The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 143 Kuranosuke Shiraishi

Chapter 143 Kuranosuke Shiraishi

"The following is the fourth round of the National Competition."

"The singles match between Youth Academy and Shitentōji, Youth Academy Tezuka Kunimitsu VS Shitentōji Kuranosuke Shiraishi, players from both sides are invited to play!"

"Oh! It really is Shiraishi!"

Bu Er chuckled.

The coach of Sitianbao Temple, Watanabe Osamu, is a very capable coach, and he is also very good at arranging troops.

Shiraishi is the strongest rookie at Sitianbao Temple, Watanabe Xiuhui arranged for him to play singles three because he meant to temper Shiraishi.

Baishi's strength is good, even with a heavy load, he still has a national level, and his strength is even higher than the Kyushu duo.

But in the face of today's Tezuka, it is still not enough.

With a toothpick in his mouth, Osamu Watanabe said calmly: "Shiraishi, the opponent's strength is very strong!"

"Ok, I know!"

Kuranosuke Shiraishi stood up, a flame called fighting spirit burning in his eyes.

He had heard about Tezuka's strength a long time ago, and it was his wish to be able to compete with Tezuka.

His so-called "Bible" tennis will gradually move towards a more perfect state with one battle after another.

"Come on, Shiraishi! I believe you are the best!"

At this time, Jin Xiaochun has not yet formed a doubles partner with Ichishi Yuji under the suggestion of Osamu Watanabe, but with an IQ of 200, he is already a military adviser of Shitenbaoji.

On the other side, Aigaku's contestant bench and Aigaku's think tank Sadaharu were also looking through the information he had recorded about Shiraishi Kuranosuke.

"Kuranosuke Shiraishi, the supernova of Shitianbao Temple, it is rumored that he already has a national level!"

"Because of its flawless style of play, it is also known as the Holy Book of Tennis, the Bible of Sitianbao Temple!"


Hearing the information Gan revealed, the faces of Kikumaru, Oishi and others also changed slightly.

Just by hearing this name, one can tell that Shiraishi is probably not an ordinary person.

"The game starts, and the ball will be served by Shitianbao Temple Shiraishi Kuranosuke!"

Under Shiraishi's tea-brown short hair, there are a pair of sharp eyes.

He patted the tennis ball lightly a few times, fixed his eyes on Tezuka on the opposite side, and then hit a high-speed serve.

"As expected of the bible Shiraishi, all the movements are almost perfect!"

Can't help but comment.

Although I have known Shiraishi's style for a long time, I was still shocked by his perfection when I saw it with my own eyes.

"Yeah, not only is the ball very fast, but it also lands directly at the intersection of the serving line and the sideline. The angle at which the tennis ball bounces after landing is also very tricky."

"This precise ball control."

"It's really a perfect style of play that is loyal to the basics!"

Bu Er said with a smile.

Baishi is like a walking textbook, all movements are so standard and perfect.

However, as his opponent, Tezuka is also a player who pursues perfection with the goal of stepping into the professional arena.

There was the sound of a racket hitting a tennis ball.

"A short shot from my backhand?"

Shiraishi made a judgment instantly.

Then with a steady and quick pace, he moved calmly to the left front of the court.

This is where the tennis ball lands.

Under Shiraishi's gaze, the tennis ball fell towards the ground.

Baishi's eyes were fixed, and he assumed the posture of hitting the ball.

He was going to hit a half volley to hit Tezuka's corner on the edge of the baseline.

Tennis lands.

However, under Shiraishi's shocked gaze, the tennis ball slowly rolled towards the rear net.

Didn't bounce!

Zero short ball!

"That ball just now! What's going on!"

Even Ping Shanzhi, who has always been the most funny, has a serious face at this moment.

"Totally. Didn't bounce!"

"This is a zero-style short ball!"

Golden Xiaochun said with a shocked expression.

"Zero short ball?"

Everyone in Sitianbao Temple turned their eyes to the golden Xiaochun.

"I don't know the exact reason, but according to my information, Seigaku's Tezuka Kunimitsu has a world-class zero-style short ball. Before this, I thought it was a rumor, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

"Tezuka Kunimitsu!"

Osamu Watanabe lazily stretched his waist and said, "He is really a remarkable boy!"

