Chapter 153
Out of bounds? !
Hearing the referee's announcement, the audience was stunned for a moment, and then, an uproar erupted in the venue!
"Out of bounds? How is this possible?!"

"Emperor Genichiro Sanada would hit back and go out of bounds?! How could such a low-level mistake happen to him?!"

"In the end what happened?!"

The audience couldn't believe that Sanada would make such a low-level mistake.

This is the final of the national competition, the top competition in the country.

However, as the photography class started to rewind, the replay of the ball just now appeared on the large screen erected at the side.

Through the playback of the high-speed camera, everyone can clearly see that the tennis ball seems to have been pushed by some kind, and it has indeed gone out of bounds.

In an instant, the audience was dumbfounded.

Maybe ordinary people can't see it, but there are many professional players and professional coaches, as well as masters from other schools.

They all saw a little trickiness from the replay just now.

"The spin of the tennis ball is crazy!"

"It seems to be more violent than the rotation of Tezuka's domain!"

"Shouldn't it be."

They all had a guess in their hearts, but if it was true, then this boy named Tezuka Kunimitsu was amazing!
On the court, Tezuka held his head high and said lightly: "Since it is an unreceivable ball, it's fine if you don't catch it!"


Sanada's face froze, and the anger in his heart suddenly surged up.

"If you can do it, try it!"

"Invasion is like fire!"

The anger made Sanada burst out with stronger power, and the fire of the raging wave also became even higher under the blessing of the heart fire.


Tezuka raised his left hand, and the racket lightly touched everything from the high point down.

There was a dull sound of hitting the ball, and the tennis ball went diagonally towards Sanada's curve.

"What do you want to make all my balls go out of bounds!"

"This is simply a fool's dream!"

The expression on Sanada's face looked a little ferocious under the blessing of Lei Guang.

He raised the racket high above his head with both hands, and then slashed vigorously.

"Move like thunder!"

"Out of bounds, Tezuka Kunimitsu scored, 30:0."

"Move like thunder!"

"Out of bounds, Tezuka Kunimitsu scored, 2:2."

"Out of bounds, Tezuka Kunimitsu scored, 3:2."

"It's amazing!"

"It actually made all the balls hit by Sanada go out of bounds! Kunimitsu Tezuka!!!"

The audience was in shock, they had too much shock today.

Whether it's Genichiro Sanada's elusiveness and thunderous movement, or Tezuka's ability to make all of Sanada's returns go out of bounds, they all set off waves in their hearts.

On this side, Ice Emperor's spectator seats.

Atobe gently lowered the hand that was pressing on the eyes, and said word by word: "1.6 times!"

"1.6 times? What are you talking about, Atobe?"

The ice emperor's people didn't react at once, Akutagawa Jirou asked with some doubts.

This rare feast made Akutagawa's sleepy people fly to the sky.

"Tezuka used the Tezuka domain in reverse! The spin on the tennis ball is 1.6 times that of before!"

Tracee said lightly.


Ninja Yuuji shouted in shock.

What a concept!
Originally, the rotation force given to the ball for the purpose of displaying the field is already no small matter, and now we need to increase the rotation by 6% on this basis!

Putting aside the question of whether it can be done, even if it is done, the burden on the arm will increase exponentially.

"Tezuka Kunimitsu! He bet everything on himself for Seigaku's victory!"

Atobe shook his head. Although he didn't agree with Tezuka's approach, he admired Tezuka's spirit!
"Tezuka! Can your arms hold on?!"

Genichiro Sanada looked at Tezuka and sneered.

Tezuka glanced at Sanada's slightly swollen knee, and replied flatly, "Then, can your knee hold on?"

"I will never fall until I defeat you!"

Sanada's words are still full of domineering, as he said, he has waited too long for today.

This may be his best chance to defeat Tezuka, even if both lose, he will not hesitate.

"Concentrate on it, Sanada!"

Sanada is not afraid, so Tezuka is naturally not afraid either, these two people have the character of not bumping into the south wall and not looking back!

To put it bluntly, head iron!

"Look at me, it's as fast as the wind!"

Even at this point, in the eyes of most people, Sanada's swing is still too fast to see the shadow clearly.

Tezuka rushed to the landing point of the tennis ball with strides, raised his left hand, and the tennis ball was rolled back.


"Move like thunder!"

A flash of thunder flashed, and Sanada once again exploded with amazing leg skills. He raised the racket high above his head, and then slashed down heavily.

Under the traction of the domain, the path of the thunder light was scattered again, and the bombardment was outside the boundary, leaving a scorched black mark.

"Out of bounds, Tezuka Kunimitsu scored, 15:0."

"Out of bounds, Tezuka Kunimitsu scored, 30:0."

"Out of bounds, Tezuka Kunimitsu scored, 4:2."

Lei's movement at the speed of light is a magical skill that surpasses the limit of the human body. Continuous use for a long time made Sanada's feet become more and more red and swollen.

Opposite him, Tezuka's arm did the same.

"Tezuka! Don't forget, the future is still very long!"

Seeing Tezuka's zero serve pose again, Fuji, who was sitting on the coach's bench, opened his eyes suddenly, and said lightly.

Fuji felt a little helpless, he didn't want Tezuka to lose blood like in the original book because of a match.

Although Sanada's movement like thunder is very strong, but I believe that even without relying on Tezuka Phantom, Tezuka can still fight back against Sanada's thunder head-on.

Originally, Fuji just wanted Tezuka to use the phantom to see through Lei's trajectory, but who would have thought that Tezuka would choose to confront Sanada head-on.

Yukimura could think of using the racket handle to hit the thunder back, there is no reason why Tezuka would not think of it.

Sanada's thunder is difficult to entangle in the right-angled trajectory, as well as the powerful strength and penetrating power born out of kendo.

As long as the former is solved, the latter can naturally be solved by hitting the ball or skills.

Hearing Fuji's voice, Tezuka put down the tennis ball he was about to throw, first glanced at Fuji, and then turned to Sanada opposite.

Opposite Tezuka, Sanada could no longer crouch on his knees due to the side effect of Ray.

As soon as the knee is bent, there will be severe pain in the knee.

In order not to affect his counterattack, Sanada had to choose to stand upright.

Tezuka's mind recalled Kazuka's vow to win three consecutive championships under the setting sun.

All around him, dazzling light burst forth.

The bright white light was extraordinarily dazzling even in broad daylight, making the entire audience a little bit blindsided.

"How is this going?"

"Tezuka, has he become a light?!"

Buer was also a little shocked, Tezuka, had he come this far?
The auditorium, the player area of ​​Lion Music.

Qiantose Qianli's eyes were wide open, even though his eyes started to shed tears under the stimulation of strong light, he was still reluctant to close his eyes and leave the bright light.

"Is this the strongest esoteric meaning of Wuwotang, the limit of seamlessness!"

Chitose Qianli murmured.

Chitose Chisato can be said to be the most devout believer in Wuji. To him, Tezuka's light at this moment is undoubtedly seeing the existence of God.

Hexagon Secondary School.

The old man's cloudy eyes were also a little shocked at the moment.

He hadn't seen such a light since Nanjiro retired many years ago.

Yamabuki Middle School.

The old man's legs knocked on the ground involuntarily. The light on Tezuka's body reminded him of the figure of Nanjiro back then. It was a neon sign, no, a legend in the world of tennis.

The light dissipated, and on Tezuka's body, cyan shimmering particles shone all over his body, guarding Tezuka like dots of starlight.

"Concentrate on it, Sanada!"

(End of this chapter)

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