Chapter 174
Stab it!

Under Akutsu's surprised eyes, Cook's clothes burst open instantly.

The muscles all over his body swelled up one by one, and his already burly body seemed to become even bigger.

Bu Er said with a heart, sure enough, this stupid big man is a powerful world-class player.

Although his strength doesn't seem to be very strong, he is at least a player who has passed the world-class threshold.

There was a ferocious smile on Cook's face, and the racket was grasped in his hand, as if it was a miniature toy.

"Little devil, don't fall down so easily!"

Cook grinned grimly, then swung the racket heavily.

The tennis ball and racket collided, making a loud noise.

The flat serve like a cannonball, the moment it crossed the net, the wind pressure almost crushed the net.

The tennis ball came towards Akujin with a piercing whistling sound, and the constant dangerous breath made the hairs on Akujin's body stand on end.

But Akutsu didn't hold back, because he was.

Akutsu Jin!

In an instant, a huge force came from his hand, and Akutsu's body flew backwards.

The tennis ball bounced off the ground and hit the iron fence behind him, breaking the solid iron fence in an instant, leaving a hole.

After the smoke and dust in the arena cleared, only Yajiujin was left lying on the ground without any movement.

"A lot of strength!"

Echizen Ryuya took a bite of the orange in his hand, and said with a chuckle.

"It's just a reckless man with some brute force, a guy who can only bully the weak and shame!"

Ralph said disdainfully.

Cook is notorious in the U17 training camp in the United States, and he is known to be bullying.

Ralph and other first-year high school players were all made things difficult by him when they first entered the training camp.

It's just that his strength could not be put on the stage after all, and he was defeated by Ralph and others.

Cook whistled, looked at Fuji proudly and said, "Hey! Little brat over there, don't you want to go and see your companion?"

With a cold smile on Buer's face, he didn't answer.

Akutsu is not someone who can be defeated so easily.

"Who are you looking down on? Jie Jie!"

On the ground, Akutsu struggled to stand up.

There were several cuts on the forehead rubbed by the ground, and blood was constantly oozing.

The originally fair skin instantly turned bright red, and the pupils were dark green, like a demon.

Yakutsu, who was stimulated, entered the state of demonization again.

"Little devil! Don't think that you can be arrogant just by changing your appearance!"

Cook raised his eyebrows, and Akujin's change surprised him a little.

However, that's all!

Cook blasted out again, and the air wave made a frightening sound like a cannon ejected.

"You! Who are you looking down on!"

The voice of the demonized Yakujin has changed, and his roaring voice has become a little sharper.

The racket was trembling constantly, and Akutsu held the racket tightly with both hands, his muscles exerting force crazily.

The wound on the forehead was oozing more blood because of too much force.

But Akutsu still hit the ball back, gritted his teeth and pushed the racket out.

"Heh! You're quite stubborn! Lie down for me!"

Cook laughed loudly, the muscles on his arms swelled instantly, and he vigorously swung the racket at the flying tennis ball.

A huge roar sounded, and a tennis ball with sparks flew out from the smoke.

Just like that, it hit Akutsu's abdomen straight.

Yakujin had no time to dodge, so he could only protect his abdomen with the racket.

The huge force carried on the tennis ball caused Akutsu's body to fly backwards.

He hit the iron fence behind him and fell to the ground.

Bu Er Xin can't bear it, but there is no way, this is the cruelty of the world.

"I can't stand up now, kid!"

Cook was very satisfied with his goal, and even his originally depressed mood became much more comfortable.

"Ahem! Who are you looking down on!"

What Cook didn't expect was that Yakutsu, who was opposite, stood up unsteadily again.

Rolling his tongue, he licked back the blood from the corner of his mouth. Akutsu once again held the racket with both hands, and stood on the baseline with his feet bent.

"Okay! I have to admit, you are really a tenacious brat!"

Cook said with some surprise.

But don't think that he will be merciful in this way. What Cook likes most is to take action against these self-righteous brats.

This time, Cook used all his strength, and he must make the kid on the opposite side fall down with this ball.


Akutsu roared, and the racket and tennis ball wrestled with each other, making a tooth-piercing sound.

Akutsu's body flew into the air again, and was carried away by the force of the tennis ball.

Even so, Akutsu still did not let go of the racket in his hand.

This time, Yakujin did not stand up for a long time, and lay quietly on the ground as if he had lost consciousness.

"Heh! Can't stand up at last?"

Even though Akutsu couldn't stand up anymore, Cook still didn't intend to let Akutsu go.

He took out a tennis ball again, this game is not over yet!

Fuji held the racket silently, and if Akutsu really lost consciousness, then he would make a shot.

There was another explosion, and the golden beam went straight to Akutsu.

The moment Fuji was about to make a move, Akutsu moved.

Jumping up from the ground, he slammed into the bouncing tennis ball with both hands.

The returned tennis ball quickly passed the net, bounced and jumped out of bounds. Cook, who was on the baseline, had no time to save the ball, and Akutsu scored a point.

Looking at Akutsu's vacant eyes and the gray shadow behind him, Buer smiled in relief.

Akutsu's self-esteem makes him do everything to win.

Even if it is to block his life, he will not hesitate.

His awareness perfectly fits the true meaning of Asura Shinto.

This is also the reason why Budu asked Yakujin to challenge Cook. With Cook's hand, Yakujin successfully embarked on the path of Asura Shinto.

Now it seems that it was a success!

Yakujin, who seemed to be unconscious, exploded with even stronger strength, constantly countering Cook's attacks, and counterattacking.

All of a sudden, Akutsu was like a puppet that had lost its spring power, standing there upright without moving.

With a fixed gaze, Bu Er appeared in front of Ya Jiujin in an instant, and fought back the tennis ball for him.

It seems that Yakujin's current body is not strong enough to support him in that state for too long.

But after hitting a few balls, Akutsu really lost consciousness completely.

Bu Er supported Ya Jiujin, who was about to collapse, and said to Cook, "Next, let me play with you!"

Cook spat indifferently.

"No problem! Since you are looking for death, then I will help you!"

Fuji helped Akutsu to the chair outside the court, and then returned to the court with the racket.

Although it was said that it was for Ajiujin to evolve, but the little brother was bullied, so he, the big brother, should help him get back this place no matter what.

"That young man just came from Nehong, right? I never thought that Nehong would have such an outstanding player."

Ralph said with emotion.

When Ralph evaluates whether a player is good or not, he doesn't just look at strength alone. Will is also a very important assessment item.

"Compared to him, I am more curious about this guy now."

Echizen Longya took out another orange and weighed it in his hand.

Compared with Kia Jiujin, Buer still attracted his attention more.

 One more chapter at night, a little busy moving bricks
(End of this chapter)

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