The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 166 Closing

Chapter 166 Closing
"Keep going, Yukimura!"

Fuji smiled and took out another tennis ball.

Yukimura crouched on his knees, concentrating all his concentration on Fuji.

"Calm down! Seichi! There's no way you can't even catch a shadow ball!"

Yukimura secretly encouraged himself in his heart.

Suddenly, Yukimura noticed that Fuji's body moved, but at this moment, a sharp wind had passed by his side.

"how can that be!"

There was a drop of cold sweat on Yukimura's forehead, and he looked at the tennis ball rolling down behind him again in disbelief.

"Strange, why didn't Yukimura Seiichi respond to Fuji Shusuke's serve?"

Ninzu-ken also asked with some doubts.

He is most sensitive to speed.

Shusuke Fujisuke's serve just now was not fast, so there's no reason Seiichi Yukimura couldn't react to it? !
"I don't know! But it's obvious that Fujisuke's serve just now must have some skills. It's definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface."

With a toothpick in his mouth, Osamu Watanabe said lightly.

"Unsolvable serve? What a scary guy!"

Ping Shanzhi said in a funny tone.

"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 4:0."

There was another crisp sound, and the golden light exploded, but Yukimura still couldn't react.

Yukimura stroked his chest lightly, calming his throbbing heart.

Yukimura swung the ball, and Liu Guang shot from his hand to the opposite side.

"Even if I can't return your serve, you can't resist that failed future!"

Yukimura roared loudly and lashed out forcefully.

The quick and ferocious flat shot blew the ball at the foot of Fuji's left foot, and then bounced behind him.

The corners of Bu Er's mouth rose slightly, and in the air, the invisible wind condensed into strings, one by one draped on the tennis balls.

As if being pulled by an invisible hand, he pulled the tennis ball back to Fuji's body bit by bit.

Fuji swung his racket from bottom to top, and the tennis ball flew back upside down.

"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 15:0."

The script that Yukimura originally set for Fuji was broken!


has been rewritten!

Yukimura's heart sank, what was that just now? !
"A domain?! Tezuka, was that a domain just now?"

Kikumaru excitedly asked Tezuka beside him.


"The rotation on the ball just now does not meet the conditions to form a field!"

Tezuka stared at the field with deep eyes, and replied faintly.

"But that ball just now looks like a domain!"

Kikumaru retorted.

"It can only be said that the effect is roughly the same, but the conditions for achieving it are completely different."

Tezuka folded his hands on his chest and said lightly.

boom! ~~Bang!
"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 30:0."

"It looks like the outcome of this match has been decided!"

Shinobu Yuuji pushed his non-prescription glasses and said silently.

"Lihai University still failed to defeat Qingxue!"

Xiang Riyue sighed and waved his hands helplessly.

On the field, Yukimura was still holding on.

Yukimura glanced up at the tennis ball that was picked up by Fuji, bent his knees slightly and bounced up.

"I won't admit defeat! Buer!"

Yukimura roared and clasped his right hand heavily.


Yukimura's heart was shocked, and Fuji rushed up against the speeding tennis ball.

The attack technique of the wind - Aoi Fubuki!

As soon as Yukimura landed, the yellow light beam passed by his side and flew straight out of the field.

Yukimura stretched out his left hand, as if he could still touch the illusory snowflakes.

"What's the name of this trick!"

Yukimura took a deep breath and asked Fuji.

"Aoi Fubuki, the attack technique of the wind!"

Buer squinted his eyes slightly, and replied with a smile.

"Keep going, Yukimura!"

Fuji turned around and returned to the bottom line with a faint smile.


Yukimura breathed out lightly, suppressed the impatience in his heart, and swung the racket vigorously.

boom! ~~Bang!
"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 5:0."

As the referee's verdict fell, the audience cheered thunderously.

Because the next game is the perfect serve!
Sitting on the chair, Yukimura wiped the sweat off his face with a towel. Although the game only lasted five rounds, the amount of sweat on Yukimura's body was a bit unusual due to the deliberate pulling of the first few rounds.


Yukimura, who was leaning on the chair, suddenly heard Sanada's voice.

Yukimura turned his head, and Sanada slowly gave him a thumbs up.

Afterwards, all the regular team members of Lihai University stood by the guardrail and gave Yukimura their thumbs up.

Yukimura was taken aback for a moment, then smiled softly.


Yukimura's heart was instantly injected with a new force.

Constantly surging.

He carried the racket and set foot on the court again. Behind him was the look that everyone in Lihai University expected.

Sensing the change in Yukimura, Fuji smiled and shook his head.

"It's useless! You can't beat me now!"

Yukimura stared at Fuji, holding his breath, not even daring to blink.

"As long as I can see the trajectory! There is nothing I can't fight back!"

Yukimura kept cheering himself up in his heart.

A leisurely and clear sound of hitting the ball rang in Yukimura's ear.

Everything around was shattered like flowers in a mirror and moon in water. Yukimura slowly turned his head, and beside the wall behind him, a tennis ball was lying there quietly.

"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 15:0."

On the high chair, the referee didn't even bother to ask the photographer if he was in bounds, and reported the score directly.

"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 30:0."

"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 40:0."

"One more ball! Another ball!"

"Qing Xue! Qing Xue!"

As long as there is another goal, the game will be won, and the audience is also very excited, and will soon be able to witness the new king's ascension to the throne.

"Yukimura! I'm sorry! See you next time!"

With a chuckle, he threw the ball.

The golden beam of light passed by Yukimura's side, and Yukimura's eyes suddenly dimmed.

The heat in his heart was extinguished in an instant.

"This game was won by the youth academy Fujisuke, with a score of 6:0."

"So far, Youth Academy has defeated Lihai University Affiliated High School with a record of 3:2 and won the championship of this national competition!"

During the broadcast, the organizer's voice resounded throughout the audience.

"Oh oh oh oh!"

"Qing Xue! Qing Xue!"

Kikumaru took the lead and couldn't hold back his excitement, he jumped over the guardrail and rushed towards Fuji in the arena.

"Oh! Eiji!"

Dashi hurriedly followed, followed by Kawamura.

Seeing that Tezuka was still standing there, Yamato Yuda walked up to Tezuka, "Let's go, it's time to celebrate!"

Tezuka nodded, enjoying the moment of victory with everyone.

In the stands, the audience has begun to retreat in an orderly manner.

"Let's go! The one standing there next year will definitely be our Ice Emperor!"

Atobe stood up gracefully, glanced at the Qingxue people who were still cheering in the arena, and swore an oath to Bingdi's group.

The Ice Emperor and his followers jumped out of the fish following Zhe Jibu, and the next moment was for Qingxue to enjoy the victory, and the Ice Empress and his followers didn't want to stay as a foil.

With weak steps, Yukimura returned to Rikkai's team.

"Sorry! I've let everyone down again!"

Yukimura lowered his head, not daring to meet his companion's eyes.

"No need to say sorry! We still have a chance next year!"

"Yeah! Yukimura, you've done a good job!"

No one in Lihaida criticized Yukimura, they knew that Yukimura had done his best.

Kosaburo Mori saw Yukimura's sad look, and felt a twinge of pain in his heart.

If he hadn't lost that crucial match, things wouldn't be like this!

In his heart, he silently took all the responsibilities!
(End of this chapter)

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