The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 145 The Great Victory

Chapter 145 The Great Victory
Takashi Kawamura held the racket tightly with both hands, staring closely at the tennis ball that hit like a shell.

"Cut the water flow!"

An astonishing wave of air overturned the dust on the ground.

Ishida Yin's face was as sad and joyless as an ascetic monk, and he took another half step back.

"Two-style wave ball!"

When it comes to the confrontation of strength, he will not be afraid of anyone.

"What amazing strength, these two guys!"

Outside the court, the audience couldn't help being a little startled when they heard the dull sound of hitting the ball on the court.

It was such an astonishing duel of power from the very beginning, which made them a little excited.

"I really didn't expect that someone from Qingxue could fight Ah Yin to such an extent in terms of strength."

Watching Ishida in the field perform the twelfth swing ball again, Koishikawa Kenjiro said with some surprise.

Ishida Yin's strength is the strongest in their Shitianbao Temple, and it is also the strongest in the entire Kansai region.

Coupled with the wave ball developed by Ishida Silver based on his own strength, the two are superimposed, and the power is not as simple as doubling.

"Type [-] wave ball!"

The tennis ball hit the racket in Kawamura's hand, and the terrifying force instantly defeated Kawamura's hasty counterattack.

The ball speed of the wave ball is also quite amazing.

The racket in Kawamura's hand was blown away by the huge force of the tennis ball, and the racket in the hands of Sadaharu Mikami, who was trying to catch the terrifying ball from behind, was also knocked into the air.

"Game, Sitianbao Temple, 15:0."

Kikumaru looked at the field in disbelief, "How could that be! Isn't even Aaron an opponent?"

Kawamura is Seigaku's number one gunner, and Kikumaru couldn't believe that the racket in his hand would be knocked down by others.

Buer squinted his eyes, and said lightly: "The opponent's Ishida Yin is the most powerful player in the middle school. In terms of strength, he must be above Aaron."

"The wave ball he just used has a total of [-] moves, all of which he developed by himself, and one move is better than the other."

Hearing this, everyone in Qingxue couldn't help but look sideways, including Tezuka and Akutsu.

This kind of pure strength player, even the two of them are not so easy to deal with.


On the court, he picked up the racket, patted Kawamura on the shoulder and said, "Aron, don't be reckless, the strength of the opponent is really scary. But according to my observation, he moves a little slowly no matter whether he moves forward, backward, or left and right. Speed ​​is his weakness."


Kawamura nodded, signaling that he understood.

"Don't forget, it's doubles, Aaron!"

Gan reminded him again that he was a little afraid that Kawamura would come to the top, so he chose to go head-to-head with his opponent, which is really not a wise move.

The game continued, and Qian threw the ball high again.

Flying waterfall!
"It's useless to tell you!"

Ren Zuqian also laughed and said, and then ran out like a vigorous cheetah.

His sense of balance is very good, even in fast movements, he can correct his posture in an instant and quickly return the opponent's incoming ball.

Kawamura lowered his center of gravity, and lightly touched everything with the racket from top to bottom.

Hit a low angled half volley.

As Qian said, although Ishida Silver is amazingly strong, his overly burly body makes his speed his shortcoming. At the same time, his flexibility must not be strong.

This kind of ball with a very low angle needs to be scooped up by the side that needs to catch the ball, so that it can also block Ishida Yin's fluctuating ball.

"The other side is starting to change their strategy!"

Golden Xiaochun opened the mouth and said solemnly.

As the military adviser in the team, his judgment on the situation is very accurate.

"This is doubles after all! It's just that the opponent made an accurate judgment so quickly. It's really not easy."

With a toothpick in the corner of his mouth, Watanabe said lazily.

Ishida Yin crouched down with some difficulty, and picked up the racket. He was really not good at dealing with this kind of ball.

"good chance!"

After forming a doubles partner with Gan, Kawamura has made great progress, and his ability to seize opportunities in front of the net has improved a lot compared to before.

The right hand was pulled back slightly, and then slammed out.

The quality of this diagonal ball towards Ishida's flank is very high, and it is impossible to catch it at the speed of Ishida Silver.

"Let me do it, Yin!"

Shinobu Ken also yelled, and took off with both feet on the ground, his body bent, like a spring that was squeezed to the extreme, and burst out at an amazing speed in an instant.

Leaving an afterimage on the spot, it rushed to Ishida Yin's flank in a blink of an eye.

But with such a fast counterattack, the ball control will inevitably decline.

A gleam of light flashed in Gan's eyes, he rushed to the midfield and jumped up, raising the racket over his head and pressing down heavily.

The straight-line midfield smash made Ninzu Ken fail to save him.

"Game, Youth Academy, 15:15."

Gan and Kawamura high-five each other, with smiles on their lips, they have found their own rhythm.

The defensive range of doubles is much larger than that of singles, and even Ren Zukenya's speed pales in comparison.

Doubles cannot be played by one person.

"Game, Youth Academy, 1:0."

After changing sides, it was Sitianbaosi's turn to serve.

Ren Zuqian also calmed down his restless heart, and swung the ball.

In Gan's eyes, streams of data exile seemed to surge on his lenses.

"The angle of incidence is 45 degrees, and the angle of reflection is 62 degrees. The space phasor, moment of inertia is equal to..."

There was a clear sound of hitting the ball, and the tennis ball was hit dryly towards Kenya Ninzu's sideline near the midfield.


Although he knew that the opponent was mobilizing his own actions, but the distance between this ball and Ishida Yin meant that he could only save the ball.

"Next is..."

Gan muttered in his mouth, then he patted his head down and then up.

The high ball, hit by the perfect coordination of wrist and arm muscles, passed over Ishida Yin's head, fell rapidly due to the spin contained in the ball, and then bounced out of bounds.

"Game, Youth Academy, 15:0."

Facing the perfect cooperation of Qian and Kawamura, the combination of strength and speed of Ishida Gin and Kenya Ninzu seemed a bit overwhelming.

"Game, Youth Academy, 2:0."


"Game, Youth Academy, 4:0."

Osamu Watanabe shook his head helplessly, thinking to himself.

"Sure enough, it still doesn't work. It seems that we must hurry up and form a decent team of doubles."

Watanabe Osamu put his gaze on the golden Koharu and Ichishi Yuji aside, and nodded thoughtfully.

These two people seem to get along pretty well!
"This round was won by Sadaharu Kawamura and Takashi Kawamura, the score was 6:1."

Facing the reborn Kanto Kawamura, Gin Ishida's strength and Kenya Ninzuzu's speed did not give full play to the chemical reaction that Osamu Watanabe expected. Although he desperately grabbed a point, he was quickly defeated.

"One more game! Another game!"

Although the audience is eager to see a close game, but this overwhelming advantage is also very entertaining.

The Kanto champion defeated the Kansai champion 3:0, no matter how you think about it, it is full of gimmicks on the front page.

"Now, stepping on the edge of a cliff!"

Ping Shanzhi returned from warming up shaking his body.

"Look at me, how I shot through their hearts!"

Ping Shanzhi winked and said with an exaggerated expression.

As the minister of Sitianbao Temple, a famous family of funny, his mentality can be said to be extremely good.

"Don't be careless, you also know the opponent's strength."

Osamu Watanabe reminded.

"Don't worry, snipers are never careless!"

Ping Shanzhi made a sniper gesture and said with a smile.

As he said, although he is laughing and joking on the surface, once he is on the court, he will become extremely focused.

In his fifth dimension, mental power is even stronger than his physical strength.

(End of this chapter)

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