The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 176 Invitation

Chapter 176 Invitation

"Ralph! Stop meddling in your own business!"

Cook growled angrily.

Seeing Ralph, Cook's already bad mood became even more gloomy.

He and Brooke just came out of the training camp today to relax because of Ralph's anger.

I didn't expect to meet this plague god outside here.

"I'll say it again! Cook! Put away your embarrassing behavior and go back to training camp!"

Ralph said coldly.

Ralph is naturally aware of the contradictions between his own group and Cook's group.

Somewhat similar to the high school seniors in the Neon U17 training camp, Cook and the others because this is the last U17 World Cup they can participate in.

So they just want to maintain the status quo, because they especially need this resume to contribute to their future.

The sudden emergence of the first-year high school regiment led by Ralph directly disrupted their plans.

Fortunately, the strength of the two sides is also between the two sides, so in the current training camp, neither side has really broken their faces.

But it is not long before the start of the World Cup, and the smell of gunpowder between the two sides has become more and more intense.

"Who do you think you are! How dare you order me!"

Cook said with a look of disdain.

"Looks like you want to fight me! Cook Evans!"

Ralph and Long Ya walked off the court, stood in front of Cook and said.

Cook's face froze suddenly. If he could beat Ralph well, he would have beaten Ralph to the ground long ago. How could he get so angry and come out to vent his anger!

In terms of strength, Ralph is far above him!

"Forget it, there are many people on the other side, and a hero will not suffer from immediate losses!"

Although Cook didn't know Echizen Ryuya, who was he to mess with Ralph?

"Hmph! This time, you kid is lucky! You won't be so lucky next time! Brooke, let's go!"

Cook threw a sentence at Buer viciously, then waved to Brook who was outside the court, and the two left the court in a hurry.


Ralph watched Cook and Brook leave the field, and shrugged to Longya beside him.

He just told Long Ya that this group of people will only bully the weak and fear the strong.

"Hi, my name is Ralph Reinhardt, this is my friend, Echizen Ryuya!"

Ralph turned his head and extended his right hand towards Fuji with a gentle smile on his face.

"Hi, my name is Fujisuke, from Neon."

Bu Er also stretched out his hand, squinted his eyes and smiled.

"Echizen Ryuya? Excuse me, do you know a man named Echizen Minamijiro?"

Fuji asked the question knowingly, it was great to meet Echizen Ryuya here.

Echizen Ryuya frowned, "Of course I do! Who doesn't know the legendary warrior Echizen Nanjiro!"

"But I know him, and he doesn't know me!"

Fuji nodded slightly, after all, it was only natural for Echizen Ryuya not to reveal his identity when they met for the first time.

This kind of thing still can't be rushed.

"I am very sorry for Cook's behavior, he was so rude!"

Ralph apologized to Fuji, and he didn't want Cook's behavior to greatly reduce Fuji's impression of the U17 training camp in the United States.

After all, he was planning to lure Fuji to join his team.

"It's okay, I won't care!"

Fuji smiled, he didn't expect Ralph to treat him so well.

"Your friend seems to be seriously injured, let's take him to the hospital first!"

Ralph pointed to Akujin who was lying on the chair.

Fuji originally planned to take Yajiujin to the hospital. Although Yajiujin's physical fitness is very strong, it is safer to go to the hospital anyway.

Fuji doesn't want Ajiujin to leave any sequelae that will affect his future.

The three stopped a taxi with Yakujin, and Ralph took them to a private clinic.

The doctor here is his teammate's father, and he is very skilled in medicine.

"It's nothing serious, it's just a coma caused by excessive force. The injuries on your body are all minor injuries. If you come later, they may heal by themselves!"

The doctor gave Yakujin a detailed examination, and finally gave Fuji a reassuring report.

The doctor briefly cleaned and bandaged Ajiujin's wound, during which Ajiujin also woke up.

"how do you feel!"

Fuji asked Akutsu with squinted eyes.

"How does it feel?"

Yakujin glanced at Fuji, not knowing why.

"Do you remember when you raced against that person to the end?"

Hearing this, Yajiujin recalled it in his mind.

The final situation?

At that time, I seemed to be?

what's going on?

Akutsu, who couldn't remember anything, shook his head.

"Can't remember!"

Bu Er nodded, it doesn't matter if you can't remember, things like Asura Shinto are engraved in your bones.

A few people walked out of the clinic, and they looked at the time. It is estimated that the US Open is over now.

Just when he was about to take Yakutsu back to the hotel to rest, Ralph stopped them.

"In order to express my apologies, I would like to invite the two of you to have dinner together, how about it!"

Ralph said with a smile, and pulled Ryuya's clothes while talking.

"Ah~~ Yes, yes! Let's have a meal together."

Long Ya helplessly served as Ralph's wingman.

Although I don't know why Ralph is so enthusiastic about him, but I just want to meet Ralph and Long Ya for a while. It would be even better if I can play with them.

Fuji has made a decision, so Akutsu naturally has no objection.

Ralph took them to a very famous neon restaurant in New York.

After all, Fuji and Akutsu came from Neon, so Ralph naturally wanted to cater to their individual tastes.

But in fact, both Fuji and Akutsu still prefer delicious oriental food.

But since we’ve come here, there’s no need to change places. It’s not bad to have a taste of New York’s neon cuisine.

At the dinner table, Ralph has been getting close to Bu Er, and sensing Ralph's enthusiasm, Bu Er pushes the boat smoothly, and the relationship between the two quickly heats up sharply.

In just one meal, Ralph and Fuji suddenly changed from strangers to old friends for many years.

After drinking and eating, it is natural to take a walk to promote digestion.

Several people came all the way to the nearby park. For some reason, there are many homeless people in this park on weekdays, but today they can't see any of them.

Although it was a bit strange, Ralph didn't care. He was about to launch his own plan to attack the one and only.

"No, let me formally introduce myself."

"I, Ralph Reinhardt, NO.17 of the US U3 training camp, I would like to invite you to join our US U17 training camp!"

Ralph's words stunned Fuji.

So, he was still wondering why Ralph was so enthusiastic about him. It turned out that he wanted to invite him to join the U17 of the United States.

But having said that, according to the lineup of the US U17 team in the future, this year's US team should also be very strong, right?
But in my best memory, during the World Cup in France, there seemed to be no news about how strong the American team was.


Soon, Ralph solved the doubts in his heart for Fuji.

It turns out that although the US team is indeed, on paper, the current strength is indeed not weak.

However, there are many contradictions within the team.

Ralph wanted to make the American team better, and looked around for capable players to join, but this was not what the seniors wanted.

Therefore, Ralph also had a very headache and didn't know how to deal with it.

After all, the situation of the US team is different from that of the Neon team. The Neon team's senior year is weak, and it is relatively easy to replace them.

As for the US team, the top-ranked group of people, their strength should not be underestimated.

After all, the ranking of the US team in the world is really NO.5!

(End of this chapter)

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