The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 185 Challenge from South Korea

Chapter 185 Challenge from South Korea

The morning glow reflects the mountains and forests, and in the deep mountains in autumn, the fiery red maple forests dance with the wind like waves of flames.

Climbing up and looking far away, you can see the red ocean everywhere.


A crisp sound of snapping branches resounded in the quiet maple leaf forest.

Not long after, a boy carrying a tennis bag walked out of the woods.

Without too much rest at home, while the summer vacation is not over, Fuji returned to the camp again.

"Huh! I almost lost my way!"

Fuji sighed, although it was not the first time he came here, but this place is really remote enough.

And last time there was a map to refer to, this time it was purely based on memory.

But fortunately, there was no danger, and he came back.

With a loud bang, the metal door opened towards both sides.

"Welcome back, Bu Er classmate!"

As soon as he entered, the three coaches greeted him at the door.

"Are the three coaches so free?"

Bu Er joked.

"Haha! After all, we are here to welcome our No.3, so we still have to give enough cards."

Kurobe Yukio said with a smile.

"Heh! No two, it's just the right time for you to come back!"

Saito came forward and said.

Fuji looked at Saitozhi with puzzled eyes, not understanding what the other party meant.

"Let's talk while walking, Oni and Taneshima are already waiting for you."

It's not a problem to stand stupidly at this door, Tuo Zhilong Er saw that a few people were tending to make long speeches, so he interrupted quickly.

Saito Zhi and Kurobe Yukio thought about it, after all, this is not a place to talk, so they led the way ahead, talking while walking.

On the way, many high school students who were newly recruited into the dormitory looked at Budu beside the three coaches with surprised eyes.

It was the first time they saw someone brought back from the outside by three coaches together.

"Who is this guy?"

"I don't know, is he a newcomer? Looks like he should be very strong. The three coaches welcome him so grandly."

"What's the newcomer, he's an army!"

Some high school students who knew each other well cast a disdainful glance at this group of new arrivals.


"First Army?!!!"

The new high school students stared at this boy who looked a little childish with horror. Although they didn't know Buer's strength, they still understood the meaning of the first army.

Represents the 20 strongest players in Hesu!

They have seen the match between the first army and the second army returning from the Croatian expedition, and their strength made them unable to resist the idea of ​​resistance.

"I see!"

Fuji nodded. From the coaches, he learned that tomorrow there will be players from South Korea's U17 team coming to the overseas expedition.

Originally, these members of the South Korean U17 representative team were not taken seriously by the three coaches of the Kurobu, but there was no way, who said that the interior of the base is now the emptiest time.

Byodoin took most of the main force and went to India and Thailand for expeditions.

Originally, with the Neon team in the last few rankings, no team would launch an expedition challenge against them, so Kurobe and the others let Byodoin take away most of the first army.

The ranking of the Neon team is too low, so low that most teams won't be interested in them. After all, even if they win, they won't be able to add many points.

But there is such a country that launched an expedition challenge against the Neon U17 team.

They seized the opportunity that the main force of the Neon U17 team was absent, so they challenged the Neon U17 team.

South Korea's ranking is only one place lower than the Neon representative team. According to the rules, as long as they can beat the Neon representative team, their points will surpass the Neon representative team and jump one place.

At present, only Jujiro Oni, Shuuji Taneshima, and Somo Irie are the only ones left in the first army in Kojuku.

The rest were all taken away by the Court of Equality.

Originally, Kurobe and the others planned to temporarily recruit strong men from the Second Army to make up for it. Although they don't know if they can win, there must always be enough numbers.

Kurobe and the others were overjoyed by Fu Er's phone call to come back.

Coupled with the words of non-two, then there is a lot of room for them to operate.

It's just a South Korean representative team!

The three led Fuji to the dormitory of the First Army, where Oni and Taneshima were already waiting.

"Boy, it's really time for you to come!"

Shuji Taneshima grabbed Fuji, hugged him by the shoulder, patted Fuji's head and said.

"I said senior, can you stop touching my head! I won't grow tall!"

Bu Er said with some helplessness.

"Welcome back! Fuji-kun!"

Irie Kozuo has a smile on his delicate face like a porcelain doll. With this junior around, there is nothing to worry about!

"Long time no see, two seniors!"

Fuji pushed Taneshima away, looked at Oni Jujiro and Irie Kanata with a smile.

"Boy, it's time for you to perform!"

Oni Jujiro said solemnly.

"No problem! Look at mine!"

Buer squinted his eyes, eager to try.

Are you going to really start facing the world so soon!
Although they have fought against Ralph and others before, both sides are still at the level of rational restraint.

The real world!
But very cruel!
"I think the coaches should have already made arrangements?"

Fuji said with a smile.

"That's natural!"

Saito came forward and said.

Since Buer just came back, the coaches didn't bother him too much.

After asking Bu Er to take a good rest, they left.

Regarding tomorrow's game, they still have a lot to prepare for.

The next day!

On the mountain road outside Hesu, a group of people are walking slowly.

"This place is really hard to get around!"

"The Neon people are really serious. Arranging their training camp in such a deep mountain and old forest, it must be because of insufficient funds!"

"Haven't you arrived yet, Captain! My feet are almost covered in blisters!"

The players of South Korea's U17 representative team couldn't help complaining, without him, the place where the Neon U17 training camp is located is really a bit difficult to get to.

The bus they found by themselves was only willing to stay at the foot of the mountain, so they had to enter the mountain by themselves.

This is also their own fault. Originally, when they arrived in Tokyo, Kurobe and others said that they would send a bus to take them to the hotel, and the room had been prepared for them in the hotel.

But these people in South Korea couldn't help being suspicious. They were used to playing tricks, so they were afraid that Kurobe and others would do something to them before the game, so they simply found a hotel outside.

It was not until before the game that they set off for the Neon U17 training camp.

It really measures the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain!

At this time, in the small black room, the three of Kurobe also saw the arriving South Korean group through the camera in front of the co-station.

"Let's go, it's time to greet the guests!"

Kurobe Yukio chuckled lightly.

"Is this the Neon U17 training camp? It's quite decent inside!"

People from the South Korean U17 team came in through the gate, walked along the avenue, and looked around while walking.

"Welcome to the Neon U17 training camp, my name is Yukio Kurobe, and I am the strategy coach here!"

The Kurobe trio soon found a group of South Koreans, who were pointing and pointing at the high school students who were training nearby.

After a few pleasantries, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, the South Korean group quickly applied for the direct start of the game to the World Tennis Association's Asia Director Andrew Johnson who had arrived at the Neon U17 training camp.

After receiving the notice, Buer put on the long-lost uniform of the First Army, pinned his own badge on his collar, and led the members of the Second Army with Taneshima, Oni, Irie and others towards the Walk to the playing field.

(End of this chapter)

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