The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 196 Departure

Chapter 196 Departure
As the opening of the World Cup in France approached, the atmosphere in the camp also became solemn.

On this day, for the first time, there was no list of training items and dishwashing stations on the bulletin board of Hesu, but a brand new list.

"what is that?"

"Go, go, go and have a look!"

The high school students moved closer with some doubts, and the names of 20 representatives of the first army were impressively written on it.

The one at the top is the name of Byodoin Temple Phoenix.

The high school students turned their heads, and all the members of the First Army were dressed in red-based neon U17 uniforms mixed with black and white. The collar symbolizing the identity of the neon U17 team was shining in the sun. Hui.

They walked in neat steps towards the court in front of the building where the main training site is located.

Starting from Byodoin Temple, followed by Shuji Tanejima, Hayato Kitajima, Jujiro Oni, etc., and the one hidden in the deepest part of the crowd, Kanata Irie!

When they stood on the main court, the coaches Kurobe Yukio, Saito Zhi and Takuzhi Ryuji also appeared in the stands on the second floor.

All the high school students were shocked, what day is it today, and why these members of the first army and the coaches have been assembled.

Only a small number of well-informed people vaguely guessed what it was.

The camp was established for the purpose of selecting the top elites in the country to compete in the U-17 World Cup. Then, the reason why the first army and coaches were assembled seems to be obvious!
Conquer the world!

"One, two, three, why are there only nineteen people?"

Some idle high school students carefully counted the number of representatives of the First Army, and found a blind spot.

"Really? Why is there one person missing?"

"Could it be? We still have a chance?"

Some new high school students looked excited, they thought this spot was reserved for them to compete for!

"Cut! Don't be so naive over there! There is only one person who hasn't come yet!"

The senior high school player with the old fritters glanced at the group of new high school freshman Dao with a look of disdain.

This group of newcomers don't know, how can they not know?
The lesser one should be on its way now!
While everyone was whispering, a figure jumped over the guardrail outside the court, and the tennis bag on his body did not affect his actions at all.

He also wears the uniform of the Neon U17 team, the only difference is that there is no badge pinned to the collar.

The person who came was just the same, and they rushed to join us for the night. It seemed that it was not too late.

"Hmph! Brat, your movements are too slow!"

Byodoin snorted coldly, and threw out something casually.

With a wave of his hand, Fuji caught the object thrown by the Byodoin Institute.

Spreading out his palm, it was his NO.3 badge.

"Senior Byodoin, thank you!"

Fuji smiled, pinned the badge on his collar, walked to Taneshima and stood beside him.

In the crowd, starting from Byodoin Temple, to Tanejima, to Hayato Kitajima on Fuji's left, each of them was much taller than Fuji, which made Fuji look like a short man.

Suddenly, there was a roar of aircraft engines in the air.

Everyone looked up and saw a Cessna flying from afar.

Under the gaze of everyone, it slowly descended, descended, and finally landed on the main court.


A pair of bare feet stepped out of the huge Cessna aircraft, and what appeared in the eyes of everyone was a bearded man with a wine gourd pinned to his waist and dressed in a black bunt.

"Who is this guy?"

"Is there an uncle like this in the base? It looks like a big deal!"

The high school students who didn't know about Mifune's Enlightenment asked doubtfully.

They thought that the three of Kurobe and the others in the base were the biggest coaches. They never thought that there was a head coach above Kurobe and them.

"Head Coach! You are finally here!"

Under the astonished eyes of this group of newcomers, the three of Kurobe stepped forward and said.

"Boss. Chief. Head coach?!!!"

The words of Kurobe and the others were like a heavy hammer, hitting the hearts of this group of cute newbies hard.

"He is the head coach of Hesu?!!!"

Everyone looked at the bearded guy with disbelief.

Today is a special day, so Sanchuan entered the Tao and didn't pay attention to these guys.

He paced to the stands on the second floor and scanned the players below.

"Shut up for me!"

Mifune's fierce tone made everyone shut their mouths instantly.

"Next, I will announce the list of players participating in this U-17 World Cup."

Mifune's words instantly attracted everyone's attention. Sure enough, this is the announcement of the list for the World Cup in France!
"U-17 world cup neon team leader - Byodoin Phoenix!"

Hearing his name, Byodoin snorted coldly, and walked a few steps forward to the right below the Mifune entrance.

"Tanejima Shuji!"

After hearing this, Tanejima also walked to Byodoin and touched his head in distress.

"I think this is embarrassing me, how can I go about it?"

"Fuji Shusuke!"

"Hayato Kitajima!"

"The last one! Irie Kanata!"

Although only 14 players were allowed on the final entry list, Sanfuan still brought all the first troops. After all, in the World Championships, no one knows what will happen, and the existence of substitutes is still necessary.

in a few days!
France, Paris!

This city famous for its romance is about to welcome a large number of young people with passion and passion.

This U-17 Tennis World Cup will be held in Paris, France!
All participating countries sent their best players to Paris, France to participate in this event!

At this time, on a plane flying from Neon to Paris, members of the Neon team participating in the French World Cup are on this special plane.

"How about it, Fuji, are you nervous?"

Irie Kanata smiled softly at Fuji sitting beside him.

"It's not! I feel like my whole body is boiling with enthusiasm now!"

Bu Er turned his head and smiled.

"Heh! This guy, Taneshima, should be at the airport to welcome us right now!"

As if seeing Taneshima shivering in the cold wind, the smile on Irie's face became even more tragic.

The dimples on the round and delicate face are particularly obvious.

"Senior Taneshima is really good"

Fuji shook his head, Tanejima's airplane phobia is really hard to describe.

He obviously has extremely strong strength, but he can only quietly be a handsome man, guarding in the Neon U17 dormitory.

It is impossible to go on an overseas expedition, and it is impossible in this life.

"Ah sneeze!"

In Paris, Tanejima couldn't help but sneezed, and then tightened his coat.

"Could someone be speaking ill of me behind my back!! Irie! It must be this guy Irie!"

Tanejima muttered words, and the flowers he waited for the special plane of the Neon team were all thankful.

From Neon to France, it takes about fourteen hours.

Although the scenery outside the window is beautiful, it will be tiring if you look at it for a long time.

Bu Erwai soon fell asleep on the plane, and the cabin instantly became quiet!
(End of this chapter)

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