The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 183 Chapter 182

Chapter 183 Chapter 182
Yakujin swung the racket violently, and the tennis ball hit Dudu's feet, and then bounced quickly.

Du Du frowned, and easily pulled it back.

But it doesn't matter, this ball is just a cover, as long as it can be passed.

The racket in Akutsu's hand collided with the tennis ball, and in an instant, golden light shone.

The tennis ball, full of destruction like the sun, went straight to Dudu's face.

The hairs all over Du Du's body stood up from the cold killing intent and the dazzling light. He swung the racket vigorously, and the belief in his heart made him overwhelm the mental oppression brought by the light hitting the ball.

A strong physique brings Dudu not only extraordinary jumping power, strength, speed and even endurance, but he is also first-class.


Sometimes, shouting loudly is not only to vent, but also to free one's spirit from the other party's restraint in this way.

There is only one person who can hit the ball back with his body alone, and the others rely more on skills.

That person is Oni Jujiro!
Although Oni Jujiro's skills are equally impressive, what impresses him the most is his terrifying power and physique.

The scene suddenly entered an uncontrollable state. Golden light clusters collided back and forth on both sides of the court, and the entire court quickly became potholed.


Alan Hopkins suddenly thought of something, and said to Ralph, "Have you...brought enough money?"

Before Ralph could react for a while, he looked at Alan Hopkins with puzzled eyes.

"This stadium is obviously going to be scrapped, so you can't afford the maintenance fee?"

Alan Hopkins' words made Ralph instantly petrified!


As the leader, he can't afford the cost of repairing the venue, who will pay?

Ralph touched his purse, it was a disaster, he must not bleed profusely!

"Game, Akutsujin, 2:3."


"Game, Dudu Obundo, 2:4."


"Game, Akutsujin, 3:5."

On the court, the two kept fighting each other. Du Du finally had the upper hand in terms of experience and skills. Came to Dudu's match point.

The clothes on Yajiujin's body were already tightly attached to his body. In this scorching weather, sweat had already soaked his clothes.

Opposite him, Du Du's naked upper body was covered with sweat, and the muscles on his arms were like pieces of black iron. Even if it was him, he was constantly hitting back the light shots played by Akutsu, and his physical strength was very exhausted. huge.

"Go to hell!"

Yakujin grinned, threw the ball, and then jumped up and dunked it.

Dudu strode forward with a big stride, and then lashed hard.

Feeling the soreness from his legs, Du Du couldn't help kicking.

"This guy!"

"At the end of the game, his concentration is still rising. Where did he get his physical strength and spirit!"

Du Du was secretly startled.

What he didn't know was that this was Akutsu's true face.

Like a bloodthirsty beast, as long as you spot the prey, you will die or I will die!
The golden flash reappeared, but compared to the beginning, the light seemed much dimmer.

Du Du rushed up against the golden light. After so many sparring balls, he has discovered that as long as he overcomes the fear of the shining tennis ball in his heart, it is actually not that difficult to fight back.

The golden light beam symbolizing destruction was shot back to Akutsu's court, and Akutsu appeared at the landing point of the tennis ball like a thunderbolt, and opened his posture.

The phantom of the Asura man behind him became more and more solid.

The scarlet dark flame that symbolizes the devil merged into Asura's body, his already ferocious face became more ferocious, and the power on his body seemed to become stronger.

The originally dim golden light was a little more dazzling, and it flew back with an unstoppable momentum.

Du Du held the racket with both hands and headed towards him. The tennis ball hit the racket, and the surface of the racket was dented for a moment. The huge impact instantly cracked the wall behind Du Du again.


The handle seems to be unable to withstand the heavy pressure, making a shocking sound.

"The twisted chain bends!"

Dudu roared, and he hit the tennis ball back behind Akujin's backhand. In Akujin's eyes, the tennis ball bounced and quickly turned in the opposite direction at an extremely fast speed.

"Game, Dudu Obundo, 15:0."

The referee on the high chair wiped the sweat from his head and shouted tremblingly.

The game these two guys play is so intimidating that if it wasn't for him being a professional and the club's huge salary, he would have already run away.

Who has nothing to do to judge this kind of monster!


Ya Jiujin curled his lips in disdain, and it was this trick again.

He has already suffered a lot from this move, but the side spin of the ball is too large and the speed is too fast, even he is not so easy to fight back.

Yakujin threw the ball, and then dunked heavily.

Sprinting to the Internet, the moment he landed, Akutsu had already sprinted to the Internet.

Dudu saw Akujin's movement from the corner of his eye, and he picked the ball hard with his racket, and lifted the ball high into the air.

"Oh! I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Knowing that this was Dudu's declaration of war against him, Yakujin jumped up without hesitation, pulled the racket behind him with his right hand, parallel to his shoulder, and then swung forward.

The tennis ball was shot into Dudu's court at a nearly vertical angle, and the recoil formed by the huge force made the tennis ball bounce high, as if to fly out of the court.

Dudu stepped forward with both feet, bent his knees and squatted down sharply, and his feet sent him into the sky like springs.

The game has entered a dramatic smash showdown.

Yajiujin's unyielding temperament sometimes suffers a lot.

Compete in smashes with "Birdman" Dudu Obundo. His jumping power is enough for him to intercept any smash ball bouncing off the ground in the air.

A ray of light passed through Akutsu's crotch, and quickly popped out of bounds.

"Game, Dudu Obundo, 30:0."

Off the court, Fuji shook his head.

It seems that Yakujin is on the top again, and he actually abandoned his advantage to compete with others in smashing the ball.

This may be the sequelae caused by excessive use of the devil's breath. Although Akutsu is still conscious, he is very easy to be led by the nose.

"This game was won by Dudu Obundo, with a score of 6:3."

It wasn't until he scored the last ball that Dudu let out a deep breath and touched his back, which was covered in sweat.

Unknowingly, this neon man who heard from the boss and was just a junior high school student, could push himself to this point?
Du Du shook his head helplessly, it seemed that he was going to strengthen his training.

"You are strong!"

Du Du walked to Ya Jiujin's side and reached out to him. This time he really wanted to get to know Ya Jiujin.

Regardless of the opponent's physical fitness, mental will or the luminous skills, Du Du admires it very much.


Yakujin tilted his head, but still shook hands with the other party.

Although he lost the game, Akutsu was still very happy. After all, he finally opened the door to the new world, and he was one step closer to the realm of perfection.

clap clap clap!
On the sidelines, Ralph and Fuji stepped forward to applaud the two.

"Aren! Not bad!"

Fuji said with a smile.

"Cut! Come less!"

Ajiujin turned his head arrogantly, but there seemed to be a hint of pink in his ears.

It was particularly obvious against his fair skin.

(End of this chapter)

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