The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 180 Ralph's Team Members

Chapter 180 Ralph's Team Members

The next day!

Both Fuji and Akutsu are extremely self-disciplined people, and they started to do morning exercises in the hotel gym early.

Not long after, Ralph and Longya came behind them.

Today's Ralph still has a spring-like smile on his face. He is like a nobleman who came out of medieval Europe, elegant and personable.

What happened yesterday didn't seem to have much impact on him, but yes, Ralph's most commendable thing is his indomitable will and excellent leadership.

Other than that are his strength and the ability to constantly correct his own weaknesses.

After a simple rinse and a change of clothes, Fuji and Akutsu were taken by Ralph to a high-end sports club.

"How about it! This place is not bad!" Ralph said to Fuji and Akutsu with a smile.

Looking around, he nodded.The facilities of this club seem to be very complete, most of them are the most advanced equipment, but these all cost a lot of money.

"These people are!"

From the corner of his eye, he saw a group of people walking towards them, and the black man in the lead gave him a very familiar feeling.

"Leader!" The black man was tall and tall, with a white headband tied on his forehead, and his hairstyle looked like an upside-down shower head.

"Let me introduce you, he is Dudu Obundo."

"Hello there!"

Dudu Obundo touched his head and greeted Buer with a silly smile.

"This is Alan Hopkins."

Ralph pointed to a blond young man beside Dudu again.

"Hello there!"

Alan Hopkins reached out to Fuji.

Bu Er also reached out and shook his hand politely.

Then Ralph introduced a circle of people around to Fuji, all of whom were his partners.

That is, the person who will accompany him in the World Cup in Australia in the future.

"Missing Chico Ballentine, the eccentric who can change freely? Looks like he's still in junior high school!"

Looking around, Bu Er still has the impression of most people.Birdman - Dudu Obundo.Tennis Doctor - Alan Hopkins.

Both are the main players of the US team two years later.

"They're good fellows!" said Ralph, smiling.

Ralph took Fuji and Akutsu to the club where he and his partners trained.

Because he was targeted in the training camp, Ralph found this club in order to ensure that the players could train normally.

He and his teammates usually train here.

Today he brought Fuji and Yakutsu here, hoping that through the enthusiasm of his partners, Fuji and Yakutsu can be integrated into this group.

As a result, it is logical to attract Fuji and Ajiujin to join his team.

Ralph winked at Dudu, and Dudu nodded naively.

"Hey, brother!"

"Don't be cautious, I'll show you around!" Dudu started directly, pulling Yajiujin to go to other places.

Yajiujin cast his eyes on Buer, and Buer nodded, so Yajiujin followed Du Du and left.

Ralph's smile was contagious, and he really wanted Fuji to join his team.

Ralph went into battle himself, hoping to keep Bu Er with his sincerity and enthusiasm.

On the other hand, although Du Du is talkative, Ya Jiujin is a person who is cold and unapproachable.

Ever since, Du Du kept nagging on the sidelines, while Ya Jiujin's pale face was expressionless, forming a sharp contrast.

"Hey! I say!"

Yajiujin spoke suddenly, making Dudu stunned.

"You should be very strong!"

Akutsu asked.

Dudu pulled up his sleeves, and the dark muscles on his arms were like iron. He laughed and said, "Of course! I'm super strong!"

"Then let's play a game!"

Yakujin's eyes were full of enthusiasm. Last night's unique match against Abraham made him unable to calm down for a long time.

It turns out that Bu Er has become so strong.Fortunately, he is still trying to surpass Fuji, and now he can't even see Fuji's taillights!
Akutsu wants to become stronger!And the best way to become stronger is to keep fighting, fighting with the strong!
Du Du saw the fighting spirit in Ajiujin's eyes, and he was also infected, so he nodded readily.

"Okay! Then let's compete!"

Dudu led Yajiujin to the outdoor tennis court in this club.

The club is backed by the sea, and all outdoor tennis courts are built by the sea.

The charming sea breeze blows, and the sun seems to become warmer.

"I'll give you the right to serve!" Dudu walked to the opposite side of Yakujin, crouching down on his knees.

Yakujin nodded, but did not refuse.

The side who serves first has the advantage of being the first to win. He knows that he may not be Dudu's opponent, but so what!

Akutsu threw the ball to the front right, then bowed and bounced, twisting his body.

Sidespin serve!

The tennis ball was shot from the air to Dudu's feet in a curved shape.

laugh!After turning around quickly on the ground, the tennis ball bounced rapidly and shot towards Du Du's face.

"Oh! Nice serve!"

Du Du's eyes lit up, such a serve that hits the front face is really rare!
Du Du's body fell to the rear right, and he fixed his body with only one right foot. He tilted and used a forehand slice to return Akutsu's side-spin serve.

"It's amazing, the rotation is so strong!"

Du Du raised his head with a smile, and was stunned for a moment. Yajiujin had already sprinted to the Internet.

In his own serve game, Akutsu can naturally serve to the net as he likes, launching his own offensive in front of the net.


Akutsu jumped up, the racket accurately intercepted the flying tennis ball in the air, and then buckled it down heavily.

The great power of smashing the ball caused the tennis ball to shoot into Dudu's half court at a 45° angle, and then bounced high and flew into the air.

"Hehe! This ball flies really high!"

Du Du chuckled, raised his head, and looked at the tennis ball in the sky.

Dudu lowered his center of gravity, squatted down while throwing his arms back, raised his heels, and pointed his toes to the ground.

Whoosh!Dudu's feet seemed to be spring-loaded, and the powerful explosive force of his feet instantly lifted Dudu's body into the air.

The height of this jump is astonishing!
Under Akujin's shocked gaze, Dudu's racket intercepted his smash in the sky.

In a flash, the tennis ball flew over Akutsu's head and shot through his backcourt.

"Bingo! 15:0."

Dudubi, who fell from the sky, made a yes gesture and said to Akutsu.

"This guy! The jumping ability is too amazing!"

Yajiujin couldn't help but be speechless in his heart, is it really possible for a human to jump to such a height!

Yakutsu tilted his head, glanced at the guy opposite, and then swung his racket again.

The tennis ball bounced with a violent spin, and Dudu still leaned forward to hit the ball back.

Akutsu touched the ground with one foot, and jumped up on the tennis ball with his body slightly slanted.

"Jack Knife!"

Since smashing the ball will be overtaken by the opponent's amazing jumping ability, so what about this volley aimed at the opponent's dead corner!
"Oh? I didn't expect you to fight Jack Knife!"

Dudulang laughed, and then his feet exploded with amazing speed, and he abruptly took the diagonal kick aimed at the bottom line of his forehand flank.

Yakujin in front of the net once again dunked the ball to Dudu's backhand corner.

"Nice idea!"

Dudu sighed in admiration, but the movements of his feet did not stop.

With his tall stature, he naturally has a pair of long legs, and the distance he takes with each step is more than twice that of ordinary people.

In just a few breaths, Dudu caught up with the tennis ball that was about to fly out of bounds.


Yakujin's pupils shrank, he only felt a pain in his cheek, and there was already a sound of tennis balls bouncing behind him.

 one chapter later

(End of this chapter)

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