The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 169 The Showdown With Tezuka

Chapter 169 The Showdown With Tezuka
This weekend, I will not go out of the second door without leaving the second door, and I will study my own path at home.

Not to mention, Buer really caught a sliver of inspiration.

Bu Er urgently needs a game to temper the nutrients necessary for his evolution.

on Monday.

After finishing the day's lessons, it's time for the tennis team to train again.

Because many third graders are busy with their studies, the tennis club seems a bit deserted.

The stadium, which should have been crowded, became empty.

First run a few laps around the court to warm up, followed by exercises for shoulders, feet, wrists and other parts, and finally a lengthy swing practice.

Although they are all very basic exercises, they are already a lot of training for many members of the tennis club.

After the training is over, it is time for free practice.

Except for a few courts dedicated to official players, members of the rest of the empty courts can play off the court.

Fuji was smiling and watching everyone scattered to various courts, when Tezuka appeared in front of him with a racket.


Fuji tilted his head and asked, he naturally knew why Tezuka came to him.


Tezuka nodded lightly, and the weight in the words let Fuji know that Tezuka was probably quite serious at the moment.

"it is good!"

Immediately, Fuji took out the racket from his tennis bag, and walked into an empty court with Tezuka.

"Hurry up, President Fuji is going to compete with Vice President Tezuka!"

"What?! Come on, let's go there quickly."

"This kind of shocking duel, if you go late, I'm afraid you won't be able to grab the front row."

The members around spread the word to ten, ten to hundreds, and soon the news spread.

"It seems that our game is going to be put on hold."

Ganzo Kawamura was doing intensive doubles practice with Oishi Kikumaru, but upon hearing the news, no matter which side it was, he had no intention of competing.

When the four of them came to the field where Fuji and Tezuka were playing, they just saw Akutsu coming in from outside the court with aggressive steps.

"Akutsu's movements are really fast!"

Kikumaru was full of anger, and every time Fuji played against Tezuka, Akutsu always took the lead and took the position of referee.

The so-called closeness to the water first wins the moon, and Yakujin naturally wants to watch the match between the two guys he most wants to beat at the closest distance.

"Tezuka, you serve first!"

Fuji said with a smile on Tezuka.

Tezuka nodded, walked to the bottom line and stood.

"It's coming! No two!"

Tezuka said something solemnly, and then took out the tennis ball.

"This pose is!"

Not only Fuji, but everyone present knew the signature move Tezuka made.

Zero serve!

"ACE, Tezuka, 15:0."


"ACE, Tezuka, 40:0."


"ACE, Tezuka, 1:0."

Although Fuji tried to return Tezuka's zero serve under normal circumstances, he still couldn't do it after all.

In the first game, Tezuka held his serve strongly and won his own serve.

"You're not welcome at all, Tezuka!"

Fuji squinted his eyes, smiled and looked at Michi Tezuka opposite.

"Concentrate on it! No two!"

Tezuka said lightly, his momentum was constantly rising.

Momentum is not something vague for a player of Tezuka's level.

Yukimura can amplify his own aura through aura, causing the opponent to fall into his own five senses without knowing it. Tezuka can also use aura to amplify his own state to the limit.

Now that Tezuka has already made a move, Fuji will no longer hold back.

Fuji turned slightly sideways, bent his knees, and tossed the ball up.

Tezuka only felt a clear and long hitting sound coming from a distance, and when he came back to his senses, the tennis ball was already bouncing behind him.

There was a storm in Tezuka's heart. Is this the serve that Fuji used in the decisive battle with Yukimura?
Although it seemed that the speed of the ball was not fast from a distance, but when he really put himself in the match with the ball, he understood why Yukimura didn't respond at that time.

"Is it similar to Atobe's Ice World? But I don't feel like being watched?"

Tezuka thought to himself.

"Tezuka, let's continue!"

Fuji chuckled, and Tezuka immediately put aside the redundant thoughts in his mind, bent his knees and squatted down, and focused on the tennis ball thrown by Fuji.

Waking up from the same silence again, the wind pressure brought by the tennis ball was still blowing at his feet, leaving a drop of cold sweat on Tezuka's forehead.

Ya Jiujin, who was on the side, also had a look of horror.

As an on-site referee, like Tezuka, he fell into the relative stillness created by Fuji.

"ACE, Fuji, 40:0."


"ACE, Fuji, 1:1."

Similarly, Fuji only used four balls to keep his serve.

"This... this match won't turn into a big matchup of serve?"

Kikumaru asked curiously.

"No, it won't. Although I don't know if there are any restrictions on Fuji's serve, but don't forget that Fuji once said that Tezuka's zero-style serve consumes a lot of arms."

"For the health of the arm, you can't hit too many zeros in a game."

Gan pushed his glasses and said.

At this moment, he did not record the relevant data, because he knew that he could not return the serve of these two people.

After experiencing the disastrous defeat in the national competition, Gan Ye finally realized that although the data is not deceiving, but if he wants to win the game through the data, he needs a body and strength that can match the data.

You can't win a game without data.

In the third game of the game, Tezuka did not choose to continue to play a zero serve, but chose a regular flat serve, as Kane said.

The perfectionist Tezuka hits the standard serve with astonishing speed and complex spin.

Fuji smiled slightly, and strode towards the landing point of the tennis ball.

With a flick of the wrist, he slashed upwards with his backhand.

The tennis ball flew high and shot into the air.

"It's a move, it's the incomparable White Dragon!"

After Tezuka sprinted a few steps forward, he jumped up, just like Yukimura did in the national competition, and when Hakuryu fell to the bottom line, he directly returned the ball in the air.

Bu Er seemed to have been prepared for a long time, with his back to the tennis ball, and he picked up the racket with both hands.

A golden light beam shot into the sky from Fuji's racket, and flew toward the baseline behind Tezuka in a graceful arc.

Beside Tezuka, a white cyclone suddenly appeared. The tennis ball, which was originally flying towards the bottom line, was pulled by the field, turned a corner in the air, and returned to Tezuka.

"It's appeared! It's the Tezuka domain!"

The members of Qingxue exclaimed for a while, no matter how many times they watched Tezuka's move, it was so amazing.

Tezuka tilted the racquet head slightly downward, and then swung towards the upper left.

The tennis ball suddenly turned into a streamer and shot out from his chest.

Bu Er's eyes were fixed, the racket turned into a slash, and the tennis ball flew back upside down.

Quickly fell into the net, and then rolled straight out of bounds from the ground.

"Hiss! It's the phoenix returning to the nest!"

"President Fuji is really amazing! Let's grab a point first!"

Everyone discussed in low voices.

But Fuji was not complacent about it, because he knew that Tezuka hadn't done his best yet.

If he did it flawlessly, he wouldn't be able to get points from Tezuka's subordinates with this phoenix return to the nest.

(End of this chapter)

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