The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 170 Evolution

Chapter 170 Evolution
"Tezuka, there's no need to test it anymore! Let me see your true strength!"

Bu Er opened his eyes, a sharp light flashed in the deep blue pupils under the maroon shattered hair.

Tezuka was taken aback for a moment, then nodded heavily.

A moment later, a burst of dazzling white light erupted from Tezuka's body.

Even in broad daylight, this light is so dazzling.

The light dissipated, but Tezuka's body was still surrounded by dots of cyan light.

"Did Vice President Tezuka make a flawless suit so quickly!"

"No way, the opponent is President Fuji!"

The members of the surrounding Qing Xue Tennis Club became excited all of a sudden, and the game reached a climax from the very beginning.

"Concentrate on it, Buer!"

As soon as Tezuka's words fell, a golden beam of light had already shot directly at Fuji's feet.

Buer almost didn't react, and hastily counterattacked, which greatly reduced the quality of the ball.

Tezuka sprinted forward, using the power of running to jump up, the height of the jump was simply shocking.

The racket was buckled heavily, and the tennis ball turned into a beam of light and shot through Budu's backcourt.

"Game, Tezuka, 15:15."

"This feeling!"

Fuji frowned slightly, similar to Yukimura's Mie Five Senses, he felt that his own strength seemed to be swallowed up by the blue light on Tezuka's body.

It made him unable to exert his full strength.

The terrifying thing about seamlessness is not only the blessing to the player's strength, but also its ability to devour the opponent's strength.

When swallowed by the seamless light and aperture, the strength will shrink, and even the original strength cannot be exerted.

In the national competition in the original book, Yukimura faced Echizen who opened up seamlessly, and it was the brilliance of Echizen that swallowed his own strength.

It is true that with the seamless blessing, Echizen's strength will get a qualitative leap, but it is impossible to crush Yukimura.

You must know that the gap between Echizen Wuwei and Yukimura at that time was still very obvious.

The reason why Echizen was able to crush Yukimura head-on was precisely because Yukimura was affected by the seamless brilliance, his own strength was greatly reduced, and his mind was damaged, so he lost so badly.

And if you want to compete with Tianyi seamlessly, the most important thing is not to be swallowed by the opponent's brilliance.

This is an absolute condition!

Thinking of this, Fuji slowly closed his eyes.

Although Fuji can't deprive himself of his five senses like Yukimura does, Fuji also has a way to maximize the necessary senses when playing tennis, thereby suppressing the seamless mental devouring.

That is the mind!
Abandoning all external influences, the only thing to do is to focus all your attention on the balls returning to your own court, and hit them one by one, that's all.

boom! ~~Bang!
As Fuji opened his eyes, gradually, the power that had been swallowed by the seamless brilliance slowly recovered.

Although it is still somewhat affected, it is enough to return Tezuka's ball.

"That's amazing! He can beat Tezuka in a flawless state!"

Kikumaru opened his mouth wide, looking shocked.

He has consulted the information, and the flawless clothes are the supreme mystery opened by the legendary warrior-Echizen Nanjiro.

Even Genichiro Sanada, the emperor of Lihaida, was helpless in the face of this move.

"After all, it is unique, and it is not surprising that it can do this!"

Qian silently recorded in his notebook the fact that his mind can resist the seamlessness, and such data may be useful in the future.

On the court, the two were still fighting fiercely.

The more Tezuka fought, the more frightened he became. Not only was Fuji not affected by the seamlessness, but even his strength, speed, and skills became stronger and stronger.

The only thing is that the more you fight, the more smoothly you go, and the hazy atmosphere in your mind becomes more and more thorough.

"Game, Tezuka, 2:1."


"Game, no two, 2:2."


Tezuka held the racket with his right hand, and threw his left hand out with his arm. Tezuka hit the flat ball in a seamless state with amazing speed. Even Kikumaru, who has excellent dynamic vision, could not see the shadow of the ball clearly.

The only people who can capture the trajectory of the tennis ball are two, no, three people on the court.

Facing such a strong attack from Tezuka, Fuji did not rush and swung his arm upwards.

The tennis ball turned into a huge white dragon and soared into the sky.

However, another cyan dragon can be vaguely seen hovering in the white light beam.

"It's useless, White Dragon won't work on Tezuka!"

Dry pushing the glasses, said lightly.

Tezuka ran back a few steps, then turned around and stepped hard on the ground with both feet, jumping into the air with the strength of the rebound.

The racket aimed at the flying white dragon-shaped light beam and slammed it hard.


Two impact sounds sounded almost at the same time, and the racket in Tezuka's hand fell out of his hand and fell to the ground.

There is almost no possibility of surviving a racket that fell from this height, and it shattered into pieces in an instant.

Tezuka, who fell from the sky, stretched out his left hand and looked at it. In the moment just now, there were two waves of impact from the racket.

Tezuka immediately thought of Fuji's Fuyu, has Fuji evolved again? !
Has the use of wind been added to White Dragon?

Sensing Tezuka's gaze, Fuji smiled faintly.

"Double Dragon Playing Pearl!"

Hearing this, Tezuka and Akutsu were shocked, and sure enough, Fuji evolved again.

Now that the white dragon has evolved into a double dragon play ball, what about the phoenix returning to the nest and the unicorn landing?
Outside the arena, Kikumaru also jumped up excitedly.

"Dashi, did you hear that? Shuanglongxizhu, it's Shuanglongxizhu!"

It seemed that Kikumaru was happier than Fuji himself.

Tezuka collected himself, and then blasted out another ball.

On the court, the two fell into a fierce confrontation again.

Tezuka swung his left hand out with his arm, and then quickly sprinted to the net with the inertia of leaning forward.

Seeing this, Bu Er raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and then sent the tennis ball to the upper right with the racket.

The tennis ball draws a huge parabola in the air, high over the net.

"It's a lob! Could it be!"

Outside the court, Kawamura raised his head and said loudly.

Tezuka looked up, without the slightest hesitation, turned around and returned to the backcourt.

Then leap into the air.

"Come on! No two! Let me see your evolution!"

Tezuka has no fear of Fuji's evolution in his heart, because only such Fuji is worth his constant pursuit.

Fuji smiled and turned his back to the net.

Lifting the racquet with both hands from bottom to top, the tennis ball is given a violent spin across the racquet surface in an instant.

Hovering like a top, it rose into the air with a serpentine trajectory, and then fell rapidly, hitting the bottom line heavily.

The tennis ball rubbed against the ground, and as a plume of black smoke rose, the tennis ball completely lost its kinetic energy and lay there quietly.

"The unicorn binds the ground!"

In front of Tezuka, Fuji slowly stood up and said lightly.

"Oh oh oh!"

The members around couldn't help cheering for Fuji.

Tezuka served the ball again, he could already see that Buer was using him as a sparring partner, but Tezuka didn't have any objections.

To be able to witness the evolution of non-duality with light eyes is the most precious thing for Tezuka.

Tezuka tilted his left arm slightly, with the racket head facing down slightly, and then pulled it upwards.

The tennis ball flew towards Fuji's feet with a strong top spin.

Bu Er's eyes were fixed, and the racket was tilted towards everything.

There was a powerful sound of hitting the ball, and huge strength burst out from Bu Er's slender arms.

The tennis ball quickly crossed the net, fell rapidly not far from the net, and then quickly jumped out from the ground towards the space on the right side of Tezuka.

"Phoenix phoenix phoenix tree!"

(End of this chapter)

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