The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 195 Summoning

Chapter 195 Summoning
It was early autumn again, and I saw Maierhuang again.

In the golden autumn and September, the school season is a new beginning, and Fuji also ushered in the second semester of the first grade of junior high school.

Just started school, there are a lot of things to do in the tennis club and the class, and I am also very busy.

Especially in the first week, I was so busy that I couldn't keep my feet on the ground. Maybe this is the trouble of outstanding students.

Like Kikumaru, I am very happy to play every day.

After finally finishing the work at hand, Buer can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Complete the routine training with the club members, arrange for the club members to practice freely, and stand comfortably on the sidelines, watching the lively scene in the club.

Since winning the national championship, the enthusiasm of the club members seems to have suddenly increased.

In order to win the position of Qingxue's main selection, each of them trained harder than before.

After all, it is a supreme honor to be able to enter the main selection sequence of the number one team in the country.

Everything seems to be on the right track, go to class, do department work, go home.

Simple life can make Fuji enjoy it.



"That's it, this month's school ranking competition will start this Saturday, I hope everyone can have a good performance!"

After the club work, Fuji briefly explained that the new school ranking competition will start this weekend, which instantly ignited the enthusiasm of the members.

They have been looking forward to this day for a long time!

After announcing the disbandment, the club members were very excited and went home with tennis bags on their backs. They needed to prepare well for the intramural ranking competition in a few days.

Every time the club is active, the players who are being selected are the last ones to leave.

Back in the locker room, put on Qingxue's school uniform, Buer and others put on their tennis bags, locked the gate of the tennis court, and set off on their way home together.

On the way, Yamato seemed to think of something, and said to everyone: "By the way, the autumn rookie competition is about to start, is there any one of you who wants to participate?"

"Autumn rookie competition?"

Everyone also looked at Yamato with doubtful eyes.

Because there were a series of competitions in the first semester, such as the regional competition, the Tokyo competition, the Kanto competition, and the national competition, so Buerwai had never heard of any rookie competition.

Unlike the Kanto Competition and the National Competition, which are group events, the Rookie Competition is purely an individual event.

The individual competition system with two wins in three rounds is more focused on the personal strength of the players.

"How about it, Fuji, Tezuka, are you two interested?"

Yamato asked Fuji and Tezuka.

Bu Er shook his head. Now that he goes to participate in this kind of competition, isn't that bullying?
just forget it.

As for Tezuka, he wanted to fight Fuji more than anyone else.

Since Buer doesn't participate, he has no interest.

The same is true for Yajiujin. The two guys he wants to beat the most don't participate, so what's the point of him participating.

In the end, there were only Kikumaru, Oishi, Kawamura and Gan on the list submitted by Qingxue for the rookie competition.


Lihai is big!
"Have you heard clearly?"

Sanada put down the racket in his hand and said in a deep voice.

Liu Lian-er, who had returned from outside the world, nodded her head.

"Over Qingxue, Fuji, Tezuka and Akutsu didn't sign up for the rookie competition."

Liu Renji told Yukimura and Sanada the information he had obtained.

"Let me just say, Buer won't participate!"

Yukimura smiled lightly.

He knew that Bu Er was the same kind of person as him, and although he was always gentle with others on weekdays, the arrogance hidden in his bones was lingering.

This kind of competition is obviously for newcomers, Yukimura knows that Fuji will not participate.

"In that case, I won't participate either!"

Sanada said solemnly.

Since Tezuka won't participate, it doesn't make much sense for him to participate.

He needs more time to sharpen his kendo and Fenglin Huoyin Lei!
If he can't make a breakthrough, he knows that he doesn't even have the qualifications to challenge Tezuka.

Liu Renji nodded. When he learned that Tezuka and Akutsu were not included in the entry list of Seigaku, he knew that Sanada and Yukimura would definitely not participate.

As for himself, although Liu Lian'er has always appeared as Li Hai's great military adviser, the arrogance in his heart belonging to Li Hai's Big Three is no less than that of others.

Of course he won't participate.

Ever since, Lihai University's entry list became even more lonely.

Only Marui Bunta and Jack Kuwahara signed up, and Nioh Masaharu rarely came to the tennis club to participate in club activities recently, as if he was busy with some important things.

Originally, Nioh had such an attitude of fishing for three days and posting on the net for two days, Sanada was very angry and wanted to "talk" to him!
But Yukimura stopped him, and Yukimura knew that King Ni must have his own reasons.

They couldn't make any effective suggestions for Nioh's tennis career, and he could only rely on himself.


ice King!

Atobe Kei I sat gracefully on his exclusive "throne" in the club office, propping my cheek with my left hand, and tapping rhythmically on the table with my right hand.

"You mean, Fuji from Seigaku, Tezuka, Akutsu, Sanada from Rikkai University, Yukimura, and Renji Yanagi didn't sign up for this autumn rookie competition?"

Trace Department asked.

Opposite him was a senior from the third country who was in charge of the intelligence department.

The Ice Emperor Tennis Club with more than 200 members naturally also has its own intelligence department.


After getting an affirmative answer, Atobe stood up and opened the curtains.

The glare of the sun shines into the room, reflecting on Atobe's body, shining brightly.

"Hmph! If that's the case, then I don't want to steal the limelight. I'll leave the rookie competition to you! Go and win the glory for our Ice Empress and yourself!"

Akibu said with a smile.

"Ninzuru, do you want to participate?"

Sakakitaro asked.

Ninja Yuji shook his head lightly, he was not interested in such indifferent disputes.

With this effort, he might as well digest what he gained in England.

What's more, his family invited him a private violin teacher recently, and he really didn't have much time.


The school ranking competition was going on in an orderly manner. Of course, all the main candidates kept their positions.

The subsequent fall rookie competition, due to the lack of participants from the second class, lost its color a lot.

In the end, Bunta Marui of Lihai University won the championship of the autumn rookie competition by virtue of his superb tennis skills.

For this reason, Kikumaru was angry for several days.

Because he was defeated by Marui Bunta in the quarterfinals.

The second semester is the busiest semester in terms of academic work, in which the major schools also held a series of activities such as sports games and school cultural festivals.

At the sports meeting, everyone in the tennis club showed off their specialties other than tennis, competing for honors for their respective classes.

The time was getting closer to the end of the period. After attending the graduation ceremony, although there was still more than a week before the winter vacation, Fuji asked for leave in advance and left Qingxue.

Because of no two, I received a call from the Neon U17 team!

The World Cup in France is about to begin!

(End of this chapter)

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