The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 191 Variant Asura Shinto

Chapter 191 Variant Asura Shinto
"This kid!"

Park Zhiyong's face became more and more gloomy.

The difficulty of Bu Er was beyond his imagination, and now he no longer has the pride and confidence that he had when he first appeared on the stage.


Park Zhiyong pulled his right shoulder back, tilted his center of gravity back, and then threw a ball.

The abdomen suddenly exerted force, and under the support of the inertia of leaning forward, the strength and speed of Pu Zhiyong's swing increased a bit.

"Good come!"

Bu Er's eyes opened. The stronger Pu Zhiyong is, the more he can awaken the fighting spirit in his heart.

Facing the bouncing tennis ball head-on, Buer's eyes clearly saw the strong topspin in it.

When the tennis ball bounces to the highest point, hold the racket with the right hand and do everything from the high point down quickly.

The ultra-high-speed slice makes the tennis ball erratic, falling straight down the moment it passes the net.

Pu Zhiyong's surroundings instantly fell into a gray-white space, and a sharp and ear-piercing phoenix cry resounded through the sky.

The falling tennis ball instantly turned into a fiery red figure, and the colorful tail glides along the ground, before disappearing behind Pu Zhiyong.

Phoenix Indus!

"This is! The form of technology and the materialization of spiritual power!"

After all, Park Zhiyong is the No.1 of the South Korean representative team, and he can see the essence of Budu's Fengqiwutong at a glance.

And this is not at the level of entering the world class for the first time, but an extremely high-level skill.

The opponent's technology has reached such a level!
Pu Zhiyong's heart sank, is he going to die too?

"No! I don't believe it! There can be no such thing!"

Park Zhiyong roared, and then threw the ball high.

He didn't believe that a kid would actually walk in front of him, a once-in-a-ten-year genius in the Republic of Korea!

Step your legs slightly apart, bend forward, and then catch the rebound and jump into the air.

The smash-style serve sent out a burst of explosions in the air.

A golden flash shot out from it, creating violent friction with the resistance of the air.

A gleam of light flashed in Bu Er's icy blue eyes, and the skirts of his clothes flew away, which was the air waves caused by the howling wind.

Fuji's figure disappeared from the bottom line like an afterimage, and when he reappeared, he had already sprinted to the midfield.

Jumping in the air, the pink cherry blossom rain landed on Pu Zhiyong's field.

Pieces of petals fell like rain, shining with endless chill like sharp blades.

In Pu Zhiyong's horrified gaze, a heavy object fell to the ground, followed by an explosion.

Wind's attack technique——Hua Lan!
As the tennis ball fell to the ground, the pink cherry blossom rain dissipated in the air.

Pain came from Pu Zhiyong's body. He looked down and saw that the clothes on his body were cut into small holes.

The blood was constantly seeping out, and what hurt him was the chill from the wound being swept by the strong wind.

"This kid! Evolved again!"

Tanejima put away his old hippie smile and stared blankly at Fuji who landed on the field.

However, in just one month, Buer's strength was vastly different from when he left Hesu.

Although Fuji was very strong at the time, it still couldn't bring Tanejima too dangerous a feeling.

But it's different now, Fuji has truly stood on the same level as him.

In Zhongjima's heart, an emotion called urgency quietly arose.

It's time to strengthen training!
If it is really surpassed by the younger generation, wouldn't it be super embarrassing! ! !

There was an incomprehensible smile on Irie's delicate round face, which made him more and more startled.

Oni Jujiro folded his hands in front of his chest, no reason could be seen on his fierce face.

But there was also a turbulent wave in his heart.

On Bu Er's body, he smelled a breath of the same origin!

Ashura Shinto!
And it's still a high-level Asura Shinto, that is to say, Bu Er has probably opened up his own different dimension.

Even Oni Jujiro couldn't help being shocked by Fuji's talent.


On the field, Park Zhiyong's eyeballs almost fell out.

The opponent's endless stunts made it difficult for him to parry, and the oppression brought to him by this brat was even stronger than that of the generals of many countries he had encountered.

"Little devil! You forced me to do this!"

Pu Zhiyong felt cruel in his heart, it's time for this kid to see the real world!
The aura on Pu Zhiyong's body boiled instantly, and behind him, a burst of black mist suddenly appeared.

Pain, unwillingness, death!

Negative emotions kept coming towards Buer.

Bu Er's eyes narrowed slightly, this is it!
Asura Shinto?
It seems a little different!

The fact is just as what Fujio thought, although in recent years, Neon's tennis system related to Asura Shinto is no secret in the world.

But the mysteries in it are not so simple to figure out.

Especially the most core spiritual idea, which is an untold secret only in the hands of the head coach Mifune.

Although South Korea bought off a high-level executive in the neon base a few years ago, what he knows is the method for the initial initiation of Asura Shinto.

So the road ahead is all guessed by South Korea.

It's understandable to go a little off course.

"Little devil, die!"

Park Zhiyong grinned, threw the ball, and then dunked it heavily.

Before everyone in the Second Army could even react, the explosion of the tennis ball falling to the ground had already sounded.

"So fast!"


There is only such a simple and rude feeling in the hearts of everyone in the Second Army.

Perhaps it was because the performances of Tanejima, Irie and Oni Jujiro were too tough before, which made them feel that the South Korean team was nothing more than that.

But right now, Park Zhiyong's ball made them feel a strong sense of powerlessness.

This is the world!
"Good come!"

Fuji took a big step, then bowed his legs and swung the racket.

The bouncing tennis ball hit the racket, and a huge impact was transmitted from the racket to Fuji's hands.

After opening the Asura Shinto, Pu Zhiyong's five dimensions have been greatly enhanced. The strength of this ball is already enough to rival Oni Jujiro in a normal state.

"Go back to me!"

With a low moan, the muscles in his arms twitched crazily.

Explosion sounded from the smoke, and then a golden beam of light blew away the smoke.

Pu Zhiyong leaned back with his arms slanted, and quickly stepped forward under his feet, rushing up against the golden light beam.

Explosions sounded in the field, and many high school students moved back a little unconsciously.

This scene is really scary!
"Game, Park Ji-yong, 1:1."


"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 2:1."


"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 3:2."

The scene seemed to be at a stalemate, and both sides kept their serve.

"Come on! Commander!"

"Break him! Commander!"

Seeing that Park Ji-yong had the hope of winning, the members of the South Korean representative team suddenly became excited.

It was like lighting a fire in a dry haystack. The neon high school students were at their young age, so they were naturally not to be outdone.

"No two! Come on!"

"come on! Come on!"

"Down with these insidious South Koreans!"

The momentum was overwhelming, and in the territory of the Neon team, these South Korean representative team members dared to compete and cheer?
How naive!

On the court, Park Zhiyong, who was resting, kept cheering for Buer, which made him more and more irritable.

Affected by his mutant Asura Shinto, the evil thoughts in his heart are constantly amplified, and any slight stimulation will make him extremely cruel.

Pu Zhiyong stood up suddenly, his eyes were bloodshot, and the turbid black air on his body became gloomy again.

In the darkness, a pair of dark green pupils could be vaguely seen, exuding a bloodthirsty light.

(End of this chapter)

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