Chapter 139

"Our opponent for the next game has come out!"

Coming out of the field of competition, Gan, who had already disappeared, caught up with the team.

In the course of the Fuji match, Gan had already slipped to other venues to investigate intelligence.

"Who is it? Do it!"

Kikumaru asked curiously.

Gan pushed his glasses and said, "It's the last champion, Makino Teng!"

"Maki Vine!"

"The last champion?!"

Yamato, Kawamura and the others seemed a little shocked.

For Yamato, although he failed to participate in the national competition in the first two years, he watched the competition as a spectator in every national competition.

The Vine of King Shepherd!

Perhaps for Kikumaru, Oishi and others, Makino Fuji is just a school with a glorious history.

But for Yamato, the heroic appearance of Byodoin and other Makinoto players will always be engraved in his mind.

Especially Byodoin Phoenix, who hadn't lost a single game in junior high school for three years, was Yamato's idol at that time.

"Then they must be very strong!" Kikumaru asked with some embarrassment.

Fuji smiled and shook his head, "I used to be very strong!"



Fuji went on to say: "Just like Shiraku Middle School's last opponent, Maikozaka Middle School, their last contestants can be said to be the most luxurious lineup in the middle school at that time."

"It's just that time has changed. Since their main force entered the school, their strength can be said to have declined sharply, but the power of death is still there. We still have to be vigilant."

"Fuer is right!" Qian nodded, "They eliminated Higa Kunchu from Okinawa 3:1, and their strength should not be underestimated."

Now Fujia is a little surprised, Higa Junior High School?

"Is there a first-year player named Eishiro Kite from Higa High School?"

Qian looked at Buer in surprise, how did Buer know this person.

"Yes, the only victory in Higa was won by Eishiro Kite."

"That's right."

Fuji nodded. It seems that although Kite Eishiro has joined the tennis club of Higa Junior High School, he has not yet become the leader of the tennis club.

If the soul of the Higa Junior High Tennis Club was not the wooden hand, it would be nothing more than an inconspicuous school.

On the second day, the crowds in the park were even denser than the previous two days.

With the advancement of the national competition schedule, the number of participating teams has become less and less, so the number of people watching the competition in each competition venue has also increased.

"A lot of people, it seems to be more lively than yesterday."

On the bus rented by Fuji, Kikumaru looked around, looking very active.

"That's the team from Aichi's Liuliqiu, and Shiraku's team."

At a glance, I saw two teams wearing different color uniforms.

After all, it is a national competition. Although they have already been eliminated, it does not prevent them from watching the collision between strong teams.

When he came to his own competition venue, he handed over the list of contestants for this competition to the staff, and then he led all the candidates from Qingxue to his player preparation seat.

After a short break, both sides bowed and saluted each other.

In the stands, the audience applauded thunderously and enthusiastically.

It's no wonder that today is the match between the previous champion Muzhifu Middle School and the current Kanto champion Youth Academy. In the eyes of many people, this will inevitably be a battle between dragons and tigers.

Although Makino Fuji was defeated by Shitenbaoji in the Kansai Competition, he is still the favorite to win this year.

And Youth Academy is the biggest dark horse this year.

Previously, it was only a school at the competition level, but this year it has passed all the tests, breaking the Kanto myth of Lihai University Affiliated High School.

The confrontation between the two attracted the attention of the vast majority of the audience in this round of competition.

Buer, who returned to the player's bench, had a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

I didn't expect to meet an "acquaintance" in my memory in Mu Zhi Teng.

Don't break Iron Man!

No wonder, in my memory, after three years, there was no named contestant except Satoru Kadowaki.

But he has never missed the national competition, and even has a record of the semi-finals.

"Let's start the third round of the National Competition!"

"Makizhi Fuji Middle School and Youth Academy's singles match!"

"Yumi no Fuji's Unbreakable Iron Man VS Youth Gakuen Akutsujin!"

"Players from both sides please come on stage!"

As the referee's voice sounded on the radio, Akutsu, who returned from warm-up, stood up and prepared to leave the field.

