The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 181 Asura Shinto towards Hell

Chapter 181 Asura Shinto towards Hell
Yakujin turned his head, and a yellow tennis ball was lying there quietly.

"What an amazing power! What a speed!"

There was a turbulent wave in Yajiujin's heart, and he didn't even see the shadow of the ball clearly just now.

Just from the muscles on Du Du's body, it can be seen that his strength is definitely not weak.

The flat shot hit by Dudu's power is not only amazingly powerful, but also the speed of the ball is first-class.

"What's the matter? Don't be in a daze! Hurry up and serve!"

Du Du shook the racket at Akujin, signaling him not to be in a daze.

"Stop chattering!"

Akutsu curled his lips and threw the ball again.

"Oh! Not bad, you can also control the timing of the tennis ball bouncing!"

Yakujin's enhanced side-spin serve almost caused Du Du a big loss, but fortunately, he was agile enough to return the ball.


Yakutsu's body reappeared in front of the net, jumped up high and buckled it down!
"nice shot!"

Du Du stretched his right hand upwards like a blue dragon out of water, and leaped into the air with this posture.

There was a bang in the air, and the tennis ball fell like a meteorite.

You can also vaguely smell the burnt odor produced by the violent friction between the tennis ball and the air.

"Oh! Don't underestimate me!"

Yakujin took off from the serving line, and he was also in the posture of a blue dragon coming out of the water. He learned it well.

The tennis ball hit Akutsu's racket, and Akutsu felt a burst of pressure on his wrist in an instant.

Akutsu quickly put his left hand on the end of the handle, gritted his teeth and pushed the racket forward fiercely.

"Oh! Not bad!"

Dudu laughed and jumped up again, the racket was thrown behind him, and he swung it down heavily with his arm.

Not to be outdone by the yellow light beam, Yajiujin jumped up without stopping after landing.

In Du Du's sight, a dark red vacuity suddenly appeared on Ya Jiujin's body, and his momentum rose instantly.

"Oh! Is there another trick like this!"

Du Du suddenly became interested, and he could also see that Yajiujin had entered a certain state in exchange for a stronger outbreak.

After turning on the breath of the devil, Yakujin was finally able to hit back Dudu's smash with one hand.

It's just that Yajiujin doesn't know that this is not Dudu's real strength.


Dudu made a walking motion in the air, then pulled the racket over his waist and buckled it down hard.

Akutsu ran back a few steps, then turned around, faced the net, and shot into the air like a bow.

Like a meteorite smashing down, the ground seemed to shake, and the huge impact made the tennis ball bounce high.

At the same time, Yakujin fell from a high point and pressed the tennis ball back to Dudu's court like a tiger descending a mountain.

"Oh! What a perfect pose!"

Du Du was delighted to see Lie Xin, and Ya Jiujin's posture gave him special inspiration.

Then, under Yakujin's shocked gaze, Dudu jumped into the air with the same posture arched.

Like a frightened lobster!
Dudu's amazing ability to stay in the air makes him jump higher than Jiujin.

The tennis ball bounced almost vertically, and Dudu buckled it down with a smile on his lips.

call out!
Akutsu watched the tennis ball fly past him, but his body couldn't respond.

There was an explosion-like sound behind him, and a pothole was instantly punched out in the ground.

The power of this ball can be seen.


Fuji, who was visiting the club with Ralph and others, suddenly heard huge explosions from the stadium outside.

Several people looked at each other, and Ralph and Buer thought at the same time, could it be Akutsu who was competing with Dudu?

Several people hurriedly ran towards the direction of the sound, turning around. Although the outdoor tennis court by the sea seemed to be very close to the main body of the club, the road was really difficult.

By the time Bu Erwai arrived, the game had already reached the third game.

Akutsu's side-spin serve made Echizen Ryuya couldn't help but look at him more. He can also play this kind of serve, and his attainments are even deeper than that of Akutsu.

Dudu leaned sideways and lightly everything.

Don't think that Dudu only has strength. As a general under Ralph, Dudu Obundo is an all-around player.

Whether it is strength, speed or skill, he has extremely high achievements.

Yakujin sprang out like a cheetah, and with a glance from the corner of his eye, he hit the ball to the bottom line diagonally.

Through the confrontation just now, Yakujin has given up the idea of ​​​​playing the game with the opponent on smashing the ball.

Although Yajiujin is very reluctant to admit it, he is indeed no match for the big black man opposite him in this respect.

call out!
However, this ball, which should have made a difference, was once again whipped back by Du Du, who appeared behind the tennis ball like a ghost.

"Damn! This guy's strength..."

A strong sense of powerlessness rose in Yajiujin's heart. In the first game, he could still fight back and forth with the opponent, but it was just that the opponent did not show his true strength.

Then in the opponent's serve game, Akutsu clearly felt that the opponent's strength was improving little by little, like a cat catching a mouse, slowly testing his bottom line.

"Dudu this guy...really!"

Ralph glanced at Budu's expression, and shook his head helplessly.

He obviously made Du Du and Ya Jiujin get close to each other. Who knew that Du Du, this guy, would actually start a match with someone.

Although Akujin's potential is good, Ralph can see that Akujin has not been in contact with tennis for a long time, and his tennis system is not complete enough.

How could this be Dudu's opponent.

In case Ya Jiujin gets anxious, his plan to win over Fuji and Ya Jiujin will be ruined.

Fortunately, it seems that Budu doesn't seem to mind, and so does Akutsu.

This reassured Ralph a little.

On the court, the game is still going on.

No matter how hard Yakujin tried, he would always be caught by Dudu and kill him with one blow.

"Game, Dudu Obundo, 3:0."

The referee on the high chair naturally knew Dudu Obundo, who was a celebrity in this club.

He looked at Ya Jiujin with some regret, and pronounced a "death sentence" to Ya Jiujin from the bottom of his heart.

"Do I need to terminate this game?"

Ralph hesitated for a moment, but still asked Fuji in a low voice.

If the fight continues, Ralph is afraid that Akutsu's mentality will be affected. This is not his original intention for inviting Fuji and Akutsu to come here.

"No, it's okay."

"If he intervenes in this game, Jin will be unhappy!"

Buer smiled lightly.

Yajiujin is not someone who will be crushed so easily, such a thing will not happen to him if he goes too far.

The simple and violent flat serve can also have amazing power in the hands of Dudu.


Yakujin roared to meet him, and the tennis ball rubbed against the racket violently, making a piercing squealing sound.

Reluctantly hit back the ball, Du Du's figure soon appeared in front of the net.

Swipe diagonally, and the golden light explodes.

"Game, Dudu Obundo, 15:0."


"Game, Dudu Obundo, 40:0."

The next goal is Dudu's game point.

Ajiujin hangs his arms weakly, his body is constantly sending tired signals to his brain.

"Give up! You are not his opponent!"

"Stop struggling!"

Such a sound seemed to echo in Yakujin's ears.

Yajiujin opened his blurry eyes, and vaguely saw Budu on the sidelines.

"give up?"

"Are you kidding! The person I want to defeat has not yet been defeated!"

"How could I fall down!"

Akutsu's eyes instantly glowed again.

Leaping up in the air, holding the racquet backwards with both hands, with the racquet head facing down slightly.

Behind Yakutsu, everyone seemed to see the figure of Ashura from hell.

At this moment, the Asura Shinto, who is heading towards hell, finally awakens!

(End of this chapter)

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