The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 172 School Trip

Chapter 172 School Trip
"Is this President Fuji's final return?"

"I can't see the trajectory of the ball at all!"

"It's impossible to fight back like this!"

The members around were all shocked, they couldn't catch such a return at all.

Tezuka also looked shocked, is this the final return of Fuji!

Is the spark that seems to exist in real life really something tennis can do? !
boom! ~~~ Bang!
"This round was won by Fuji, with a score of 6:2."

He is completely serious, and even Tezuka, who is in a seamless state, cannot compete with it.

"I lost completely, Buer, you are still so strong!"

Tezuka walked to the net and held out a hand.

"You put a lot of pressure on me too!"

Buer squinted and smiled.

At the end of the game, this stadium can only be in a scrapped state for the time being.

Buer found a special person to restore the stadium, and I believe it will be restored soon.

After the work was over, several of them went home together.

"By the way, have you figured out where to go on your school trip?"

On the way, Kikumaru asked bouncingly.

"It hasn't been decided yet."

Dry shook his head and said.

"I'm going to Germany to see the tennis there!"

Tezuka said lightly.


Tezuka's words made everyone look sideways. Tezuka is indeed a person who has a very complete plan for himself.

"What about you?"

Kikumaru turned around and asked.

"Me? My words are going to the United States."

Bu Er squinted his eyes, and smiled comfortably at the corners of his mouth.

"The United States? Then it seems that we have no way to go together. Dashi and I plan to go to Okinawa!"

Kikumaru pouted.

"What about you, Akutsu?"

Kikumaru moved to Akutsu's side, although he was always bullied by Akutsu, but Kikumaru still liked to be next to Akutsu.

"do not know!"

Akutsu glanced at Kikumaru and said expressionlessly.

"Then, Ren, do you want to go to America with me?"

Bu Er said suddenly, Ya Jiujin was also taken aback when he heard the words.


Yajiujin didn't have any objections, it was the same for him wherever he went.

"Ah! No two, you are so cunning! You must be afraid of going to the United States alone, so that's why you want to ask Ajiujin to be your bodyguard, right!"

Kikumaru had an expression that I had already seen through, which made everyone laugh.

"Go ahead, add 5% to Eiji's training plan for next semester, and train him well!"

Bu Er turned his head and said to the dry side.

"no problem."

Gan pushed his glasses and said.

"Ah!!! How can you do this?"

Kikumaru wailed for a while, but everyone laughed even more happily.


A few days later, on a plane from Tokyo to New York.

Buer looked at the scenery outside the window comfortably, and Yajiujin beside him closed his eyes to rest.

This trip to the United States, one is to see the tennis in the United States, and the other is to see if there is a chance to visit the legendary samurai.

Viet Nam Jiro!
When I got off the plane, it was already the beginning of the lights.

The time difference between Tokyo and New York is almost thirteen hours. Fuji and Akutsu departed from Tokyo around noon, and it was already late when they got off the plane.

I found a hotel to stay at random, and Fuji and Akutsu washed up and went to bed.

The next day!

After waking up early, Fuji and Akutsu took a car to the USTA National Tennis Center in New York. They came to New York at just the right time, and the US Open just happened to start.

Every year at the US Open, there is an endless stream of people who come to watch the game.

The entire venue was full of people, many of whom came to the United States from overseas to watch this feast.

"Aren, watch and learn. This is a very rare opportunity to watch these real professional players live."

Buer tilted his head, squinted his eyes and said to Ajiujin.

The reason why it is called a real professional player is because there are many types of professional players.

For example, the father of Sasabe, who appeared in the original book, is also known as a professional player, but he can only play unknown games in a tennis desert like Neon.

At most, he is a little famous in the country of Nihong, but in the world, he is a low-level player.

The title of a professional player is actually not worth much, but the real top professional player is completely different.

"Cut! Stop talking!"

Although he said so on his lips, Akutsu kept his eyes on the field.

He has not been in contact with tennis for a long time, and most of the time he plays with his wildness.

Being able to witness the games of top professional players is of great help to his evolution.

After watching the morning game, Fuji and Akutsu found a nearby place to have lunch.

The afternoon game started late, so they had to find a place to kill the time before that.

On the streets of New York, there are many tennis courts scattered in the park.

Compared with the tennis courts in the club, there are not so many rules here, and it is more casual. Basically, there are no referees, and the scores are completely calculated by the two sides.

And sometimes, there will be a scene of gambling on tennis courts on the street. Even in the tennis desert like Neon, this phenomenon is not uncommon.

Fuji and Akutsu once played in Neon's street tennis courts, and made a lot of money because of it.

Overseas, whether it is the United States or European countries, the phenomenon of gambling is common.

After all, it is human nature to seek excitement.

There is nothing more exciting than danger and riches.

After visiting several courses in a row, although the level of street courses in the United States is indeed much higher than that in Neon China, there is no opponent who can make Buer shine.

The only thing that catches my eye is a doubles player.

Just when Fuji and Akutsu stepped outside the court in a park, there was a loud noise in their ears.

Buer's eyes lit up, and he pulled Ajiujin to run quickly towards the direction of the sound.

"Hmph! It's really vulnerable!"

As a top student, Bu Er's English is naturally not bad, and the same is true for Ajiujin, otherwise the two of them would not have come to this unfamiliar country of America alone.

It was a burly man who was speaking, and in front of him, a young man with blond hair was lying on the ground with a broken tennis racket beside him.

The companion of the blond-haired young man hesitated for a moment, but still entered the field and carried him out, and the group left the field in a hurry.

"Brother, you are really amazing!"

Beside the burly man, a young man like a thin monkey stepped forward.

"Awesome? If it's really powerful, you won't be ridden on the head by a group of brats!"

It turned out that the strong man's name was Cook Evans, and he was a member of the U17 training camp in the United States.

"The group of brats are indeed a little powerful, but they are not honestly suppressed by the boss."

The thin monkey's name is Brook Garcia, who is also a member of the U17 of the United States.

The rules of the U17 training camp in the United States are different from those of the Neon U17 training camp. Compared with them, they are much more free.

You can come in and out of the training camp at will, as long as you attend the training camp on time.

And the training camp is not in a deep mountain forest like Neon, but is located in a modern metropolis, the center of New York.

The two of them seemed to be in a bad mood, so they came out to the street court to vent their anger.

It's a pity that the blond young man suffered a disaster just now.

"Hmph! Sooner or later, I want them to look good!"

Cook Evans spat and said disdainfully.

"Don't worry, the boss said, let us be patient. Presumably the boss has some countermeasures!"

Brooke Garcia sneered.

It's just that they didn't know that, not far behind them, behind a big tree, two people were watching them from afar.

"Ralph, the kid they're talking about is you, right?"

While talking, a young man tossed the orange in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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