The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 186 Doubles 2

Chapter 186 Doubles II

"Huh? Didn't the information say that there are only three members of the first army of Neon U17 still in the base? How come there are four people?"

Lee Ji Hyuk, the think tank of South Korea's U17 team, looked at Bu Erwai who was walking towards him, and said in a low voice.

"Maybe there was an error in the information. After all, the person we bribed is not a high-level person, and it is normal for there to be some mistakes."

"It doesn't matter, the Republic of Korea has brought out the best this time. No matter if they are three or four, they will definitely not be our opponents!"

Park Zhiyong, the leader of the South Korean U17 team, waved his hand indifferently, but he was full of confidence.

"Hmph! This time we will absolutely avenge our shame and let them know what cruelty is!"

The one who spoke was Kim Jong-chan, a member of South Korea's U3 team with a NO.17 badge pinned to his collar. The last time Byodoin led a team to expedition to South Korea, he was defeated miserably by Hayato Kitajima.

Even now, he couldn't forget Hayato Kitajima's cold gaze.

This time, their South Korean U17 representative team came here with hatred in their hearts, and they will definitely be ashamed.

Expedition Challenge games are generally closed games, so there will be no reporters coming to watch the game. When Bu Erwai arrives and the two sides submit the list of matches for this challenge in front of Andrew Johnson, the game will begin. It's officially started.

Andrew Johnson and Kurobe, plus the coach of the South Korean U17 team, a total of five people sat in the supervisory seat.

Andrew Johnson took the microphone and announced loudly to the audience: "Let's start the first doubles match!"

"Shoji Tanejima represented by Neon, Kanata Irie VS South Korea's representative Lee Kwang-chan, Lee Kwang-hyun!"

"Players from both sides please come on stage!"

As Andrew Johnson's voice fell, Tanejima and Irie stepped onto the court with smiles on their faces.

Opposite them, South Korea's U17 team, walked out of a pair of twins with oily hair and pink noodles.

"Look, the other party is actually a pair of twins!"

"So what? Can they still be opponents of Shuji Tanejima and Kanata Irie?"

Knowing that there will be a challenge match with the South Korean U17 team today, most of the high school students put down their training and came to watch the match.

When someone was surprised that the opponent turned out to be a pair of twins, the high school seniors around him all looked disdainful.

Although they didn't have much to deal with the freshmen like Taneshima, they still didn't question the strength of Taneshima and Irie.

Especially Shuji Tanejima, the NO.17 of the Neon U2 team is not covered.

"Is it a combination of Taneshima-senpai and Irie-senpai? It seems that the coaches are planning to make a quick decision, and the winner will be decided in the first three games!"

Standing in the player's seat, Fuji squinted his eyes and smiled.

Behind Fuji are players from the Second Army, such as Suzuki Chou and Washio Kazucha.

After hearing Fuji's words, they shook their heads, but there was still nothing wrong with them.

No wonder the coaches didn't even tell them the opponent's information in advance, not because the coaches had no information, but because it was unnecessary.

In this game, they have nothing to do with them at all.

"This game, we will win!"

"Brother, hurry up and end it, the neon sun is too poisonous!"

Li Guangcan and Li Guangxuan were full of confidence, and immediately started to provoke the two of them as soon as they entered the stage.

No way, who called Taneshima and Irie have never participated in overseas expeditions, so they are not well-known outside.

Facing the two "unknown people", Li Guangcan and Li Guangxuan are naturally very confident.

They are the number one twins doubles combination in South Korea. If the two guys from the Neon team hadn't played too dangerously last time, they wouldn't have lost so badly.

Thinking about it now, they are still aching.

Penal Code—Tono Atsukyo!
"The game starts, and the winner will be determined in one set. The South Korean team will serve first!"

As the World Tennis Federation referee climbed onto the high chair, the two sides began to line up.

"I said Irie, don't act for me this time! I don't want to embarrass myself in front of Fuji-kun!"

Shuji Taneshima said to Irie in the backcourt.

"Oh! I don't want to be ashamed in front of Fuji-kun after you say that!"

"Then be a little more serious!"

There was a smile on Irie's exquisite face, and the moment he bent his knees and crouched, his aura instantly returned to calm.

A real hunter will not make his prey aware of his presence before launching an attack.

Li Guangcan patted the tennis ball lightly a few times, then squeezed it tightly in his hand.

The seemingly delicate Li Guangcan, the speed and strength of this ball are not weak.

However, facing Tanejima, such a serve is still far away.

Tanejima adjusted his position slightly, and swung the tennis ball vigorously after it bounced off.

A beam of golden light shot directly from Tanejima's hand to the opposite half.

"So fast!"

The members of the South Korean U17 team were amazed that the speed of the ball returned by Taneshima just now was a bit astonishing.

Li Guangcan, who was about to rush to the net, had to turn back to defend. It has to be said that he still has some strength and barely saved the ball.

However, Irie, who was in front of the net, suddenly leaped obliquely, his racket stuck out and he dunked heavily.

A beam of light pierced through the defenses of Li Guangcan and Li Guangxuan.

Li Guangxuan, who was also in front of the net, left a drop of cold sweat on his forehead. He didn't react at all just now.

But in the blink of an eye, the opponent has already started to intercept.

The volley shot near the net just now seemed to be aimed at the blind spot of himself and his brother!
"Heh! Senior Irie's insight is still so amazing!"

He narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

"Today's Irie is pretty decent!"

Oni Jujiro said solemnly.

Concentrating on the ease and freehand brushwork in his heart, Li Guangcan understood that the opponent's strength might not be as weak as he imagined.

"Look at mine, Magnum!"

Li Guangcan's racket was swung vigorously, and the moment it collided with the racket was like a bullet being ejected from the chamber.

A burst of black smoke exploded from the surface of the racket, and a beam of golden light shot out from it.

"Here it is, a bright Magnum bomb!"

The members of the South Korea U17 team were delighted. This was one of the reasons why their twins won the qualification for the South Korea U17 team.

The ball has amazing speed and high penetration, just like a real bullet.


Taneshima chuckled, and the racket faced the flying tennis ball.

Seemingly unaffected by the force and rotation of the tennis ball, the tennis ball was instantly pressed back to Li Guangcan's feet.


Li Guangcan's heart was shocked, did his unique move have no effect at all? !
The backspin bounced at a very low angle. Li Guangcan pulled his right foot back sharply, bent his left foot, and poked the racket up.

However, his reaction was already in Irie's calculations.

The shadows in the sky covered the scorching sun above Li Guangxuan's head.

Irie jumped into the air like a god, and the tennis ball just passed the net at this time.

The powerful smash was like a comet falling to the ground, aiming at the dead corner of Lee Kwang-chan and Lee Kwang-hyun again.

In Irie's eyes, the opponent is full of flaws.

"Game, Shuji Taneshima, Kanata Irie, 40:0."


"Game, Shuji Taneshima, Kanata Irie, 1:0."

In just a few balls, Lee Kwang Chan and Lee Kwang Hyun have already lost their fortunes, and anyone with a discerning eye can see the gap between the two sides at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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