The Rebirth of the Net King

Chapter 197 Letter from No 2

Chapter 197 A letter from Fuji
While Buer and others were sleeping soundly in the sky, a few letters floated from the dormitory to various schools in the middle school.

Youth school!

Gan Sadaharu came from outside the tennis club. He just passed the guard room. The uncle at the door said that there were two letters addressed to Tezuka and Akutsu, and asked him to take them away by the way.

"Tezuka, Akutsu, I have two letters for you both."

Shaking the letter paper in his hand dryly, he talked to Tezuka and Aku who were practicing sparring.

"A letter from me and Akutsu? Who sent it?"

Tezuka stopped what he was doing and asked with some doubts.

"I don't know. This letter is quite strange. There is nothing written on the envelope except the addressee."

Gan pushed his glasses, looked at the letter paper in front of his eyes, then shook his head and handed it to Tezuka and Akutsu.

On the side court, Kikumaru, Oishi and others who were resting also surrounded them.

"Hey! Could it be from Fuji?"

Kikumaru had a flash of inspiration and said in surprise.

"No two?"

Hearing this, Akutsu hurriedly opened the envelope.

The envelope contained not only letters, but also a ticket.

There is not much information on the letter, only a name is written.

Fuji Shusuke!

"U-17 World Cup?"

Tezuka and Akutsu looked at each other, and they both saw a shock in each other's eyes.

Do you want them to go to France to watch this U-17 Tennis World Cup?


Akutsu looked at Tezuka and said in a deep voice.

Although Akutsu didn't say it, Tezuka already understood what Akutsu meant.

Tezuka nodded, since it was a unique invitation, he would naturally not refuse such an opportunity.

U-17 Tennis World Cup!

"No two, have you reached this level yet?!!!"

Tezuka's heart was filled with shock.


Ice Emperor Academy!

With graceful steps, Sakaki Taro pushed open the door of the tennis club, and placed a letter in front of Atobe.

"Huh? Advisor, what is this?"

Atobe glanced at Sakakitaro suspiciously, and then looked at the letter at hand, it was rare to see a letter with only the recipient.

When the envelope was opened, the only name came oncoming.

"From Buer?"

Atobe was even more confused, so what did he do by sending a letter with only one name on it.

Suddenly, a ticket fell out of the envelope.

"U-17 Tennis World?"

Atobe picked it up from the ground, his eyes sharpened instantly.


"No two, is this your recognition of my uncle!"

"My lord! Accepted!"

The empty tennis club where only Atobe and Sakakitaro were alone was instantly filled with Atobe's laughter.


High School Attached to Lihai University!
Yukimura looked at the ticket in his hand, the color in his eyes flickered.


Sanada also held a ticket in his hand, and looked at Yukimura with questioning eyes.


Yukimura sighed, he never liked to owe favors to others, it seems that he will owe two favors now.

"No two! I will not be thrown away by you!"

Looking in the direction of Aigaku, Yukimura secretly made up his mind.

Without further ado, Yukimura and Sanada called Yanagi Renji over, and after explaining some things, they took a taxi and rushed to Tokyo International Airport.


Tokyo International Airport!

A plane from Kyushu landed here.

Passengers came out of the cabin one after another, among them were three handsome young men!
"Heh! Tachibana Yoshihei and Chitose Chisato from Shishi Raku! You have also received a letter from that guy named Shusuke Fuji!"

Just when Tachibana Jihei and Chitose Chisato were about to go to the lobby to repurchase tickets, a voice behind them made them startled.

They turned their heads and saw that it was Eishiro Kite!

"Why, did you receive it too?"

Tachibana Jiping frowned, looking at Kirate with some surprise.

"What do you think?"

The wooden hand pushed the glasses, and a glint of light flashed on the lenses.

Although he didn't know how Fuji Zhousuke knew himself, he believed that Fuji Zhousuke would not harm him.

U-17 Tennis World Cup!
What a lot of fun!

"It's you guys!"

The three turned their heads, and it turned out that it was Kuranosuke Shiraishi from Shitenbao Temple!
They were not surprised either. With Baishi's strength, it was only natural that Fuji would invite him.

"Look, it's Seigaku's Tezuka and Akutsu!"

Qiantose Qianli suddenly spoke.

Opposite them, Tezuka and Akutsu were walking towards each other.

"Tezuka! Long time no see!"

Behind Tezuka, Sanada's voice suddenly came.

Tezuka turned his head to see that Sanada and Yukimura were right behind them.

"Oh! It's really lively!"

While the few people were exchanging greetings, the young master Atobe got out of a luxury car.

There was a hint of understanding in Atobe's eyes. Since he received Fuji's invitation, he guessed that Tezuka and others would naturally not be left behind.

Now it seems that not only Tezuka, but also Tachibana Yoshihei, Chitose Chisato and Kite Eishiro from Kyushu have also received unique invitations.

"I think everyone is going to Paris. If you want to exchange pleasantries, it's better to chat slowly on the plane later. Now you should go to buy the ticket first and then get down to business!"

Kite Eishiro said lightly.

In fact, he came to see the Atobe, and he had heard of the name of the young master Atobe.

"It looks like my little treasury has been saved!"

The wooden hand patted his trouser pocket lightly where no one could see.

With Uncle Atobe here, he only needs to do a little trick and in a few words, he can buy him a round-trip ticket to Paris for him.

"makes sense!"

Chitose Qianli touched his thick curly hair, he felt that Mu Shou's words were quite reasonable.

"Buy a ticket? This uncle never buys a ticket!"

Atobe snapped his fingers and laughed loudly a few times.

"My uncle will be merciful and give you a ride!"

It turned out that Atobe had already prepared a special plane, which was enough to carry them all to Paris.



Tanejima stood in the cold wind for a long time, and finally waited for the special plane from Neon.

"You guys are here, if you don't come, I will freeze to death!"

Tanejima was very speechless and said to the army who got off the plane.

"Oh! Who told you that you can't take a plane! Since you came here by boat first, you must welcome those of us who came later!"

Irie chuckled lightly.

"Stop complaining there, our hotel is all arranged!"

Daqu stretched his waist again, it was as if his whole body was rusted after sitting on the plane for more than ten hours.

"For the hotel, the organizer has already made arrangements, and the hotel bus is already waiting for us!"

Tanejima pointed to the bus next to him and said.

"Co-author, you are only responsible for leading the way? Anyway, the hotel has already been arranged, so why do you have to come here and wait in person?"

Kaji Fengduo said a little speechlessly.

"Ah, that's right! Why do I have to stand here and blow the cold wind?"

Tanejima stood there as if petrified.

He could lie comfortably in the hotel, why did he have to come here to suffer?
"Okay, stop chatting here and get in the car!"

The Byodoin Institute glanced at the crowd, and they began to get on the bus in an orderly manner and drove towards the hotel that the organizer had reserved for many participating teams.

(End of this chapter)

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