Chapter 182

"What is this!"

Alan Hopkins asked with a look of shock on his face.

"Asura Shinto!"

"Asura Shinto!"

Fuji and Echizen Ryuya said in unison, and then they looked at each other, they also smelled the breath of Asura Shinto in each other's body.

Yes, although Longya's surname is Echizen, the path he walks is not the path of selflessness, but the path of Asura Shinto.

"Asura Shinto?"

Alan Hopkins was very unfamiliar with this term and did not understand the meaning of this word.

"This is a type of tennis system on Neon's side, and it has only begun to spread to Western countries in recent years."

Ralph narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

He still has a little understanding of Asura Shinto, which is also called the road to hell.

Most of the openers are a stage achieved by integrating those unwilling and persistent ideas into the tennis spirit and going through hellish exercises after experiencing most serious defeats.

And the advanced stage of Asura Shinto can even open up the realm called a different dimension by Neon.

Ralph was very satisfied with his vision. Sure enough, Akutsu was also a talented player.

"Oh! Asura Shinto? It's really interesting!"

Sensing the change in Ajiujin's eyes and momentum, Du Du also became excited.

This is the first time he has come into contact with this so-called Asura Shinto.

The muscles on Dudu's arm swelled, and there was a clear sound of hitting the ball, and the tennis ball turned into a yellow lightning and shot out.

After stepping into the Asura Shinto, Yakujin's five dimensions have been greatly improved, and he can clearly capture the trajectory of Dudu's serve.

Ajiujin took a few steps, looking as vigorous as a cheetah hunting.

With a fierce look in his eyes, the racket in Akutsu's hand intercepted the flying tennis ball.

Endless air flow radiated from the center of the face, and in an instant, Akutsu's skirt was blown rustling.

A burst of dazzling golden light rose from the center of the racket, and the terrifying aura made the surrounding air seem to freeze.

"This is!"

Ralph and Echizen Ryuya glanced at each other. How come all the middle school students in Neon can play this kind of luminous tennis now?

Buer squinted his eyes and looked at Akutsu wrapped in golden light with a smile on his face.

"You've finally grown to this point, Jin!"

Yakujin's talent in sweet spot technology surprised Budu a little. For him, it will be a matter of time before he masters just hitting the ball.

After stepping into the Asura Shinto, Yakutsu's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes, and he has naturally mastered the light hitting.

Of course, it is only the most basic light hitting, which is completely different from the destruction of Byodoin.

"Be careful! Don't die!"

Ajiujin's pale face was full of unruly expression, at this moment he finally felt what real power is!

The glowing tennis ball went straight to Dudu's side with a terrifying atmosphere.

Du Du's eyes were wide open, staring directly at the dazzling golden light.


Dudu put his other hand on the handle of the racket, held the front end of the handle with his right hand, and greeted the glowing tennis ball.

The huge impact instantly penetrated the racket, and behind Du Du, the wall instantly cracked and sank inward.

Cobweb-like cracks spread all over, and the gravel kept falling.

Dudu gritted his teeth and insisted, but the racket in his hand still flew away.

"Oh! What a terrifying power!"

Dudu's chest rose and fell, the power of that ball just now was really unexpected to him.

Dudu turned his gaze to Ralph who was aside, he was asking for Ralph's consent.

With that goal just now, he had already stretched his strength to the limit of [-]%, but obviously, relying on [-]% strength alone was not enough to win against Yakutsu.

I don't know when I started to limit my strength to [-]% of my own, so as to continuously compress my own limit and achieve the purpose of training myself.

This approach has become a common practice around the world.

Now, Du Du has applied to lift his [-]% limit, and he has already felt that there is a high probability that he will lose with only [-]% of his strength.

Ralph thought for a while and nodded.

He also wanted to know how strong Yakutsu was after he embarked on the Asura Shinto.

With the consent of the leader, Du Du twisted his body excitedly.

He hadn't used his full strength for a long time.

"Oh! Sure enough, you still have reservations before!"

Yajiujin has noticed the change in Du Du's momentum. He has already had a hunch that the opponent has not yet used his full strength.

"Bite the crazy shark!"

Du Du threw the ball and dunked it heavily with a shout.

"A side spin?!"

Yakutsu looked at the ball and quickly judged the path of the ball.


The ball bounced at an exaggerated angle, almost at a vertical angle.

Akutsu reacted instantly, pulling the racket to its highest point.

The tennis ball is constantly "biting" on the racket surface, and the violent rotation transmits heavy pressure to the wrist.

"Go back to me!"

Yakujin lowered his center of gravity and pushed the ball back to Dudu's court.

Du Du left an afterimage on the spot, and in an instant, he appeared behind the tennis ball that had just passed the net.

The sharp high volley ball accurately hit the ball to Akutsu's side and rear bottom line.

"Too slow, too slow!"

Yakutsu's passionate voice resounded in the field, and the powerful explosion of his feet even left a mark on the ground.

Light hits!
"Tennis. Shines again!"

Alan Hopkins is also quite interested in Akutsu's light hitting. Even on the sidelines, he can feel the unique mental oppression of light hitting.

It is this kind of mental oppression that makes it impossible for the opponent to evade, and can only fight against the light hitting the ball head-on.

The luminous tennis ball hit the racket in Dudu's hand with a frightening momentum, making a dull impact sound.

Stab it!

In the center surrounded by light, there was a sound of tearing clothes in an instant.

In the billowing smoke, a golden light beam shoots out from it, and the wind pressure blows away the smoke for a moment.

Akutsu sprinted forward, leaping high.

A smash shot from the wing accurately hit the baseline.

"Game, Akutsujin, 15:40."

Yajiujin regained a round, and the whole person seemed very happy.

After opening the Asura Shinto, Yajiujin was already almost the same as Dudu in five dimensions. Coupled with Yakujin's unique wild style of play, he suppressed Dudu in turn for a while.

"Game, Akutsujin, 30:40."

"Game, Akutsujin, 1:3."

In the case of Dudu getting the match point of this game, Yakujin finally opened up the path to Asura by virtue of his awareness of continuing to fight.

He scored four goals in a row and broke serve in one breath.


Breathing out lightly, he briefly wiped the sweat off his forehead. Although his body was a little tired, Yakutsu felt that he was in a very good state at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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