The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 152 The Phantom of Tezuka

Chapter 152 The Phantom of Tezuka
"Game, Genichiro Sanada, 15:0."

When the ball fell, the entire audience was shocked and speechless, that someone could play tennis like thunder came to the world.

Fortunately, the quality of the referee was excellent, and he quickly came back to his senses. While reading the score, he also pulled back everyone's minds.

"Amazing! As expected of Sanada!"

Atobe couldn't help applauding, and Sanada's domineering goal confirmed his previous guess.

Sure enough, having the courage to face Tezuka again, Sanada must have made a breakthrough.

In the crowd, the professional players and coaches also looked shocked. Are the current junior high school students already so perverted?
This also makes them seniors mess up!
On the court, Tezuka turned his head to look at the charred tennis balls on the ground, then turned his head and said calmly, "Very powerful move!"

"Tezuka! Get ready for defeat!"

Sanada tossed the ball and leaped to his feet, raging fire bursting from his racket.

Aggression like fire!

On Tezuka's left arm, the light that has been tempered for thousands of years shines, and the racket is lifted and swung.

With the infusion of selfless energy, the flames on the tennis ball become more aggressive.

"Thousands of hard work! This trick is useless against Sanada!"

Liu Lianer narrowed her eyes and said calmly.

As he said, Sanada's figure disappeared in place again.

Thunder suddenly broke out, and Sanada raised the racket high, and slashed down like a samurai wielding a katana in his hand.

Another elusive trajectory like a thunderbolt.

Tezuka missed another swing and the tennis ball bounced out of bounds.

"Game, Genichiro Sanada, 30:0."

Outside the stadium, the members of Lihai University were full of enthusiasm.



"Lihai is big! Lihai is big!"

"Changsheng! Li Haida!"

"What, Tezuka, why are you in such a mess? Do you want to show off your talents?!"

Sanada snorted coldly.

"That's what you want!"

On Tezuka's body, the radiant light shines, constantly hovering and forming a colorful colorful color above his head.


When Tezuka looked at Sanada opposite, Sanada's body was covered with a layer of dark red haze.

"It's hard to know!"

Seiichi Yukimura folded his hands on his chest, and said calmly while sitting on the coach's bench.

This is another ultimate esoteric technique developed by Sanada in order to decipher Tezuka's brilliance.

Even, to a certain extent, it can resist Yukimura's seizure of the future!
In Tezuka's mind, a variety of action modes appeared for Sanada in an instant, making him unable to figure out Sanada's movements, and thus unable to make an absolute prediction.

"Invasion is like fire!"

Sanada jumped up again, the raging fire rushed out, sparks splashed everywhere.

Tezuka still activated the hammer and hammer, and under the dense colorful light, the fireworks were blown to Sanada's body.


"Just tell you it's useless!"

Sanada dropped a word, and it turned into a thunder.


The racket frame was split, and the tennis ball bent straight in the air, like a thunderbolt.

"Hmm! What!"

Sanada looked up, Tezuka activated the Tezuka Domain, the cyclone condensed into a vortex, and the thunder light was blown away bit by bit, revealing the tennis ball inside.

The left arm, which had been tempered and blessed, swung vigorously, and the racket collided with the tennis ball, making a loud bang.


The racket in Tezuka's hand was knocked away from his hand with a force as powerful as a thunderbolt.

"Game, Genichiro Sanada, 40:0."

Sanada born out of kendo is the most powerful blow, even the current Tezuka can't fight back with only hard work.


"Game, Genichiro Sanada, 1:1."


"Game, Genichiro Sanada, 2:1."

Fenglin Volcano was thundering, and Sanada also showed his domineering side as Emperor Lihai.

From Tezuka's hand, he played two rounds in a row.

"Through hard work, your slender arms are completely unable to strike back at my movement like thunder."

"And the brilliance is blocked by my incomprehensibility."

"You're done singing, Tezuka!"

Sanada's words were resounding, and at this moment, he was full of confidence. This time, Tezuka would definitely fall into the abyss of defeat.

In the auditorium, on the side of Ice Empress.

Atobe Keigo looked at the domineering Sanada on the court with an ugly expression, his slightly trembling body and clenched hands were telling the unspeakable in Atobe's heart.

Moving like thunder, hard to know like shadows!
Sanada's two great profound meanings, he was not sure of accepting them at all.

Especially Yin, judging from the current performance, perfectly restrained Tezuka's brilliance.

So, can his Ice World still have an effect on Sanada?
"Evolve, I still need to continue to evolve! ~~ Evolve!"

Atobe's heart was filled with a sense of urgency.

The pride in Atobe's heart will never allow him to lag behind others!

Lihai large rest area.

"Sanada, you are amazing!"

Jack Kuwahara lay on the side of the guardrail and shouted excitedly.

"Based on the current information, if Tezuka Kunimitsu has no hidden strength, the chance of Sanada winning the game is 75%!"

Liu Lian'er said solemnly.

"In any case, Sanada has the upper hand now. I think Sanada has a great chance of winning!"

"That is to say, come on, Sanada!"

Sanada, who was sitting next to Yukimura, didn't pay any attention to what his teammates said.

He was calming down the excitement in his heart. He finally had a chance to defeat Tezuka. He had waited for this moment for too long, too long!

"Don't be careless, Sanada!"

Yukimura glanced at Sanada lightly, and said: "Looking at Tezuka, it seems that you are not too shocked by your Lei and Yin, and have no intention of giving up the game."

"Don't worry, Yukimura!"

Sanada raised his head, looking at Yukimura's purple jewel-like eyes with piercing eyes.

"I won't let up! I've waited so long for this day! I won't allow myself to make any mistakes, and I will try my best to stand up for us and win the first game! "


On the other side, Qingxue's rest area.

"How about Tezuka, the two secrets that Sanada specially prepared for you are not simple!"

Bu Er asked with a smile.

Tezuka nodded. Sanada's two moves were really beyond his expectation.

"Remember what I told you? About the idea of ​​domain reverse use!"

Bu Er chuckled and continued, "I think this should not be difficult for you."

Tezuka froze for a moment, then nodded, indicating that he understood.

Soon, the break was over, the two sides switched venues, and the game started again.

Sanada, standing on the bottom line, threw the tennis ball directly, then jumped up without hesitation, and slammed the racket in his hand.

"Invasion is like fire!"

The tennis ball instantly turned into a fireball and flew towards Tezuka with unstoppable momentum.

Tezuka's left hand, under the blessing of thousands of years of tempering, fought back against Sanada's fire.

The tennis ball flew towards Sanada's flanking air defense zone.

"I really don't cry without seeing the coffin!"

Sanada turned into a ray of lightning again, and instantly appeared at the landing point of the tennis ball.

Facing the ejected tennis ball, Sanada slapped it with both hands, and the thunder light violently bombarded it.

"Move like thunder!"

Thunder strikes!

Under the gaze of the audience, Tezuka stood where he was, without any intention of moving.

Around him, an invisible storm suddenly took shape, and a white cyclone hovered from his feet.

"It's useless! The Tezuka domain has long been... what!"

Before Sanada finished speaking, the tennis ball in the air did not fly towards Tezuka, but bounced out of bounds with a thunderous light.

"Out of bounds, Tezuka Kunimitsu scored, 15:0."

The voice of the referee also resounded through the audience.

(End of this chapter)

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