The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 189 The Power of Ghosts and Gods

Chapter 189 The Power of Ghosts and Gods
Oni Jujiro didn't hold back this ball, it was the black battle ax he hit with all his strength.

You know, Oni Jujiro has the power enough to lift a ton of boulders, so the power of this ball can be imagined.

Excruciating pain!

Jin Zhengcan was lying on the ground. At this moment, there was only one feeling left in his mind.

His throat was sweet, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

how can that be!

The power of the opponent is so terrifying!
"Are you OK!"

Zheng Yunhyuk quickly ran to Jin Zhengcan's side to help him up. Jin Zhengcan waved his hand, leaned on Zheng Yunhyuk's body and stood up.

"Be careful, the opponent's strength is a bit amazing!"

Zheng Yunhyuk exhorted.

It's a pity that Oni Jujiro's power cannot be resisted by being careful.

"Black battle axe!"

Another black light flashed, and the black giant ax slashed out, spraying blood on the audience again.

The sound of a heavy object falling to the ground sounded, and Jin Zhengcan's body flew into the air again.



"The Neon team actually attacked maliciously? Referee, this is a foul! Foul!"

Players of South Korea's U17 team protested.

But their think tank Lee Ji Hyuk was a little silent.

Not because he is cold-blooded, but because the development of things has deviated from their expectations.

Seeing Jin Zhengcan who was beaten to the ground, and the blood flowing all over the place, Lee Ji Hyuk and their head coach became a little dignified.

Especially their leader, Pu Zhiyong, whose face was so gloomy that water could drip from it.

Before the expedition, he had vowed to teach Ni Hong a heavy lesson, but the current situation made him feel a little slapped in the face.

Even if he wins back later, this expedition cannot be considered a success.

Failure to give the Nihong team a disarm, made the proud Park Zhiyong very uncomfortable.

During the previous Byodoin expedition to South Korea, Park Zhiyong was not present because he led the expedition to the Xia Zhiguan Republic, so he never felt how strong the Neon team was.

Park Zhiyong always felt that it was because the group of people who stayed behind were too useless that they were beaten by the Neon team.

"Trash! Two trash too!"

Pu Zhi cursed bravely.


"Kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

Jin Zhengcan wiped the blood from his face. The blood seemed to stimulate his nerves, making him go crazy.

With a ferocious expression, he looked at Oni Jujiro with a murderous look on his face.

"It's a pity! You shouldn't have stood up!" Oni Jujiro glanced at Jin Zhengcan contemptuously, and said lightly, "This way you won't experience more pain!"

"Kill you! I will definitely kill you!"

There was a serious problem with Jin Zhengcan's mentality. His mental strength was his weakness, and when he was continuously beaten by so many high school students surrounded by neon lights, he had completely lost his mind.

"This classmate, please continue to serve!"

Professional referees from the World Tennis Association are used to big scenes, so naturally they will not be frightened by Jin Zhengcan's madness, which will affect their professionalism.

Hearing this, Jin Zhengcan glanced at Oni Jujiro with bloodthirsty eyes, and limped to the bottom line.

"Kill you!"

With a roar in his mouth, Jin Zhengcan's body exuded a cold breath, his eyes were bloodshot, and his teeth were clenched tightly, making an ear-piercing sound of creaking.

With a blow full of anger, the air seemed to be scattered.

"Humph! I don't know whether to live or die!"

Oni Jujiro looked at the tennis ball flying towards him like a cannonball, grinned grinningly, his arm muscles squirmed crazily, and the black aura behind him became deeper and deeper.

A phantom like a ghost suddenly appeared behind Oni Jujiro.

The moment the ghosts and gods appeared, Oni Jujiro's aura instantly reached its peak.

"What is this!"

Park Zhiyong's complexion changed drastically. He was the strongest in the South Korean representative team, and felt the most oppressive momentum.

"Go to hell!"

Oni Jujiro had a fierce look on his face, and the dark aura melted from his body into the tennis ball.

Black Tomahawk!

The ghost and god held up the battle axe, and slashed fiercely towards the opposite side.

The terrifying air wave spread towards the surroundings with the wind pressure, and the huge explosion sound made the surrounding people feel a little tingling in their eardrums.

Everything along the way was completely destroyed. Under the horrified gazes of Jin Zhengcan and Zheng Yunhyuk, the giant black ax in the hands of "ghosts and gods" slashed at him fiercely!

In an instant, under the terrified eyes of the South Korean team, the bodies of Kim Jung-chan and Jung Yun-hyuk flew high into the air, and then slammed into the wall in front of the players' seats.

Accompanied by two huge explosions, the two were directly shot into the wall by Oni Jujiro.

The two rolled their eyes, their throats were sweet, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and then they passed out directly.

"Senior Ghost's different dimension is really scary!"

Looking at the phantom of ghosts and gods behind Oni Jujiro, Fuji couldn't help sighing.

Facing ghosts and gods directly, the oppression brought by Oni Jujiro is stronger than the oppression left by Fuji on the Byodoin Temple on the opposite side of the back mountain.

"You boy, you still have a long way to go!"

Tanejima took the opportunity to touch Fuji's head and said, he found that the more he touched Fuji's head, the more addictive he became.


"Because South Korea's representative team Kim Jong-chan and Jung Yun-hyuk were unable to continue the game, this game will be won by the Neon representative team!"

After Andrew Johnson confirmed that Kim Jung-chan and Jung Yun-hyuk had no way to continue the game, he announced the victory of the Neon team, and then quickly asked Kurobe and others to arrange medical personnel to dig Kim Jung-chan and Jung Yun-hyuk out of the wall.

The medical staff carefully dug the two of them out of the wall and put them on a stretcher.

After a simple examination, the medical staff found that Kim Jong-chan and Jung Yun-hyuk had different degrees of fractures in their chests, backs, and arms.

Especially in the chest, the ribs seem to be broken.

If you can't take a good treatment and recuperation, I'm afraid it will affect your future tennis career.

The head coach of South Korea's team looked desperate.

He knew that he was doomed, not to mention losing the game, the two players in this game were directly seriously injured.

Even if they can win all the next singles matches, his coaching career has come to an end.

Originally he was high-spirited, and planned to use Park Zhiyong's hand to add a glorious stroke to his resume and defeat the players of the Neon U17 team. This is a very glorious honor.

But now, he can only hope that the next three singles games will be won, and he can barely save his face.

He wasn't too worried about the next singles match, what he was worried about was the next two matches.

From the current point of view, the Neon team is obviously well prepared. Could it be that the guy they bribed is actually a double agent?

Just as he was thinking about it, Andrew Johnson's voice rang through the microphone again.

"Next, we will start the singles three match, with Nihong representing Fuji Zhousuke and South Korea representing Park Zhiyong."

"Players from both sides please come on stage!"

Hearing his name coming from the loudspeaker, Fuji stood up from the player's seat.

This singles three will be his first battle in the world!
(End of this chapter)

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