Chapter 138
Seeing that Kikumaru and Oishi used the I formation, Ito Kui and Kai became more cautious once.

Kikumaru's figure was completely blocked by Oishi. Behind Oishi, Kikumaru threw the ball, then bent sideways and twisted his body.

Dashi's egg head was slightly sideways, and the tennis ball shot out from beside his cheek.

This unexpected ball went directly through the middle of Itokui and Kai once.

"ACE, Qingxue, 15:0."

With the experience of the first ball, Ito Kei, who was in the back of the second ball, stared at Oishi's egg head.

As long as you can see the direction of Dashi's dodge clearly, you can know the origin of this ball.


Seeing that Oishi's egg head moved, Itokui knew that the ball came from the right, and quickly adjusted his position to prepare for a counterattack.

However, Oishi's egg head changed direction for the second time, and the tennis ball shot out from the left and directly hit Itokui's bottom line in the opposite direction.

"ACE, Qingxue, 30:0."

This formation has been perfectly mastered by Oishi and Kikumaru.

Oishi was in the front court, giving Kikumaru instructions through gestures, mobilizing Kikumaru's every move.

"It was set up by them, once!"

Itokui's face was a bit ugly, he was actually deceived by Oishi's little trick.

"Cheer up, Kui! The game isn't over yet!"

Knowing that his partner's mentality was fluctuating, Kai quickly comforted his partner once.

However, Itokui's mentality was still affected after all, and his physical weakness made his competitive state not as hot as it was at the beginning.

Maybe it's because the outcome of this game is not critical, or maybe it's because the state has declined, so in the next game, Itokui and Kai did not work too hard once.

It was even played by Kikumaru and Oishi in two rounds.

"This game was won by Kikumaru Eiji and Oishi Shuichiro from Youth Gakuen, with a score of 6:3."

The audience applauded one after another. Both sides showed very brilliant skills and tactics in this game, which made them very enjoyable to watch.

Itou Kei and Kai returned to the players' bench at one time, and Tachibana Yoshihei and Chitose Chisato handed over the towels in their hands.

Jia Fei once covered his face with a towel, and said dully: "Jipei, Chitose, it will be difficult for you to leave next year."

To be honest, he really envied Qingxue for having so many outstanding freshmen.

On the other hand, in Shizile, except for Tachibana Jihei and Chitose Chisato, the gap between the other first-year freshmen and Qingxue is really too big.

He is a little worried about Shiraku next year, and he is a little worried about Tachibana Yoshihei and Chitose Chisato next year.

"Don't worry, Kai-senpai! Next year's national competition, I will definitely stand on a higher stage with Chitose!"

Tachibana Jihei is quite optimistic, as long as Chitose is still around, he will not be afraid of the future.

At this time, Koji Kimura, the director of Lion Music, warmed up, and he was very happy to hear Tachibana Yoshihei's declaration.

"Well said, Ji Ping! Shizile's future depends on you and Chitose!"

Hearing Kimura's voice, everyone in Shizile turned their eyes to Kimura.


"Come on, Minister!"

"Save face for us Lion Music, Minister!"

Koji Kimura waved his hand, indicating that he understood.

But the moment he turned around and walked down the approach corridor, Koji Kimura's face became very serious.

Although he really wanted to win this time for Shizile, the next match sent by Qingxue should be their minister Bu Er Zhou Zhu.

It is rumored that he is stronger than Tezuka and Akutsu, and he is the number one in Seigaku.

Kimura sighed, he was not even sure that he could beat Tezuka and Akutsu, how could he beat Fuji Shusuke who was stronger than them.

"Next is the second round of the national competition."

"Youth Academy and Shizile Middle School, a singles match."

"Fujisuke from Youth Academy VS Koji Kimura from Shiraku Middle School."

"Players from both sides please come on stage!"

Fuji and Kimura stood in front of the net.

"Please advise!"

Fuji smiled and held out his right hand.

"Don't dare to be, I'm afraid you are the one to teach me."

Kimura smiled self-deprecatingly.

After both parties have guessed the right to serve, Fuji will start serving.

Koji Kimura crouched on the bottom line, throwing out all the distracting thoughts in his heart.

Even if this is a meaningless game, as a senior, he doesn't want to lose too badly.

"It's time to go, senior!"

Buer raised his head, and a serious look shot out of his ice blue eyes.

It's been a long time since I played with Qingxue's partners, and now Buer's heart is boiling with enthusiasm.

A yellow glow burst out from his hand, and the speed of the ball was astonishing.

Kimura didn't react until the tennis ball hit the wall behind him.

Koji Kimura turned his head to look at the tennis ball rolling to the ground behind him, and a few drops of cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

So fast!

The best of this ball, the highlight is a fast!

Constantly polishing his foundation in the camp, Bu Er's serve at the moment is simply a perfect display of his foundation.

There is no unnecessary movement, every muscle in the whole body is perfectly coordinated, and the simplest serve is played in the simplest way.

"Senior, continue on!"

The long-lost game made Budu excited.

However, this is not good news for Koji Kimura.

The same script continued to be staged, and when Koji Kimura's eyes caught the trajectory of Fuji's serve, the tennis ball had already passed by his feet.

"ACE, Fujisuke, 1:0."

This may be the fastest end of the game in this competition. Only four balls of ACE balls were used to win his own serve.

On Seigaku's bench, Kikumaru rubbed his eyes with both hands, he just tried to use his excellent dynamic eyesight to catch the perfect serve.

Although I can see a general idea, but after four balls, my eyes are so dry that I can't stand it.

"Even Kikumaru's dynamic vision is so difficult!"

Gan said in amazement.

"No two, he has become stronger!"

Tezuka said lightly.

Akutsu glanced at Tezuka's clenched left hand, and a presumptuous smile appeared on his defiant face.



Taking a deep breath, Koji Kimura managed to calm down.

Bu Er's serve really shocked him a little.

No chance!

He already knew the outcome of the game in his heart.

But he is the minister of Lion Music, even if he loses, he must lose decently.

A fire of ignorance was ignited in his heart, and Koji Kimura played super-level. This ball was already regarded as his best shot in terms of speed and spin.

This ball also made Kimura Koji hopeful, but in the next second, a yellow light beam exploded at his feet.

Bu Er still maintained the posture of swinging his racket, and the hem of his clothes fluttered when the morning wind blew.

"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 15:0."


"ACE, Fujisuke, 3:0."


"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 4:0."

The rest of the match was simply Koji Kimura's nightmare. In Fuji's hands, he couldn't even score a single point.

"Fuji Zhousuke won this game, the score is 6:0."

"So far, Youth Academy has defeated Shizile Middle School with a record of 5:0 and advanced to the third round of the national competition!"

It didn't take long for the referee to save Koji Kimura. He didn't even know how he got back to the team of Lion Music, and his spirit was already in a trance.

Then all the players from both sides stepped forward, lined up facing each other in front of the net, bowed and saluted.

"Next year's national competition, our Lion Music will definitely make a comeback!"

Ju Jiping is full of fighting spirit, and the Lion King never gives up!
Buer smiled and said, "Welcome anytime!"

Before leaving, Buer specially reminded Tachibana Jiping that he must pay attention to safety when practicing.

Although I don't know if this is useful, but Fuji still hopes that Qiantose Qianli can change his original destiny.

For athletes, any injury is fatal!
(End of this chapter)

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