The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 177 The Underground Tennis World

Chapter 177 The Underground Tennis World

"Thank you for your kindness! But I'm sorry, Akutsu and I will not join the US team!"

Buer shook his head and said.

"Is there any difficulty? If there is any difficulty, you can tell me, and I will try my best to help you solve it."

Ralph also knew that it was sudden, and he expected the rejection.

Bueryi didn't know what to say for a while, but I couldn't just say that I was actually the No.17 of the Neon U3 team.

Just when Fuji couldn't speak, Echizen Ryuya suddenly stretched out his hand to stop everyone.

Yakutsu looked at the guy in front of him suspiciously, not knowing what he wanted to do, but Fuji and Ralph became alert instantly.

"Come out!"

Echizen Ryuya weighed the orange in his hand, and shouted towards the shadow in front of him.

"Oh! Are you a dog? Such a sensitive nose?"

In the shadows in the distance, came a low voice.

Following the sound of footsteps, through the street lamps and moonlight, three figures appeared in front of Bu Erwai.

"Who are you!"

Echizen Longya looked at the group of uninvited guests and asked indifferently.

No wonder, he felt strange from the very beginning.

In the United States, there are not many homeless people in any park.

They walked all the way today, but they didn't see a single person.

It seems that someone deliberately blocked this area.

"Who are we? People who want to kill you!"

A blond man with blue eyes raised his head and looked at them.

"Samuel, shut your mouth! Don't add extra burden to our actions!"

Another blond man who looked a bit refined, squinted his eyes and said coldly.

Bu Er glanced at him in surprise, it seemed that this group of people did not seem to be partners.

"Samuel? Samuel Little?"

Ralph took a deep look at a guy called Samuel, he knew this guy in front of him!
Samuel Little, known as the blood gladiator, was the NO.3 of the U.S. team four years ago!
Later, because he severely injured his teammate in a game in the team, he was expelled from the US U17 team, and was also expelled from the US Tennis Association!

"Oh! It seems that you know me. That's right, I'm the Samuel Little you know! The lost dog who was kicked out of the US team!"

Samuel grinned grimly, and admitted his identity very simply.

"That's it, kid Ralph Reinhardt, can you please withdraw from the US U17 team this year?"

The man who stopped Samuel just now said to Ralph with a cold smile on his face.

"It seems that you are from the underground tennis world! I didn't expect that guy Rajill to invite you!!"

Ralph squinted and guessed who invited this group of people.

"The word please is not very accurate!"

Another person spoke up.

"It seems that this group of people is not kind!"

Bu Er said lightly.

"Go first! They are here to find me, I will stop them!"

Ralph whispered to Bu Er and the others that this group of people was obviously coming for him, and he couldn't drag Bu Er and them into the water.

"Go? No one wants to leave today!"

Although Ralph spoke in a low voice, Samuel's hearing was so keen, his gaze suddenly became bloodthirsty, and he took out his racket from the tennis bag behind him.

"I heard that you are highly valued by that old man Chekov, right? Heh! Back then, Kevin was the same! But do you know what happened to that guy later? Hahaha!"

"How about it! Brat! Do you dare to have a real match with me! The kind that will kill people!"

Samuel took out his racket. In his left hand, he held a tennis ball with a strange shape.

"real tennis!"

When Ralph and the others saw the tennis ball in Samuel's hands, their expressions changed slightly.

real tennis, that is, a real tennis ball, is a sphere with a stone or solid wood in the center and wrapped with cloth on the outside. It is the first prototype of the current tennis ball.

But this kind of tennis has long been abolished because it is too dangerous.

The International Tennis Association has issued repeated orders, strictly prohibiting this kind of tennis from appearing on any court.

In Buer's mind, he suddenly recalled from his memory that Spain's Medar Renault seemed to be seriously injured before the start of this U17 World Cup, so that he had to withdraw from this competition.

Could it be that the so-called underground tennis world sent people to do it?
"You guys are so courageous! How dare you use this kind of tennis blatantly!"

Ralph had an angry look on his face, these guys are really messed up.

"Stop rambling, watch the ball!"

Without saying a word, Samuel directly hit Ralph with the real tennis in his hand.

There was a deafening explosion.

The whistling sound in the air made people's scalp tingle even more.

"Be careful yourself!"

Ralph put down the tennis bag, took out his racket from it, said a few words, and greeted the speeding tennis ball.

The tennis ball hit the ground, stirring up a circle of smoke and dust.

Ralph swung his racket, and the feel of the racket made his arm sink.

The tennis ball was thrown out by Ralph like a cannonball, and the air waves brought up cut everything around like a sharp knife.

These two people kept fighting, and their figures gradually drifted away. There were only bursts of explosions, echoing in this empty park.

"I have a very good proposal, do you want to consider it!"

"Why don't you guys just stand here and let us settle the matter in the past."

"Or you can leave now!"

The person who stopped Samuel earlier stood up and said.

He is not the same as that idiot Samuel. He will never use half of his strength to solve things that can be solved with three percent of his strength.

Even if these little guys were allowed to leave, so what, when the rescue came, they had already dealt with Ralph and left.

"Would you choose one of these two?"

Echizen Longya raised his brows, turned his head and asked Fuji.

"That's the one that talks the most!"

Buer said casually.

"Okay, then be careful yourself!"

Echizen Ryuya took a look at Fuji, and then followed another person to the open space on the other side.

"It's really nerve-wracking! The children nowadays are really, are they all so loyal!"

The man scratched his head and said helplessly.

"May I ask your honorable name?"

Fuji used his eyes to signal Yakujin to step back first, then squinted his eyes and asked.

"You can call me Abraham Hebrew!"


Bu Er asked with a smile.

"That's right!"

Abraham frowned, a little surprised, how did this kid know he was from England?
"No wonder, I have always felt that you are obviously a bandit, but you still want to pretend to be a gentleman!"

Bu Er chuckled lightly.

"Oh! You little brat!"

Abraham's face turned cold instantly, this kid's mouth is really poisonous!

"Little friend, today I will tell you a truth! It's called misfortune comes from your mouth!"

Abraham took out a real tennis and gave it a cold look.

A ball blasted out, and a strong sonic boom resounded around.

"What? Did you become angry from embarrassment!"

Bu Er chuckled lightly, his face still indifferent.

As long as you don't leave the scope of playing tennis, you have nothing to be afraid of.

In the night sky, the cyan ripples are particularly conspicuous.

Buer raised his hand, and the tail of the tennis ball swayed with sparks, piercing the dark night sky.

(End of this chapter)

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