The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 190 Meditation

Chapter 190 Meditation
"Hmph! Brat, I'm not a waste like them, you'd better wake up!"

Pu Zhiyong snorted coldly, his arrogance stunned Buer for a moment.

Where did this guy get his confidence? !
He is just the leader of a team ranked last in the world. Didn’t you see that the Danish team leader who ranked higher than him in the original book was easily defeated by Echizen Ryoma. The strength is completely incomparable with the previous teams.

"The wind today is extra noisy!"

Buer smiled slightly.

"You bastard!"

Looking at him from left to right, Park Zhiyong was obviously very angry that this brat dared to ignore him, the South Korean general.

Wait for you to see it!
Park Zhiyong secretly swears in his heart.

"The match begins! A set will be decided, and Neon will represent Fuji Zhou to serve!"

Andrew Johnson gave the order and the game officially began.

Holding the tennis ball tightly with his left hand, he looked up at the sky, the dazzling sunlight made him close his eyes involuntarily.

The breeze is blowing in the ears, and Budu's body and mind are instantly emptied.

The golden sunlight sprinkled on Bu Er's face, reflecting him like a god.

"what the hell!"

Seeing Bu Er's appearance, Pu Zhiyong glanced at his mouth with disdain.

However, the moment he was distracted, a beam of golden light exploded at his feet.


Park Zhiyong looked behind him with unbelievable eyes, a golden tennis ball was lying there quietly.

"how can that be!"

On Pu Zhiyong's forehead, a drop of cold sweat involuntarily fell. He didn't catch the trajectory of Bu Er's serve? !

Outside the arena, Zhongjima, Irie and Oni couldn't help smiling when they saw Pu Zhiyong's unbelievable expression.

"No matter how many times I watch it, Budu's ball is so amazing!"

Takashima sighed.

"Thinking about things with one mind is Zen, and meditation is meditation."

"Zen and samadhi are both virtues of the heart, and the combination of the two is called samadhi."

There was a smile on Irie Yuanyuan's face, and she spoke a sentence that Taneshima couldn't understand.

"I said Irie, have you converted to Buddhism?"

Takashima asked strangely.

Irie shook his head and said, "This is what Buer told me. His serve is exactly what he learned from Buddhism and combined with his light and wind to create."

"Really? This kid is really a big kid!"

Tanejima chuckled, he didn't expect Fuji to know so much, what an interesting junior.

"ACE! Shusuke Fuji, 30:0."

"ACE! Shusuke Fuji, 1:0."

Four balls, Fuji only used four balls to win his own serve.

At the same time, everyone in the South Korean team was shocked from ear to ear.

Although they didn't understand why Buer's serve was obviously not fast, Park Zhiyong, who was on the court, didn't respond at all.

But they knew that this was a blow to Park Zhiyong.

This kid who looks a little young, his strength should not be underestimated.

After changing sides, it was Park Ji-yong's turn to serve.

He patted the tennis ball lightly a few times, forcing down the oppression brought to him by the last game in his heart.

Park Ji-yong threw the ball to his front right, then bent his feet, lowered his center of gravity backward, bent his right hand inward, and then recovered like a spring.

A clear sound of hitting the ball resounded throughout the court, and in an instant, the tennis ball flashed golden light and passed over the net.

Seeing this, Oni Jujiro frowned.

"This Park Zhiyong has some strength, and it's not at the same level as the previous trash."


Irie nodded and said: "Just from this serve, it can be seen that this guy can become the No. 1 of the South Korean representative team, and he still has some strength."

"so what?"

Tanejima smiled disdainfully: "His opponent is far more terrifying than him!"

Bu Er strode forward with a meteoric stride, and the astonishing strength of his feet made everyone in the South Korean team change their expressions.

Buer stomped hard on his feet and stopped his figure.

Swipe the racket horizontally, aim at the bouncing tennis ball and swing hard.

The dull voice spread, and Park Zhiyong's ball surprised Fuji slightly.

It's a lot of strength!
But this is not enough for Fuji!

call out!
The tennis ball immediately flew backwards, and went straight to the opponent's court with an amazing spin.


Park Zhiyong was not too surprised when his serve was returned.

Thanks to the blessing of the previous round, he had already lost his contempt for Buer in his heart, and began to face Buer squarely.

This is an opponent who needs to go all out, and Park Zhiyong dare not be careless.

Both feet erupted suddenly, and Park Zhiyong rushed towards the tennis ball like a tiger out of the fence.


With a loud shout, Pu Zhiyong lowered the head of the racket with his right hand, and then pulled it upwards.

The moment the tennis ball hit the racket, he felt a strong pressure on his wrist.

The tennis ball spins at high speed on the racket surface, making a tooth-piercing sound.

Park Ji-yong's wrist was shaking slightly, and he also has a lot of research on removing the spin and strength of the opponent's tennis ball.

An astonishing cyclone rises from the racket, enveloping the tennis ball, and the continuously circling airflow around it is like a sharp blade.

Cutting, raging the air along the way.

"This ball back!"

Everyone in the Second Army saw the ball, and there was a hint of surprise in their eyes.

This general from South Korea has some skills.

They asked themselves that there was no way to easily catch this ball.

However, everyone in the Second Army immediately had a little pity for Pu Zhiyong, because the person he met was the same!

Buer's eyes lit up, but he didn't expect that the South Korean general would dabble in airflow.

This return is somewhat interesting.

With a smile on the corner of Bu Er's mouth, his vigorous figure sprang out like a cheetah.

With the wrist inward, the racquet is thrust forward.

On the surface of the shot, as if dripping water into the flat river, invisible ripples suddenly appeared.

Return to the market!

The air flow was pulled away one by one, and the tennis ball also became quieter.

Buer pressed forward with his right hand, and the golden beam was pressed to Park Zhiyong's left side.

It was too late for the shocked Bu Er to return to the ruins, Pu Zhiyong tried his best to catch up with the golden light beam in front of him.

Unexpectedly, he was actually caught up by him. With the inertia of running, the racket was thrown from the bottom to the top right with his arm.

"Okay! This curveball is beautiful!"

Although he was an opponent, Tanejima still expressed his appreciation for Park Zhiyong's hook.

"It's not bad, but it's useless to Fuji-kun."

Irie pushed his glasses and said.

As Irie said, Park Zhiyong's curveball is beautiful, and it might be scored by an ordinary person, but it doesn't work.

There was a dull sound in the air, and a blue cyclone condensed from Buer's side.

Fuji lifted the racket to his chest, and the invisible wind strings hit the tennis balls that flew past Fuji's side one by one, and bit by bit, he pulled the tennis back to Fuji before.

"This is! Domain!!!"

Park Zhiyong is also somewhat knowledgeable, and unexpectedly knows that such skills as domains exist.

But he didn't know that this wasn't actually a domain, but a unique Wind Barrier.

Fuji waved his right hand in parallel, and the seemingly slender arm burst out with amazing strength.

The streamer-like trajectory went straight to the large gap exposed by Park Ji-yong because of chasing the ball.

"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 15:0."

Fuji smiled slightly, and a classic line popped out of his mouth.

"You still have lots more to work on!"

(End of this chapter)

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