Now they can only believe in the strength of thousands of years.

As soon as the racket in Chitose Qianli's hand touched the tennis ball, a huge force and strong rotation spread along the racket to his right hand like tarsal maggots.


In an instant, Chitose Qianli instinctively let go of his right hand, the racket fell to the ground, and the tennis ball bounced and rolled out of the court after falling straight down.

"Game, Tezuka Kunimitsu, 30:0."

Chitose Chisato looked at his still numb right hand in horror, then turned his head to look at Tezuka's left hand wrapped in dense light.

"This is!"

The eyes of thousands of years old are full of pious gazes like pilgrims.

"This is the ultimate limit of the three gates of Wuwotang Ao!"

"Accumulate the power of selflessness in the body, then gather it in the left hand, and fight back with double the force, rotation, etc.?!! It's really a perfect mystery!"

Although he was defeated by a single ball, he was still very excited to see the true face of Lushan who had been tempered to the limit.

"Two balls!"

Just as Chitose Qianli suppressed the excitement in his heart and was about to serve, Tezuka Kunimitsu, who was opposite him, suddenly spoke lightly.

Maybe other people don't know what this means, but those who are struggling to pursue the path of selflessness for thousands of years will understand it at once.

This is another door to the mystery of selflessness, the limit of brilliance!

"Unexpectedly, two doors were opened at the same time!"

Chitose Chisato was completely shocked by Tezuka's talent and talent. As a devout believer in the realm of selflessness, Chitose Chisato naturally knew what kind of talent was needed to open the door to the mystery of selflessness.

Even Echizen Minamijiro, at Tezuka's age, couldn't open two doors at the same time like Tezuka did.

If Chitose Chisato knew that Tezuka had even opened the limit of seamlessness, God knows if he would have passed away excitedly!

"Let me experience the charm of brilliance!"

Throw the ball for thousands of years, bend your knees, bow, and bounce.

The racket swung an arc from behind and hit the tennis ball thrown into the air hard.

God hidden!

The seemingly disappearing tennis ball was invisible in Tezuka's eyes. His left hand was wrapped in dazzling light, and the light between his swings shone like a shooting star.

As if even the air was blasted, the strength of this ball shocked the audience!
The strong wind hit his face, and Qiantose Qianli held the racket tightly with both hands, and used all the strength in his body to meet it.

The surface of the racket sank in an instant, and the tennis ball deformed violently on the surface of the racket. The powerful force and rotation instantly left a deep imprint on the racket.

The veins in Qiantose Qianli's hands popped out, and the muscles condensed into lumps.

His feet firmly gripped the ground, trying to prevent himself from retreating. Once he retreated, it would mean "defeat!".

The right foot kicked back fiercely, and the violent friction caused sparks to be faintly visible under the foot.

"Go back to me!"

With a roar in his mouth, with the help of this tone, Qiantose Qianli hit the ball back abruptly.

However, the strong force still caused Chitose's ball to lose its previous accuracy, and it crossed the net with a high throw curve lightly.

Tezuka jumped up, and under the blessing of his left hand, he blasted a ball.

The momentum like a meteorite falling to the ground destroyed everything along the way.

The ground was instantly sunken, and the audience could even feel the ground tremble.

"Game, Tezuka Kunimitsu, 40:0."

On the high chair, the referee wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, swallowed and reported the score.

The ball just now made this experienced referee a little scared. If one is accidentally hit, it will kill someone!
"One ball!"

Tezuka once again made an absolute announcement.

Facing Qiantose Qianli's serve this time, Tezuka relied on inertia while running, and the backhand pumped the ball accurately across Chitose Qianli's defense line, and returned the ball directly to score.

Facing Tezuka, Chitose Chisato felt a strong sense of powerlessness.

too strong!
Tezuka is so strong!

At the same time, Qiantose Qianli became more determined to pursue a higher state of selflessness.

Tezuka has perfectly demonstrated to him the strength of the limit of tempering and the limit of brilliance.

The ability to counter the opponent with double strength, rotation, and destructive power, the ability to accurately simulate the game process, and accurately predict the number of rounds required to score is full of talent.

Thousands of years ago, I thought that it was the limit for one person to open a door.

But Tezuka explained to him very well that from the time he set boundaries for himself, his upper limit has been shackled.

Only by constantly surpassing can we become stronger!

After changing sides, it was Tezuka's turn to serve.

With the selfless light shining on his body, Tezuka threw the tennis ball high, and then jumped up.

"This is! My waterfall leaks?!!!"

Looking at Tezuka's familiar movements, Gan said in shock.

Tezuka hit the waterfall, and the ball speed even exceeded his best level!
Chitose Qianli couldn't react at all, so he was scored directly.

"ACE! Tezuka Kunimitsu, 15:0."

"This time it's Akutsu's sidespin serve!"

"ACE! Tezuka Kunimitsu, 30:0."

"This is! Genichiro Sanada's speed is like the wind!"

"ACE! Tezuka Kunimitsu, 2:0."

Facing Tezuka who was fully fired, Chitose Chisato had no power to parry, and Tezuka won his serve with four balls.

Whether it is the foundation or the attainments of selflessness, Tezuka is far ahead of thousands of years.

Facing such a powerful Tezuka, Chitose Chisato couldn't even arouse the desire to struggle.

(End of this chapter)

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