The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 184 Homecoming

Chapter 184 Homecoming
A few days later, New York International Airport.

Ralph and others came together to send Fuji and Yakutsu back home.

In the past few days, Ralph tried his best, but he still couldn't keep Fuji and Akutsu.

"No two, Yajiujin, you are always welcome to come to the United States to find us!"

Although Fuji and Akutsu failed to stay, Ralph was not discouraged.

Anyway, the ages of Fuji and Yakujin are here, if there is a chance, there is always a chance to become teammates.

With unmatched strength, as long as he does not give up on chasing the tennis ball, sooner or later he will step onto a higher stage in order to become stronger.

There is no way to provide nutrients for Fuji in a tennis desert like Neon.

Ralph believes that in the future and Fuji will meet again.

"Yes, if there is a chance to come to the United States again, I will definitely let you know!"

Buer replied with a smile.

Although there is no way to be teammates with Ralph, there is no problem in being friends.

Whether the opponent is character or strength, he is the best choice.

Watching Fuji and Akutsu soar into the blue sky, Ralph sighed.

"I always have a hunch that when we meet again next time, we will become rivals with Fuji!"

Dudu Obundo looked at the sky and said melancholy.

"Stop being sentimental here! We have more important things to do! Right, Chief?!"

Alan Hopkins said lightly.

"Oh! That's right, it's time to go back and establish a new order for the US team!"

Ralph waved his arms, and the team members behind him immediately became excited.

The time has come to overthrow the serious illness of the US team!
On the plane, Fuji smiled and looked out the window.

Although I didn't see Echizen Nanjiro during this trip to the United States, it was also very rewarding.

In the past few days, Fuji and Ralph had a few matches. Although they all ended in failure, he also got a good inspiration.

The only pity is that although he became friends with Echizen Ryuya, the other party never agreed to compete with Fuji.

But Bu Er also knew that Long Ya was worried that she would not be able to control her abilities.

But Bu Er had a hunch that Long Ya's ability was useless to him.

"I say yes!"

Just when Bu Er was wandering in the sky, Ya Jiujin's voice suddenly came from beside his ear.

Fuji turned his head and looked at Yakutsu suspiciously.

"Where you went before, are the people there also so strong?"

Yajiujin hesitated for a moment, but still asked out the doubts in his heart.

Buer was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Ajiujin was asking about his previous trip to the Neon U17 training camp.

"Well! The seniors there are also very strong!"

Bu Er nodded.

As he said, this year's Neon U17 is the best player of Neon over the years.

Most of them had already made their mark in middle school, and they were hailed as the diamond generation by the outside world!
Whether it's Byodoin Phoenix or Oni Jujiro, they all have the strength to rival the captains of teams from all over the world.

"That's right, no wonder!"

Yakujin nodded, no wonder Er's strength would improve by leaps and bounds.

Staying with such a player to train and fight against each other every day, it's no wonder that his strength doesn't improve.

When we got off the plane, it was already dark.

In Tokyo at night, the whole city is shining with charming neon lights.

But Fuji and Yajiujin didn't have the heart to appreciate the scene when the lights came on. They were a little too tired and just wanted to go home and have a good sleep.

"Zhou Zhu, are you back?"

Fuji opened the door and saw her sister Yumiko having dinner with her younger brother Yuta.


Fuji nodded with a smile.

"Go and put your things down, wash your hands and eat!"

Yumiko knew that Fuji would be back today, so she also cooked Fuji for dinner.

After dinner, Yuta couldn't wait and dragged Fuji to the small courtyard.

"Brother, hurry up and play with me!"

Yuta said enthusiastically that he wanted his brother to see his progress.

Although he was a little tired, Fuji still smiled and took out his racket.

"Are you ready bro!"

Yuta came to stand at the bottom line, and yelled towards Fuji on the opposite side with a dignified appearance.

"Hehe! Let the horse come here, Yuta!"

It's been a long time since he played with Yuta like this, and this long-lost feeling made him even forget his fatigue all at once.

Yuta threw the ball, then slightly bent his knees, jumped up and dunked it.

Although his body is thin and small, Yuta's strength is not weak.

A standard flat serve, where the serve goes over the net and sprints forward directly to the net.

"Nice serve, Yuta!"

Smiling, Fuji hits the ball back to Yuta's feet who has rushed to the serve line.

Although he is his younger brother, Bu Er will not be too watery.

This is the most troublesome serve-and-volleyer.

The corners of Yuta's mouth curled up, and then the heels of both feet stepped forward vigorously, with his arms spread out like a roc spreading its wings.

The bouncing tennis ball quickly approached in front of him, and Yuta swung his left hand out heavily.

The tennis ball was accurately hit to the bottom line of the unique wing.

"Heh! You're pretty good at hitting the ball, but you learned this posture from Ah Ren, right?"

Bu'er strode towards the tennis ball in stride, smiling while chasing.

Yuta's posture seems to have been learned from Akutsu.

Buer didn't expect Yuta to have such a talent in body balance.

This posture coupled with Yuta's best at the front of the net and half volley, it is like a tiger with wings added.

However, it is still too tender!

Smiling, Fuji wiped the tennis ball with his racket and lifted it up.

The tennis ball made a parabolic trajectory over Yuta's head and made a mark on the baseline.

Yuta is chasing too deep, and the large area on the right hand cannot be effectively defended. At this time, if the ball is raised and passed through the right-hand defense area, the chance of scoring will be 100%!


Yuta jumped up high, and the racket stretched out vertically, but he still couldn't reach the ball.

Yuta returned to the baseline and swung the racket again.

This time he stayed near the baseline and didn't move forward.

Fuji lashed the flying tennis ball back, and the tennis ball crossed the net at high speed with a slight spin.

Fuji didn't use too much force, and the ball was still within Yuta's acceptance range.

Yuta is very strong, so for a long time, Buer will not fight too hard with Yuta, for fear of having a bad influence on Yuta.

Yuta fixed his eyes, lowered his body, and pulled the racket back half a body.

The moment the tennis ball bounced, Yuta swung forward and hit the ball back with faster, stronger speed and power.

"Heh! Yuta's half volley has already hit a decent shot!"

Bu Er smiled in his heart, while moving his steps and posing.

Super Half Volley!
This kind of technology derived from the foundation of tennis, for Fuji, only if he wants to play, there is nothing he can't play.


Yuta felt the air wave from the tennis ball flying over his cheek, turned around, the tennis ball had landed, bounced and flew out of bounds.

"Come again!"

Yuta's face immediately fell down, and his mouth was pursed so that a water bottle could be hung on it.

Even though he had been preparing for so long, he still couldn't compete with his brother.

"I'm so hard!"

(End of this chapter)

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