"Aren, the opponent's strength is very strong, you have to be careful."

Yakujin looked down at Fuji's smiling eyes, then glanced at his mouth with disdain: "Tch!"

Even so, looking at the guy with a few braids on the opposite side, Yajiujin still became vigilant.

The danger signal from the other party made Ajiujin understand that he was definitely a very strong guy.

Not to mention, he is Mu Zhiteng's minister!
After guessing the side, the first game is the unbreakable iron man's serve game.

Pop, pop, pop!
There was a clear sound of hitting the ball, and all eyes were on Bupo Iron Man.

Suddenly, he grabbed the bouncing tennis ball and tossed it upwards.

With a light step on both legs, he raised the racket with his right hand and swung fiercely at the falling tennis ball.

There was a loud sound of hitting the ball, and the tennis ball flew out like a streamer.

Seeing this menacing goal, Yajiujin became serious in his heart.

As soon as the experts make a move, they will know if there is any.

The level of serving that does not break the iron man is considered to be excellent among junior high school students.

However, this is not a problem for Akutsu.

In his line of sight, he has already captured the trajectory of the tennis ball.

Super physical fitness makes Akutsu's explosive power very amazing.

Yakutsu's face froze. This guy's serve is not only fast, but also very powerful.

With a flick of the racket, the tennis ball drew a perfect arc and flew towards the bottom line in the opposite direction without breaking the iron man.

Yakujin's ball handling ability has also made great progress, and he is no longer playing with physical fitness and brute force as before.

With a trace of coldness in the corner of Bupo Iron Man's mouth, he quickly caught up with the ball.

With a light leap, he volleyed.

The bounced tennis ball was easily hit back by him.

Akujin, who is like a leopard, sprints to the frontcourt quickly and squats down slightly.

With a sharp half-volley, Akutsu's backhand is also powerful.

Bupo Tieren stomped on the ground with both legs, and shot into the air.

With the help of inertia, he buckled down violently.

The tennis ball hit the ground heavily, splashing a large cloud of smoke and dust.

"Game, don't break the Iron Man, 15:0."

Dry pushing the glasses, a bright light flashed on the thick lenses.

"It's so powerful. As expected of the minister of Mu Zhiteng, his strength is really extraordinary."


Kikumaru nodded frantically like a chicken pecking at rice.

Although it didn't break Iron Man's serve, the opponent was able to suppress Akutsu's rhythm, which surprised everyone in Qingxue.

Akutsu glanced at the tennis ball on the ground and kicked it away.

Crouching down on the bottom line, his pale face, eyes like copper bells shot out a terrifying light.

Seeing Bupo Iron Man serve again, Kikumaru's mouth opened wide.

"His serve has become faster!"

The first ball is used as a test, after a little understanding of the opponent's details, it is natural to use all the firepower to not break the iron man.

Yakujin sprang out quickly, stopped with his right foot, and twisted his arm with the help of inertia.

The straight diagonal kick went straight to the side of the unbreakable iron man.

"Naive idea!"

Bupo Tieren snorted coldly, strode forward to catch up with the tennis ball, and threw the tennis ball with the same posture.

The two sides formed a confrontation on the bottom line, neither of them used any skills, and they were duel entirely based on their basics.

In the end, Bupo Iron Man was superior, caught a flaw in Akutsu, and swung the racket vigorously at the baseline.

"Game, don't break the Iron Man, 30:0."

On the field, the two were still fighting fiercely, and off the field, the audience was talking a lot.

"Muzhivine is still Muzhivine, whether it is strength, speed, or ball control, they are all so perfect."

"Yeah, although Qinggaku's Akutsu is also very strong, but it seems that Makino Fuji's Unbreakable Iron Man is even better."

After listening to the discussions of the people around him, Tachibana Yoshihei did not speak, but looked at Akutsu on the field with a solemn expression.

Although Bupo Iron Man is very strong, in Tachibana Yoshihei's view, the sense of oppression on his body is far less than that of the previous demon-like Akutsu.

It is still unknown who will win this game!
(End of this chapter)

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