The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 187 The Coherence of South Korea

Chapter 187 The Coherence of South Korea

"Senior Taneshima!"

After the game change, Taneshima patted the tennis ball lightly a few times, and when he was about to serve, he heard a unique voice.

Taneshima raised his head, squinted his eyes, his chestnut hair fluttered in the wind, and gave him a thumbs up.

"You bastard!"

Tanejima smiled, this is putting pressure on him!

"Haha! If someone doesn't show some real skills, I'm afraid I'll be sorry for Fuji-kun!"

Irie Soto smiled happily. He and Taneshima were teammates who had been together since junior high school, and they knew their white hair very well.

This is a guy who won't embarrass himself in front of his juniors. Although he usually has a playful smile and loves to make trouble, once he gets serious, it's scary.


Tanejima tilted his face, his eyes became sharper instantly.

Throw the ball, and then lower your body back, the angle of inclination is larger than that of ordinary people's serve.

The waist suddenly exerted force, and when the skirt of the clothes was flying, the muscles of the abdomen explained what is called a perfect figure.

The golden light suddenly appeared, and the yellow streamer passed through the defense lines of Li Guangcan and Li Guangxuan.


Everyone in South Korea's U17 was shocked. The speed of this silver-haired guy's serve is so amazing!

Fuji felt weird, for a moment just now, it seemed that he lost the breath of Senior Tanejima in his perception.

How is this going?

Aware of Fuji's gaze, Taneshima's mouth curled up into a smile.

"This is the inspiration you gave me, Fuji-kun!"

"ACE, Shuji Taneshima, Irie played many, 30:0."


"ACE, Shuji Taneshima, Irie played many, 2:0."

Even if Tanejima is not good at serving, the strength gap between the two sides is really too big.

Facing Taneshima, who has quietly released [-]% of the restrictions, he can't keep up with the speed of Taneshima's serve.

"Damn it! What's the deal with this guy's strength?!"

Younger brother Li Guangxuan waved his racket unwillingly. They came here to avenge their shame. Now it seems that it has become a joke.

"It doesn't matter brother, we still have that one! Besides, this is doubles!"

Li Guangcan comforted his younger brother, then turned his gaze to Irie.

Li Guangxuan understood immediately, and nodded heavily.

"Up! Brother!"

Li Guangcan shouted loudly.

Then, wisps of white air flowed out from the bodies of the two of them.

Hovering into the air, and then intertwined, the pupils of the two were instantly dyed golden.

"This is... synchronous?!"

Many people present are very familiar with this state. In the camp, there are two pairs in the first year of high school alone who can do this.

It's just that they didn't expect that there were such players in the South Korean U17 team.

"Hmph! Didn't expect that! After the last fiasco, Guangcan and Guangxuan have become stronger!"

Park Zhiyong, the head coach of the South Korean U17 team, glanced at the player bench of the Neon team, and sneered in his heart.

Sensing Pu Zhiyong's gaze, Fuji and Ghost said indifferently: "They don't think that they are in the same tune, and they can win against Senior Taneshima and Senior Irie, right?"

"Only a group of short-sighted guys like them, what kind of world can they understand!"

Oni Jujiro said disdainfully.

"makes sense!"


After entering the coherent state, Lee Kwang-hyun's serving power has gone up a notch.

But in front of Zhongjima, he is still too immature.

With the wind under his feet, Taneshima quickly moved to the landing point of the tennis ball. When the tennis ball bounced to the highest point, he flicked his wrist, held the racket horizontally and pushed it forward.

A whirlwind of white rose above the surface of the shoot.

Self destroy nothing!
The tennis ball shook for a while, and disappeared from the sight of Li Guangcan and Li Guangxuan.

When it reappeared, it had already landed in the dead corner of the two's defensive area.

This is the true face of Shuji Tanejima. In addition to being able to catch and nullify any nirvana and attack, he will also hit a position where the opponent cannot reach and score directly.

"Game, Shuji Taneshima, Kanata Irie, 30:0."

