The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 192 Desperate Breakthrough

Chapter 192 Desperate Breakthrough
After a 1-minute break, the two sides set foot on the court again.

This round was Park Zhiyong's serve. When he stood on the bottom line, he felt a stab in his brain, and his spirit was suddenly in a trance.

He patted his cheek heavily to drive this weird feeling out of his mind.

A ball was thrown, and then the muscles of the right arm continued to squirm, and the sound of the racket breaking through the air made people feel a little frightened.

In the middle of the game, Park Zhiyong's strength didn't weaken at all with his physical weakness, but it was a little bit stronger.

The powerful force is like a pair of invisible big hands, bending the two wings of the tennis ball inward, like a thick banana.

However, no matter how powerful the strength is, it will be futile if it can't crack the unique return to the ruins.

Buer throws a powerful flat shot with his arm. This simple combination of strength and speed makes a meteor-like counterattack.

Facing Budu's high-speed flat shot, Park Zhiyong did not choose to hit back after the ball hit the ground, but rushed up against the trajectory of the tennis ball.

This dangerous move also made Fuji narrow his eyes slightly. If he did not do so carelessly, he would be hit in the face by the super high-speed tennis attack from the front.

The kinetic energy carried by a high-speed tennis ball is no joke.

Pu Zhiyong raised his heels slightly, his toes firmly grasped the ground, and then he stepped back a little bit.

Like a hungry tiger pouncing on its food, it leaps out.

Park Zhiyong actually used such a weird posture to hit the ball with a smash at low altitude and hit the ball with a flat shot.

"This guy is really like a beast. He can hit such a powerful smash with such a posture!"

Taneshima was a little surprised. He didn't expect Park Zhiyong to be so talented in motor nerves and body balance. The so-called rare genius in South Korea in ten years is not in vain.

Fu Er squatted down with his back to the tennis ball, holding the tennis racket in both hands, the tennis ball fell into the racket face instantly like a bull in mud.

Sliding across the racket surface from bottom to top, the tennis ball is imperceptibly added with a strong spin.

"The unicorn binds the ground!"

With an earth-shattering beast roar, the gray-white space once again framed Pu Zhiyong.

Accompanied by a stream of light soaring into the sky, in the dark sky in the distance, a unicorn with a flame under its feet came riding the fire.

Qilin leaped into the air, drew a graceful arc in the air, and then landed steadily on the bottom line.

There was another terrifying beast roar, and the image of the unicorn disappeared in front of Pu Zhiyong's eyes.

He turned his head, and a tennis ball had lost all its kinetic energy and lay quietly on the bottom line.

"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 15:0."

It was another form of a move, a skill that combined power and mental power, and Pu Zhiyong's face was gloomy again. This kid's talent is really terrifying.

Park Zhiyong's agile figure like a cheetah appeared behind the falling tennis ball, lowering the center of gravity, lowering the calf, and the racket from top to bottom.

The tennis ball drew an arc in the air with a violent spin.

"What a fierce spinning ball!"

In the second army, Masahiro Matsudaira, who is also good at high-speed spinning balls, showed a shocked expression. This ball exceeded his level by too much.

Buer stared slightly, and pushed the racket forward, the tennis ball flipped quickly after rolling over the front of the racket, adding another layer of rotation through the back.

"Guards of Hetotoncris!"

This seemingly ordinary ball contained several times stronger spin than before.

Park Zhiyong grinned grimly, and then came to the back of the tennis ball in a few strides.

"What? Is Qian Donkey at the end of his skills?"

Park Zhiyong slashed heavily on the tennis ball, and the defense line composed of double spins was broken in an instant.

Simply relying on rotation cannot pose a threat to Park Zhiyong.

After all, the guard of Hektoncris is just a national-level skill. Facing a player of the level of the South Korean general, it is no surprise that he was broken.

What Buer wants is to force Park Ji-yong to hit a strong topspin.

The left hand is resting behind the racket, and the right hand is pulling the racket obliquely towards the left side of the body and slashing vigorously.

A powerful backhand slice sent the tennis ball into the air, turning into a white dragon.

Blessed by the wind force, a giant cyan dragon was entangled with the white dragon, circling and pushing the ball out.

Park Zhiyong swung his hands back and jumped vigorously, but he was still one step away from tennis.

Ssangyong swooped down, and the golden light exploded behind Pu Zhiyong.

"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 30:0."

Gradually getting familiar with world-class duels, Buer has decided not to stay with Park Zhiyong anymore, it's time to send him home!
Under Pu Zhiyong's shocked eyes, Bu Er also opened the Asura Shinto.

The Asura man flashed behind him and merged into his body.

The orthodox Asura Shinto made Pu Zhiyong feel unspeakable discomfort, and his originally agitated heart became even more furious.

"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 40:0."

"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 4:2."

Next came Fuji's serve, under the blessing of Asura Shinto, Fuji's already surging mental power became even more turbulent.

Unable to get rid of the turbidity effect brought by the ultra-high-speed dimension, Park Ji-yong had no way to return Buer's serve in the game of Buer's serve.

"ACE, Fujisuke, 15:0."

"ACE, Fujisuke, 5:2."


"Come on! Buer!"

The neon high school students cheered instantly, and the victory was just around the corner.

The players and coaches of the South Korean U17 team all lowered their heads. They thought that the main team would be able to win this game before.

Especially their head coach, who looked ashamed.

Satisfied, he led his team to expedition to Neon, but he didn't expect to usher in a three-game losing streak.

"Going back will definitely be banned by the Tennis Association!"

South Korea's head coach felt sore and bitter. He knew that not only would he end his coaching career with the South Korean U17 team when he returned, but he would also be banned by the South Korean Tennis Association.


Just as he was about to change the scene, Park Zhiyong suddenly raised his head and roared, and he could clearly feel the unwillingness in his voice.

Park Zhiyong was not reconciled, he was not reconciled to losing to a guy younger than himself, especially this guy was a player from Neon.

Park Zhiyong, who grew up surrounded by praises since he was a child, couldn't stand this kind of anger.

The evil thoughts in his heart were continuously magnified at this moment, and suddenly, Pu Zhiyong felt a certain shackle in his heart!

All the negative emotions were integrated into the spiritual power, and condensed into substance behind him.

A white tiger with eye-catching eyes loomed behind Pu Zhiyong.

It's just that the white fur seems to be stained with traces of dark spots.

Zhongdao, Irie and Gui all had solemn expressions on their faces. They didn't expect that Pu Zhiyong would evolve in a desperate situation!

Park Zhiyong actually managed to open a different dimension that can only be opened by the high-level Asura Shinto!

It's just that Park Jiyong's different dimension, why does it feel a bit different?

(End of this chapter)

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