After calming down the shock in his heart, Shiraishi served again.

Tezuka couldn't see any expression on his face, he stepped his feet unhurriedly, adjusted his posture, and then suddenly hit the racket in his hand.

The tennis ball was easily stopped by him.

Shiraishi moved quickly, and then slashed the racket to the bottom of the tennis ball with a standard posture.

Standard short ball!
Shiraishi was planning to fight back with a tooth, using the serve to move Tezuka as far as possible from the front of the net, and then returned the color with a short ball.


Baishi raised his head, he was a little shocked by the scene before him.

Around Tezuka, a white whirlpool emerged like a vortex.

The tennis ball that was about to hit the ground seemed to be pulled by an inexplicable force, and it circled up and flew in front of Tezuka.

Tezuka held the racket in his left hand, dragged the racket with his right hand, and slammed vigorously.

"Game, Tezuka Kunimitsu, 30:0."

A drop of cold sweat dripped down Baishi's forehead, and he suddenly remembered what Xiaochun had said.

Tezuka Field!

On the court, Shiraishi and Tezuka fought constantly.

Shiraishi's tennis is loyal to the basics and pursues perfection!
Use the least effort to achieve the greatest effect, fast, accurate and ruthless.

It seems simple, but it is actually very difficult.

Even in the entire middle school world, there are very few people who can play delicate tennis to a flawless state like Baishi's.

But today, Shiraishi has met his opponent.

Tezuka Kunimitsu, in his tennis system, although he has extraordinary skills such as domain and zero style, what supports his entire tennis system is his well-honed tennis foundation.

Ordinary people only know that Tezuka is powerful, but they don't know how much sweat Tezuka has put in behind his back.

It's not just Tezuka, any player who can be called an excellent player, the demeanor he shows in front of the world is just the result of hard work.

"Game, Tezuka Kunimitsu, 1:0."

Just for a moment of absence, Shiraishi was scored by Tezuka.

"The situation is very fast!"

Yuan Zhe also sighed.

"No way, the strength of the opponent is too strong!"

Osamu Watanabe was a little troubled. Originally, Shiraishi was arranged in the singles three because he wanted to hone Shiraishi and let him accumulate more experience.

I don't know if being suppressed in all aspects will have any impact on Baishi's heart.

"Game, Tezuka Kunimitsu, 2:0."

"Game, Tezuka Kunimitsu, 4:0."

"Game, Tezuka Kunimitsu, 5:0."

In a very short time, Shiraishi's bible tennis was defeated by Tezuka!

Baishi knelt on the ground, sweat dripping down his cheeks.

Tezuka not only has zero-style short ball, field and other stunts, but even the basic five-dimensional is higher than Shiraishi.

For the first time, Baishi had doubts about his Bible tennis!
Can this kind of tennis really enable him to achieve perfection?
He couldn't help asking back in his heart.

Compared to him, the other players in Sitianbao Temple are players with extremely obvious personal style.

Gin Ishida who is good at strength, Kenya Ninzuzu who is good at speed, Hira Yoshiyuki and Tetsuya Hara who are good at skills.

Compared with him, everyone has their own characteristics.

"My tennis, what exactly is it!"

Getting up from the ground, Shiraishi walked towards the rest area while thinking.

"The opponent is very strong!"

In front of Baishi, a snow-white towel suddenly appeared.


Shiraishi took the towel that Osamu Watanabe handed him, spread it on his face, leaned on the chair, and thought quietly.

"Why, have you doubted your tennis?"

With a toothpick in the corner of his mouth, Osamu Watanabe felt that Shiraishi's heart was shaken.


Baishi didn't know what to say, there seemed to be a light spot in his mind, but he couldn't grasp it no matter what.


Osamu Watanabe used a rare serious tone.

"Your bible tennis is your style. In our Four Heavenly Treasure Temple, you are the most special one. It is precisely because of this that I prepared that for you, hoping that you can go further!"

"My ~style?"

Bai Shi muttered to himself.

"Believe in yourself, Baishi, I believe that you only need to polish your foundation to be more perfect, and you will be invincible in the future!"


Baishi's eyes gradually regained clarity, and with the coach's encouragement, Baishi's originally agitated heart became calm.

The Bible is originally a book of sages who exhort people to do good, so how can it compete with others!
(End of this chapter)

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