The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 179 Echizen Ryuya

Chapter 179 Echizen Ryuya
Some people may think that Echizen Ryuya's affection for tennis is plain and casual, and dispensable.

But this is not the case.

In Longya's heart, his love for tennis has always been deeply buried in him.

When he was young, he traveled around for his livelihood, and saw the dark side of society too early, so that his heart became closed.

Even, knowing the hardships and darkness behind the tennis world, his innate ability has become even more terrifying.

Darkness breeds terror!
The orange boy, with the bitterness of biting off the skin, and his freewheeling personality style, demonstrates his attribute of freedom.

Long Ya will never belong to any team, he will not be loyal to anyone, but will always be loyal to himself.

Sometimes he envies Ralph because he has a great team and can play a great game.

Ralph has always wanted to pull him into the team, but Longya knew that he was an unstable factor in the team.

So I never agreed.

But now, someone, in front of Long Ya, used tennis as a weapon to destroy others!

That being the case, let him be completely destroyed!

Long Ya glanced at the guy on the ground one last time, shook her head, and walked in the direction of Bu Er.

This guy, let him fend for himself, anyway, he will never play tennis again!

"White rose!"

Abraham roared, and the white killer appeared on the field again.

Then he jumped up, using the moonlight to magnify his own shadow, covering the shadow of the tennis ball.

After many times of confrontation with Fuji, he has already discovered that Fuji cracked his white rose with the shadow!

So he had an idea and thought of this trick.

The killing intent was approaching, and even the air seemed to be cut by a sharp blade.

But Buer was not in a hurry, and chuckled lightly.

"Tennis will not increase!"

The surroundings of Bu Er instantly became violent.

Behind Buer, a phantom in the shape of a human suddenly appeared.

The moment it appeared, the already whistling wind became even harsher!
A strong wind passed, and everything in its path was blown in the direction of Abraham.

The white rose in the air instantly shattered and dissipated in the air, revealing a tennis ball wrapped in cloth.

"Heh! Try my trick too!"

As soon as the words fell, Bu Er held his left hand out of emptiness.

In the dark night, Buer's left hand instantly turned into a golden light.

In the dazzling golden light, there is also a striking green glow!
"what is this!"

Alarm bells rang in Abraham's heart, and he clearly felt the horror hidden under this dazzling light!

Bu Er raised his arms and shouted, and then two beams of light, one golden and one green, shot out.

The two-color light intertwined together, turned into a dragon of light and went straight to Abraham's face.

The unique mental oppression of hitting the ball kept attacking Abraham, and fear grew in his heart!


Abraham yelled, clapping with both hands, aiming at Guanglong's dragon's head and slamming it fiercely.

In just a split second, Abraham felt his jaw go numb, and then his hands could no longer hold down the shaking racket.

Two explosions sounded, and then a burst of thick black smoke rose from Abraham's field.

The smoke and dust dispersed, and Abraham knelt on his knees, facing the door to the ground, and big beads of sweat kept falling down.

Abraham panted heavily, what was that just now!
That strong oppression is so terrifying!

At this moment, the sound of a person's footsteps came from the silent surroundings, one by one, stepping on Abraham's heart.

He immediately raised his head and looked at Bu Er with a look of joy on his face.

"Little devil! It looks like your friend is done!"

"The next one is up to you!"


"Run away! Run away!"


Abraham shouted nervously and laughed.

Buer shook his head, and said lightly, "How can you be so sure that the person who came here will not be my friend?"


Abraham stood up unsteadily, and before he could finish speaking, Long Ya's figure had already walked out from a far corner.

"How is it? Surprised or surprised?"

Bu Er chuckled, he had [-]% confidence in Echizen Ryuya.

Although I don't know the origin of the guy in the black hood, he must be just a guy who has lost his heart.

How could such a person be Echizen Ryuya's opponent!
What's more, the stronger the opponent's strength, the more it will become the nourishment of Echizen Ryuya!

Not everyone can resist the tennis ball that devours everything!
"It's pretty good!"

Echizen Ryuya looked at the potholes around Abraham, and then looked at it.

None of the clothes on his body were damaged, so let's judge!
Buer smiled and didn't speak.

Although this guy has some strength, he is probably the weakest of the three according to his best guess.

The main force in this attack on Ralph should be Long Yagang's opponent and the blood gladiator.

Not long after, Ralph's figure also appeared here.

Abraham simply gave up resistance.

He cursed fiercely in his heart for the person who provided them with information.

The other party clearly told them that Ralph left the training camp alone.

However, these are obviously three monsters!

"Sorry to involve you in this kind of thing!"

Ralph had an apologetic expression on his face, the other party was clearly targeting him.

For Bu Er and Long Ya, it was a disaster for no reason.

Long Ya shrugged, it was just a farce to him, he didn't care at all.

Not two, the foundation has been thoroughly consolidated, and it is once again moving towards the field of another dimension.

I even have a hunch that I am only one opportunity away from completely completing my own different dimension and stepping onto a higher stage!

When this happened, Ralph naturally couldn't invite Fuji and Akutsu to join the U17 training camp in the United States.

"I'll leave it to you here, and we'll say goodbye first!"

Buer pointed to Abraham on the ground and said to Ralph.

Now he can't wait to find a quiet place and replay the game with Abraham just now.

This kind of unlimited competition is also the first time.

In the neon street court before, no matter what, the basic tennis rules were still followed.

But this time is different, the rules are no rules.

This kind of game can harvest more things than usual.

"Okay, be careful on the road. I'll go find you tomorrow and take you to a good place!"

Ralph nodded.

Looking at the leaving figures of Fuji and Akutsu, Ralph said in a deep voice, "What do you think of his strength?"

Echizen Longya tossed the orange in his hand, and said lightly: "Very strong! Far stronger than you imagined!"

"Haha! Really! That's great! I must draw him into my team!"

Ralph laughed, strong is good!
Ralph looked at Long Ya again, and said in his heart: "You bastard, you can never escape from my palm!"

 In the next wave of cartoons published by Reuters, Long Ya's role is getting weird!

  There is a feeling of Huang Rong Yang Guo!

  In addition, the different dimension you are talking about is the Japanese style.

(End of this chapter)

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