The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 136 The Doubles Showdown

Chapter 136 The Doubles Showdown

"Game, Tezuka Kunimitsu, 3:0."


boom! --boom!

"Game, Tezuka Kunimitsu, 5:0."

Chitose Chisato on the field was like a marionette, constantly performing the agreed script in Tezuka's script.

The limit of brilliance makes Tezuka an excellent strategist, coupled with his ability to stabilize the thousand-year-old, it makes the absolute forecast hit every shot.

"This game was won by Tezuka Kunimitsu, the youth school, with a score of 6:0."

The ending has already been doomed, and Qiantose Qianli does not have the strength to reverse the situation.

With the final decision of the referee, it is heralded that the national competition tour of Shizile Middle School will come to an end.

"I lost, you are really strong!"

Chitose Chisato walked to the net, with a bitter smile on his face, he stretched out his hand towards Tezuka.

"You are also very strong."

Tezuka put away the racket and said lightly.

He is not complimenting Chitose Chisato, in fact Chitose Chisato is not weak, it's just that Tezuka is too strong now.

"Anyway, thank you for letting me see the road after No-Self. The next time I fight against you, I won't lose to you so easily!"

Chitose Qianli slapped his forehead and said with a big smile.

Although he lost miserably in this competition, he also gained a lot.

The selfless energy in my mind kept surging, and a cool breath emerged in my mind.

He can't wait to go back and replay this game in his mind.

"Well! Looking forward to the next fight with you!"

Faced with the declaration of war for thousands of years, Tezuka has long been accustomed to it.

There are many people who want to challenge him, but he has no fear at all.

Returning to the player's seat of Shizile Middle School, Chitose Chisato bowed to the seniors.

"Sorry, I didn't win this game."

Chitose Chinichi looked at the seniors apologetically. Although he and Yoshihei Tachibana still had the chance to come again, this was the last time for the seniors to participate in the national competition.

"Don't say that, Chitose!"

Shizile's head, Kimura, put his hand on Chitose Qianli's shoulder and said, "Speaking of it, we, the seniors, held you and Ji Ping back. With your strength, you could have gone further."

"Yes, the future of Shizile will be in the hands of you and Ji Ping!"


Chitose Chisato and Tachibana Jihei looked at the smiles of the seniors, and secretly made up their minds in their hearts.

The next national competition will definitely not disappoint the expectations of the seniors!

"Thank you, Tezuka!"

Fuji smiled and said to the returning Tezuka.


Tezuka nodded, but didn't say much.

For him, this is just a small episode of his standing on a higher stage, not worth mentioning.

"Then next, Kikumaru, Oishi, it's your turn to play!"

Fuji turned around and said to Kikumaru and Oishi who were returning from warming up behind him.

According to the rules of this national competition, Qingxue has to play a total of five games because it is the first match, even though they have already won this round of team competition.

"Leave it to us!"

Kikumaru is eager to try, and after overcoming the tension in his heart, he is now only looking forward to a wonderful game.

Shizile Middle School debuted their main doubles combination, Ito Kui and Kai once.

After the two sides shook hands and saluted friendly in front of the net, Shizile Middle School started to serve.

Itokui slapped the tennis ball lightly a few times, glanced around the front, and finally locked his target on the dull-looking Dashi behind him.

The beam passed through Kikumaru's feet ahead, and finally exploded beside Oishi.

Dashi's eyes are steady, and he has grown up after so many games.

Twisting the body, relying on inertia to drive the swing of the right arm.

With a wide field of vision, Dashi found the opponent's blind spot in no time.

The extreme corner kick passed through the defense line of Itokui and Kai once like an antelope hanging horns.

"Game, Qingxue, 15:0."

Kai tapped Ito Kei on the shoulder once.

"Don't be careless, the opponent's strength should not be underestimated."

In the serve just now, although the two were careless, the ability to seize opportunities shown by Dashi also made them look sideways.

"Well, I see."

Itokui nodded, and the two sides set up a formation. Itokuai led the racket with his right hand, and the tennis ball shot to Oishi's left hand side like a bullet out of the chamber.

Most people's backhand is his weak point, especially with such a fast ball speed.

However, Oishi's keen insight allowed him to predict the course of the ball in advance. He turned slightly sideways, pulled his right hand back, and then swung forward violently.

A crisp hitting sound sounded.

The tennis ball flew backwards and landed on the sideline in the opposite direction to where the striker Kai once was.

"Don't underestimate me!"

Kai raised the corner of his mouth once, and the muscles in his legs suddenly exerted force, bursting out at an astonishing speed.

It caught up with the ball like an afterimage.

Kai lowered his center of gravity at one time, his forearm and wrist were slightly loose, the racket absorbed most of the speed of the incoming ball like a sponge, and then lightly everything.

The tennis ball goes over the net lightly, then bounces in a small way, hits the ground, and bounces again.

"Game, Shizile Middle School, 15:15."

"Such a brilliant technique, such a powerful half-volley short ball."

Dry pushing his glasses, said with some surprise.

Unexpectedly, this player from Lion Music has such a clever volley technique in front of the net.

"Concentrate, Eiji!"

Oishi patted his partner on the shoulder. Although this shot was a bit unexpected, if Kikumaru could react earlier, Kikumaru could catch up with the speed of Kikumaru.

"Well, I see, Dashi!"

Kikumaru nodded, bent his knees and crouched in front of the net, forgetting all the distracting thoughts in his mind.

"Game, Qingxue, 30:30."

boom! --boom!

"Game, lion music, 3:3."

Although it was a doubles match, in just three or four 10 minutes, the match had gone on for a full six innings.

The scores of the two sides also came to a three-to-three tie.

The two sides are evenly matched in terms of tacit understanding and strength, and the game is extremely anxious.

"It's amazing, these two freshmen from Qingxue can even tie with Shizile's ace in doubles."

"And their physical fitness seems to be better than the third-year combination of Lion Le, which is unbelievable!"

"It seems that Qingxue's training intensity is definitely much higher than Shizile's. Otherwise, the first grade will not surpass the third grade in terms of physical fitness."

The audience talked a lot, and those with sharp eyes could already see that Oishi and Kikumaru had better physical fitness than each other.

But correspondingly, the tacit understanding of the other party is slightly better than Oishi and Kikumaru.

There is no way around this. Physical fitness can be improved through scientific training programs, but the degree of tacit understanding needs to be cultivated day after day.

Yes, the golden combination actually lost to their opponents in terms of tacit cooperation, and they can only rely on their own physical fitness to maintain their advantages.

It's fine if it's singles, but now it's doubles!

What's more, this situation will definitely not last for too long.

The opponent will definitely find a way to break the game, unless Oishi and Kikumaru can drag the game into a tiebreaker to wear down the opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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