Chapter 173
It was a blond young man called Ralph, who smiled indifferently.

"What can this group of people achieve, but they can use some dirty tricks."

"Heh! That's right, if this group of people were really capable, they wouldn't be bullying the weak here!"

The orange youth nodded, agreeing with Ralph's words.

"Long Ya, do you really not consider joining the US team to fight alongside me?"

For these two guys, Ralph didn't care at all.

Compared with them, Long Ya is much more important.

In order to establish a new order for Team USA, Ralph needs more powerful partners.

And the orange boy in front of him, Echizen Ryuya.

In Ralph's opinion, strength can only be described in four words.


"I've said it, Ralph! I have no interest in joining Team USA."

"Playing with this group of people, I might as well go home and find the little ones to play with!"

Echizen Ryuya chuckled lightly.

Ralph wanted to persuade him again, but Echizen Ryuya pointed and said, "Look, there are actually two little guys who are going to challenge those two guys?"

Ralph turned his head and saw that indeed, two young Asians were communicating with Cook and Brooke.


Although I don't know Cook and Brook, just by hearing the momentum of the ball just now and the aura of these two people, I can tell that these two people are not bad.

"Hello! May I ask you to play a game with us?"

Buer stepped forward and said politely.

Cook glanced at Fuji and Yakutsu with disdainful eyes.

"Asian? Don't blame me for not reminding you, our tennis in Millican is not the same as your small country game."

Fuji grabbed Akutsu and nodded.

"Come on then! Singles or doubles?"

Cook smirked, and just didn't have a good time playing, so he played with these two brats from Asia!
"Let's play singles, let my friend play with you first."

Fuji patted Akutsu on the shoulder and said.

"It doesn't matter, everyone is the same!"

"I'll give you the right to serve, so I won't turn around and say I bullied you."

Cook looked indifferent, and gave up the right to serve to Akutsu.

"Be careful, Jin."

Fuji gave a word to Yajiujin, and then retreated to the sidelines.


Ajiujin was expressionless, and slowly came to the bottom line.

Taking out a tennis ball from his pocket, Akutsu glanced at the stupid big man opposite, and then threw the ball.

Sidespin serve!

The tennis ball hit Cook's feet with a curved trajectory, then bounced off the ground and hit Cook's face.

Although Cook is not an agile player, his speed is not slow.

Lifting the face of the racket in front of him, he blocked Akutsu's ball with one hand.

"Oh? No wonder you dare to challenge us, so you think you have two brushes, right?"

Cook sneered, this Asian brat has some tricks, he underestimated the other party.

"Long Ya, isn't this your outspin serve? How can this boy know it? Is he your relative?"

Ralph asked curiously.

He had seen Echizen Ryuya hit this kind of serve before. According to Longya, this was a move inherited from Echizen Minamijiro, but now another Asian made this move.

"No, I don't know them."

Echizen Longya shook his head, even so, Echizen Longya was still interested.

Asian?It's not from Neon, is it?

Cook put away the contempt in his heart and waved at Akutsu.

"Come on! Try your serve again!"


Yakujin sneered, and then made another move.

Sidespin serve!

The tennis ball flew out with a strong spin, bounced off the ground and hit Cook's face.

"Humph! Naive!"

Cook took half a step back, leaned back, and took the camera with his right hand from the high point downwards.

Although his cutting ball skills are not very good, as long as he can hit back!
Yakujin ran quickly on the field, catching up with the time for the ball to bounce in the midfield.

A sharp forehand half-volley pushed the ball down and back into Cook's court.

Today, Akutsu has also learned to arrange tactics reasonably. The opponent looks like a player who is good at power tennis. For such a player, he must not be allowed to have the opportunity to play violent flat shots.

Cook slightly bent his knees, put the racket under the tennis ball, and slammed it upwards vigorously.

The tennis ball flew high over the net before falling in a huge parabola.

Akutsu turned back near the bottom line, and then jumped high.

The racket in Yakujin's hand was buckled heavily, and smoke and dust filled the air.

The tennis ball fell like a comet, with sparks on its tail.

"Good come!"

Cook roared, quickly judged the landing point of this smash, and came there to assume the posture of counterattack.

As soon as Yakujin's ball landed, it left a deep mark on the ground.

The reaction force caused by the huge force makes the tennis ball bounce with rapid speed and strength.

A cruel smile appeared on Cook's face, and then he waved his racket with one hand to meet him.

The tennis ball hit the racket, and a huge force was transmitted from the racket to Cook's hand.

"It does have some strength!"

Cook laughed and swung his arm vigorously.

Although the strength of this Asian kid is not small, compared with him, it is still far behind.

The tennis ball was like a golden beam of destruction, rushing straight towards Akutsu.

No matter who it is, they can clearly understand the great power of this ball.

Akutsu held the racket with both hands, and took the ball with his legs arched.

The tennis ball hit the racket backwards crazily, and the strings of the racket were slightly deformed.

"Go back to me!"

Akutsu yelled angrily, but pushed the racket in his hand out.

"Struggle to your heart's content, brat!"

Cook grinned grinningly and took a step forward. Every time he stepped on his burly body, the ground seemed to be shaking.

Cook blasted out another ball, hitting Yakutsu's field like a burning fireball.

Yakutsu faced him head-on again without fear.

The tennis ball hit the racket, and Akutsu's hands and even his face were all bruised. The strength of the opponent was really amazing.


Yajiujin roared, a scarlet dark flame appeared vaguely on his body.

The tennis ball was pushed hard by Akutsu.

After turning on the breath of the devil, Akutsu really entered the state.

In this state, Akutsu was able to confront Cook head-on.

Although he is still inferior to the opponent in terms of strength, Akutsu has surpassed Cook in terms of speed and other aspects.

"Game, Akutsujin, 1:0."

Fuji nodded slightly and reported the score.

Akutsu's performance was somewhat better than he had imagined.

However, the other party has not really shown its own strength.

"I said, big brother, you are too weak, aren't you? You were actually won by a kid from Asia first?"

Off the field, Brooke smiled and said to Cook.

"Heh! It's rare to come across an interesting toy, so you have to play with it for a while."

"If you break it directly, you won't be able to play!"

Cook sneered, the other party seemed to have entered a certain state, in exchange for a stronger outbreak.

However, it would be too naive to think that he could be defeated in this way!

"Little devil! Are you ready to face death?!"

Cook said coldly.

Bu Er opened his eyes, he knew that the other party was going to start serious!

 Thank you for the reward from the boss who walks the night in white clothes, thank you to the boss of Muscular Rabbit Tian Guozi, and thank you Xiaoci for wanting to know, the boss who met you that day Weiwei, Mickey, and Yushen Wufu.

  I don't know if it is possible to write the actual country name, so I changed it a little bit, it may look strange, the bosses forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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