The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 144 Doubles 2

Chapter 144 Doubles II

With the sound of the referee, it's time for a break.

Shiraishi and Tezuka each got up from the rest area and set foot on the court again.


As soon as he stepped on the court, Tezuka felt the changes in Shiraishi opposite him.

The atmosphere is a little different!

call out!
Tezuka threw the ball, and then swung the racket sideways.

A yellow beam shot out from Tezuka's hand, aiming at the baseline area in the opposite direction from Shiraishi.

Baishi walks like flying, and several figures of Shiraishi even appear during the running in the eyes of the audience with excellent dynamic vision.

"This seems to be your style, Kenya!"

Yuan Zhe also patted Kenya Ninzu on the shoulder and said.

The tennis ball hit back by Shiraishi drew a beautiful arc in the air and flew towards Tezuka.


Tezuka's left hand shines with a light that has been tempered for thousands of years.

The double strength makes this ball look extraordinarily powerful.

Baishi clapped with both hands, and his feet slammed onto the ground.


The beam of light symbolizing destruction was struck back by Shiraishi vigorously, and the rewinding tennis ball rushed past Tezuka's side with a wave of air.

"His strength? Why did it suddenly become stronger?"

Although he lost a point due to carelessness, Tezuka didn't care, but was a little curious about Shiraishi's hitting posture just now.

Vajra glared, Bodhisattva lowered his eyebrows!
"This time it's Ah Yin!"

Ping Shanzhi said with a strange smile.

"It seems that we have found our way!"

Watanabe sat on the coach's bench, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at Shiraishi in the field.

On the court, the game is still going on.

Tezuka noticed that Shiraishi, who was opposite him, seemed to be constantly evolving.

Whether it's the sudden burst of speed, the sudden increase in strength, or the sudden weird spin on the tennis ball.

None of this is like Shiraishi's style before.

The current Shiraishi seems to have broken his own perfect coordination by taking the initiative to choose.

But it can be perfect again in the next second.

The tennis ball wrapped under the Bible is shrouded in a layer of mist, and no one knows what is under the mist.

Shiraishi appeared in front of the net like an afterimage, with the racket raised high above his head.

Then he swung it down heavily, and the frame of the racket deformed the tennis ball in an instant.

Round table swipe!

A ray of yellow light shot through Tezuka's half court and landed at his feet.

Under Tezuka's surprised gaze, the tennis ball didn't bounce, but rubbed violently on the ground.

Then 12 spherical shadows appeared, moving in the shape of a disc against the ground.

call out!
At the moment Tezuka lost his mind, the tennis ball hit the ground and was ejected.

"Game, Kuranosuke Shiraishi, 40:0."

"Ah~ what a joy!"

In this round, Baishi seemed to have caught the flash of light in his mind and played quite proactively.

"It's really a powerful phantom ball that sticks to the ground."

Tezuka stood up and said lightly.

"It is really an honor to be praised by Tezuka-san."

Shiraishi said with a smile.

"I appreciate your fighting spirit, but this game is over!"

Tezuka said in a flat tone, but the weight in the words made Shiraishi's heart sink.

The other party seems to be getting serious!

Tezuka turned around and returned to the bottom line. The opponent continued to evolve in the game. Although he wanted to see what the opponent could do, it was not his personal game now. He was standing on this stage representing Qingxue.

He must win the first game for Qingxue!

So unfortunately, Tezuka has decided to end the game!
Kuranosuke Shiraishi looked at Tezuka on the opposite side with serious eyes, and raised 12 vigilance in his heart, staring closely at the opponent's movements.

He could clearly feel a subtle change in Tezuka's aura.

Tezuka threw the ball, followed by a light flick of the racket.

The speed of this ball was not fast, but Shiraishi could feel that there was a strong spin on the tennis ball, and it was a reverse spin.

call out!
The tennis ball made a perfect arc in the air, and then fell to the ground suddenly.

Shiraishi stared at the tennis ball constantly rubbing against the ground, waiting for the moment when it bounced off.

Then, the kinetic energy on the tennis ball gradually disappeared, and then slowly rolled back to the net behind him.

"This is!"

Shiraishi's eyes widened, "Zero serve!"

The audience instantly became silent, and everyone stared wide-eyed, looking at Tezuka who was still maintaining his serving posture in surprise.

Tezuka's zero-style short ball is amazing enough. I didn't expect Tezuka to be able to use the zero-style to serve.

Shiraishi stood there dumbfounded, facing Tezuka's zero serve, only a deep sense of powerlessness remained in his heart.

"This game was won by Tezuka Kunimitsu of Youth Academy, with a score of 6:0."

As the referee's voice sounded on the radio, the scene suddenly burst into applause.

Tezuka Kunimitsu!

The shock this young man gave them was too great.


"Xiao Zang!"

Shiraishi Kuranosuke returned to the player area of ​​Sitianbao Temple, and Yuan Zhe also called him to stop.

Under Baishi's astonished gaze, Yuan Zhe also lifted up his clothes.

On his abdomen, there is a head portrait of Ping Shanzhi. With the movement of his abdomen, the face of "Ping Zenzhi" began to change.

A knowing smile appeared on Baishi's face. He knew that it was Yuan Zhe who was worried that his mentality would be affected, so he came here to comfort him.


Osamu Watanabe raised his head, "It seems that you have found the way forward!"


Baishi stroked his left arm, the thick texture under the bandage made his heart more fulfilled.

"Next time, Ah Yin, Qianye, you two go!"

Osamu Watanabe glanced at Qingxue, and said lightly.

If nothing else happened, he guessed that the one sent by Qingxue should be a combination of Takashi Kawamura and Sadaharu Kane.

Sure enough, at the same time Ishida Gin and Ken Azume stood up, Takashi Kawamura and Sadaharu Mikami also stood up on Aigaku's side.


"The fourth round of the national competition begins now."

"The doubles match between Youth Academy and Shitenbaoji, will be played by Sadaharu Mikami from Youth Academy, Takashi Kawamura VS Shitenbaoji Ishida Gin, Kenya Shinozuzu."

"Players from both sides please come on stage!"

Ren Zuqian also heard the thunderous cheers in his ears, he only felt that his current rhythm was so fast, and he couldn't wait to have a big fight.

After guessing the side, You Qingxue took the right to serve.

Gan held the tennis ball in his hand and looked across.

Tezuka has already won the first game for them, off to a good start.

So, let's make a head start!
The tennis ball in his hand was thrown high, and Qian jumped up.

Flying waterfall!
The tennis ball turned into a water column, and the torrent rushed towards the opponent's court.

"So fast to serve!"

The audience was suddenly amazed, this serve instantly won the audience's attention for Qingxue.

On the court, it seemed that several copies of Kenya Ninzuzu suddenly appeared. This Naniwa star from Osaka has extraordinary foot strength.

"Unexpectedly! Called back!"

Kikumaru's dynamic vision is excellent, he clearly saw Kenya Ninzuzu's movements, but he didn't expect this guy to be able to fight back like a catfish!
"Okay! Look at me, the flames break through!"

Takashi Kawamura raised his right arm high, and the muscles on his arm kept bulging.

A flame-like trajectory went straight to the opposite side.

Opposite him, Ishida Yin's burly body stood firmly.

Feeling the whistling sound in his ears, Ishida Yin took half a step back and opened his eyes suddenly.

"The first form of the wave ball!"

Kawamura's blazing charge was easily counterattacked by Ishida Yin. The strength contained in this ball made one's scalp tingle!

(End of this chapter)

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