Taneshima chuckled, pulled his arms away and then swung forward. The white cyclone appeared on the racket again, and he returned the ball and scored directly.

Seeing that Taneshima is difficult to deal with, and the two like-minded people didn't even need to communicate, they decided to turn their target to Irie at the same time.

"Magnon bomb!"

Li Guangxuan, who was in the same state, played the stunt that belonged to his brother, and it was not to the extent of imitation.

The bullet was ejected, and the precise sniper shot was no more than three millimeters behind the service line.

Without the slightest hesitation, Tanejima sprinted forward quickly.

This level of containment is nothing more than a piece of cake for Tanejima.

The racket pokes in, picks up, and the moment the ball flies, the special effect of the unique airflow around the racket surface reappears.

"Game, Shuji Taneshima, Kanata Irie, 40:0."


"Game, Shuji Taneshima, Kanata Irie, 3:0."

No matter how hard he struggled, if he couldn't crack the self-defeating Wu of Taneshima, he couldn't break through the defense line set up by Taneshima.

"how can that be!"

"Even the same tune can't compete with the opponent's strength?"

The South Korean U17 team players seemed unacceptable. The reason why they sent Lee Kwang-chan and Lee Kwang-hyun to take the lead was that they wanted to take advantage of their synchronous state to attack the next round first.

But unfortunately, their wishful thinking was wrong.

"Oh! Ignorance!"

Bu Er glanced at the group of people in South Korea and shook his head.

Even the Mutsu brothers, who have mastered a deeper level of coherence, cannot take advantage of the subordinates of Tanejima and Irie.

How could it be possible to do it with just the duo of Li Guangcan and Li Guangxuan!
Irie stood on the baseline, threw the ball, his slender arms turned to the inside, and then twisted his body forward to buckle out.

Strength is not Irie's strong point, so he can't hit the lightning-fast flat serve like Taneshima's side, but the spin ball he hits is not so easy to catch.

The tennis ball circled and drew an arc, hitting Li Guangxuan's feet.

Li Guangxuan lowered his body, trying to counteract the spin on the tennis ball by applying topspin. However, the moment the tennis ball touched the racket, a sharp pressure was directly transmitted from the racket to the brain.

If it weren't for his five-dimensional rise in the coherent state, the racket would come out of his hand.

He really underestimated Irie's spin.

Reluctantly provoking the ball, Li Guangxuan knew something was wrong in an instant.

Sure enough, Irie jumped up from the serving line, scanned the audience with deep eyes, and made a precise smash through the dead corner of the two.

Irie sent another ball, and Lee Kwang-hyun, who had learned a lesson, did not dare to underestimate the enemy, his arms relaxed, and his wrists shook slightly.

The racket surface smoothly lifts the tennis ball, giving the tennis topspin while throwing the ball.

Irie had already started running ahead of time before the opponent even swung his racket.

Everything was under his control. The moment the tennis ball bounced, Irie had already lowered his body. The racket turned over like a swallow, and the low-angle half-volley turned into a thunderbolt.

"Heh! If you want to target Irie, you can't do it."

Taneshima stroked his silver hair and said leisurely.

Indeed, according to the calculations of the Kurobe trio, although Irie's performance in strength and physical strength is not good, the combined value of the other three items is as high as 19 points.

What's more, this poor performance of strength and physical strength is just what Irie wants you to see. Whether this is really the case, even Tanejima, who spent three years in junior high school at Maikozaka Middle School, doesn't know.

"Game, Shuji Taneshima, Kanata Irie, 40:0."


"Game," Shuji Taneshima, Kanata Irie, 4:0."


"Hmph! Two trash!"

Park Ji-yong, the main player of the South Korean U17 team, slapped the guardrail hard. He was really disappointed by the performance of Lee Kwang-chan and Lee Kwang-hyun.

Fortunately, he still had high hopes for these two brothers, so he didn't expect to be so vulnerable.

(End of this chapter)

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