The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 165 Izanami

Chapter 165 Izanami
Fuji throws the ball. Although his right hand has lost the sense of touch, but relying on muscle memory, Fuji still maintains a certain level of serve.

Strangely, after the quality of Fuji's serve declined, Yukimura became less anxious to attack.

In this way, Fuji and Fuji continued to be deadlocked.

"What the hell is Yukimura doing? Why don't you take advantage of this moment to launch an offensive?"

Ninja Yuuji said puzzledly.

He couldn't understand that after finally depriving him of the unique touch, he didn't take advantage of this moment to launch an attack to get back the score?
Waiting for Bu Er to regain his sense of touch, wouldn't it be a waste of work.

Atobe didn't speak, and pressed his right hand on his forehead, staring at Yukimura on the field with deep eyes.

"Yukimura! What are you trying to do?"

boom! ~~Bang!
On the field, Fuji and Yukimura were still fighting fiercely.

Suddenly, Buer's eyes darkened, and even Buer would inevitably lose his mind in this moment of darkness.

Buer swung his arm subconsciously, and the tennis ball was lifted high towards the midfield.

In the invisible situation, the high ball in the midfield is the most stable way to return.

Because it will neither go out of bounds nor touch the net!
"Great opportunity! Yukimura!"

Marui Bunta shouted towards the field.

Such a powerless mid-field lob is simply an opportunity to come to your door!

Yukimura looked up, but he didn't choose to jump up and smash. He swung the racket head down and up, and the tennis ball was hit back to the court with a trace of topspin.

"What are you doing! Don't you kill the ball at such an opportunity?"

The minister of Shizile said puzzledly.

Tachibana Yoshihei and Chitose Chisato also looked suspicious, Yukimura seemed to be letting water?

But now the big lead is the best!
Bu Er closed his eyes, and from his heart, an invisible "eye" suddenly opened.

The pupil of the heart!
With his eyes closed tightly, Buer's sense of touch in his right hand has been regained, and he swung his backhand.

A sharp backhand whipped out, and Huang Mang shot out like lightning.

"Weird. Monster? Can you play with your eyes closed???"

"And the shot seems to be more powerful than normal!"

"Why do people in Tokyo like to play with their eyes closed? That's the case with Maori from Tachikai before, and now Shusuke Fuji from Aigaku is also like that!"

The audience talked a lot, and they could still play with their eyes closed, which made them a little hard to accept.

Suddenly, Fujii swung the ball, Yukimura hit the ground with his right foot and appeared in front of the net.

call out!
Bu Er only felt a gust of wind pressure rushing past his feet, and it was too late when he wanted to swing his racket to intercept it.

"Game, Yukimura Seiichi, 15:15."

Yukimura waved his fist to the air in front of him, his eyes were bright!
"No two! Fall into the future moment I have prepared for you!"

Bu Er frowned slightly, and at the moment just now, he suddenly had a feeling of being seen through.


Is it!
There was a smile on the corner of Buer's mouth, he threw the ball, and then leaned forward to follow suit.

Let me see your progress, Yukimura!

boom! ~~Bang!
Fuji and Yukimura fought for a few rounds, and Yukimura jumped into the air.

When Fuji heard the sound of Yukimura jumping up, he naturally thought that he was going to smash the ball, so he quickly got ready.

Who would have thought that Yukimura would reverse his body in the air, swing his racket powerfully the moment he landed, and hit a high-speed flat shot.

The audience only saw a golden beam of light explode at Fuji's feet, and then fled the field.

"Game, Yukimura Seiichi, 30:15."

Buer stood up and waved his arms, but he didn't react just a moment ago?
The moment Yukimura Gai hit a flat shot, Fuji had already noticed it, but he didn't react.

"Sure enough! Was my data collected?"

Fuji smiled slightly, as he expected, Yukimura actually realized that move.


Or in other words, seize the future!

But now Yukimura's move is far from reaching the level of the World Cup in Australia in the future, perhaps because Yukimura has not yet comprehended the dream, and the image of his own failure does not appear in Fuji's mind.

"Do I actually have a blind spot?!"

Fuji shook his head slightly, he didn't expect Yukimura's observation skills to be so amazing.

Yukimura's mathematics is also his strong point!
Yukimura's capture of the future is based to a certain extent on the basis of data tennis, through continuous counterattacks in various modes of returning the ball, and collecting data from the opponent.

After knowing the ball path and shot type that the opponent is not good at counterattacking, Yukimura can play the ball path and shot type that the opponent is not good at counterattacking.

At the World Cup in Australia, Yukimura also added the "Yips" psychic attack, using dreams to make Tezuka's mind conjure images of defeat.

At the same time, when constantly counterattacking the opponent's incoming ball, supplemented by one's own aura and mental oppression, it can make the opponent fall into a state of destroying the five senses.

The two-pronged approach makes it impossible for the other party to get rid of their own failed future.

Regardless of the moment, Yukimura is still unable to instill the image of failure in Fuji's mind.

Only by relying on the hitting hints constantly added in the lengthy pull, Fuji will have the illusion that if he hits the next ball like this, he will lose points, so as to hit the ball and the type of shot Yukimura wants.

boom! ~~Bang!
Yukimura sprinted to the net quickly, then lowered his waist sharply, jumped up from the ground with the bounce of his feet, and the racket was meeting the tennis ball that had crossed the net.

The tennis ball was quickly hit towards Bu Er's feet, bounced up and fell quickly again, and then popped out of bounds.

"Game, Yukimura Seiichi, 40:15."

Although Yukimura's face was covered with sweat, his eyes were filled with fiery passion.

"Immerse yourself in the failure I have prepared for you! Budu!"

Yukimura's racket was spot on, and he said with high spirits.

Fuji smiled slightly, opened his eyes, the glare of the sun caused overlapping images of Yukimura in front of his eyes.

"Is this your reliance? Yukimura!"

"Reliance? Heh! This is a gift I prepared for you! Do you like it! No two!"

Yukimura chuckled lightly.

"One more ball! Another ball!"

"Lihai is big! Lihai is big!"

"Changsheng! Li Haida!"

On the sidelines at this time, as Yukimura's words fell, the supporters of Li Haida broke out in shouts that shook the sky instantly.

"Really? But, there are balls that you can't counter even if you know the way of the ball, right?"

Yukimura frowned slightly at Fuji's words.

A very bad feeling suddenly rose in Yukimura's heart.

Fuji smiled slightly, Yukimura had already seen his hole cards, and it was time to win the game.

Fuji threw the ball, and Yukimura watched Fuji's movements closely.

Suddenly, in Yukimura's eyes, Fuji stopped and stood up, and there was a crisp sound of hitting the ball next to his ears.

"What... what!"

Yukimura turned his head, and beside the wall behind him, there was a bright yellow tennis ball lying there.

"Photography...Photography class! Rewind! Rewind and have a look!"

On the high chair, the referee swallowed and said in shock.

"Oh... oh! Good!" The photographer hurriedly rewinded the tape and checked, and found that even with the naked eye, he could clearly see the tennis ball falling within the bounds.

Although I don't know why the ball was obviously not fast, but I didn't see the shadow of the ball clearly, but the photographer still told the referee the result.

"In bounds! The ball landed in bounds!"

"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 30:40!"

After getting the photographer's reply, the referee also made a verdict immediately.

"Oh oh oh oh!"

The audience boiled instantly, they all thought that the speed of the ball exceeded the limit of their dynamic vision!

(End of this chapter)

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