Chapter 198 Rules
The bi-annual U-17 World Cup competition is the top existence in terms of popularity and everything.

Therefore, it has naturally attracted a large number of sponsors, whether it is sports brands, or pharmaceutical companies, beverage companies, etc., who are willing to sponsor the U-17 World Cup like crucian carp across the river.

Therefore, the World Tennis Association and the organizers of this event, the French Tennis Association and the official reception of the Paris city government are very comprehensive to the participating countries.

Starting from the airport, the whole journey will be picked up by private car.

When they arrived at the hotel, they were guided all the way, and the hotels they stayed in were all well-known local five-star hotels.

The representative team of each country lives on the first floor independently, and there is also a spare room for the players to use as a conference room.

"This place is pretty good, at least it's much better than the hotel arranged for us when we participated in overseas expeditions."

Standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows in the room, watching the scenery outside the window, Irie Kanata chuckled.

"That's natural. How can the expedition match be compared with the U-17 main match!"

"You know, the World Tennis Association attaches great importance to the U-17 World Cup."

"Every time the U-17 World Cup is held, the World Tennis Association will invite many world-renowned companies and sponsors to watch the game."

"These sponsors are looking forward to this competition."

Kurobe Yukio pushed open the door and came in from the outside.

Hearing this, the high school students couldn't help but nodded.

The specifications of the U-17 World Cup are naturally not comparable to an exchange-type game like an expedition.

In fact, they are also very clear about this.

"All right!"

"Don't talk about these things here. If you have nothing to do, go back and rest quickly. Remember, don't go out if you have nothing to do!"

"Remember it! This is the world! It's not a place for you to play house!"

Mifune's ferocious voice rang in the ears of the high school students.

The high school students nodded, they naturally understood what Mifune meant.

It is very common in the world to play black hands outside the game.

That's why Sanchuan told them not to go out if they had nothing to do.

The cruelty of the world is not just talking about it!

The next day!

There are still a few days until the race starts.

Early in the morning, Fuji received a message from the coach.

Let him go to the airport to pick up the group of teenagers from the middle school and a player who was invited to join the U-17 neon team.

Bu Er asked the hotel to arrange a bus, got on the bus and drove towards the airport.

"Mysterious guest? Who could it be?"

Looking at the receding scenery outside the window, Bu Er couldn't help guessing in his heart.

A special plane from Neon landed from the sky, and then a group of young people stepped down from it.

"Is this Paris, the capital of romance? This is my first time in France!"

When I first arrived in a foreign country, I felt a little excited for thousands of years.

I don't know what tennis will be like here!
"So, where should we go next!"

Yukimura looked up at the blue sky, the morning sky in Paris was clear.

"Everyone, long time no see!"

Suddenly, in the ears of everyone, there was an unerring voice.

When they looked back, they saw that Buer was standing beside a bus and waved at them.

"Is the service so thoughtful? Someone actually came to pick us up?"

Atobe said with interest.

"Of course, after all, I called you to come, so naturally I will send the Buddha to the West."

The corners of Fuji's mouth were slightly raised, and he was a little happy to see Tezuka and the others in a foreign country.

"Then let's go, I can tell you first, if you dare to arrange a bad place for me, don't blame me for being rude!"

Uncle Atobe is still so "arrogant", but his words are mostly a joke.

"Then let's go, I just want to have a good sleep after sitting on the plane for so long!"

Chitose Qianli stretched her waist and said lazily.

"Wait a little longer, there is someone else, he should be here soon."

Buer shook his head, there was still a "mysterious guest" missing.

Not long after, Fuji saw an acquaintance. No wonder Coach Kurobe said he would know when he arrived.

It turned out to be Mitsuya Akuto!

Apparently, this future staff member of the Neon team had already been recruited by the Neon team into the Neon U-17 team as early as the World Cup in France.

But what I don't know is that this actually has a lot to do with him.

Maybe this is the butterfly effect!

"No, why are you here?"

After getting off the plane, Akuto Mitsuya saw Fuji at a glance.

After all, among a group of blond-haired and blue-eyed foreigners, the second-class people are still very conspicuous.

"Coach Kurobe asked me to pick you up. As for Tezuka and the others, I asked Coach Kurobe to invite them."

Fuji said with a smile.

Hearing this, Mitsugu's eyes froze.

Maybe Tezuka and others don't understand what this means, but he, who has learned about the Neon U17 training camp, naturally knows what it means.

"Can Fuji make an exception for Coach Kurobe to invite Tezuka and the others to watch the game?"

"It seems that Buer's status in Hesu is not low!"

Just relying on Fuji's words, Mitsuya deduced a lot of things.

"Since everyone is here, let's go!"

Seeing that Sanjin Valley had also arrived, he called everyone to get on the car.

The bus carried everyone to the hotel where the Neon U-17 team stayed.

Because the organizer is very grand, there are actually quite a few rooms left on the floor where the Neon U-17 team is located, enough for Tezuka and the others to live in.

Buer took people to the hotel. The three coaches and the head coach of Sanchuan seemed to have gone to a meeting, but none of them were there.

So Fuji had no choice but to take a few people to the vacant room first, and let Tezuka and others take a good rest first.


Budu, who was meditating in the room, received a call from the coaches.

Ever since Buer learned another way to use light and wind from meditation, he has become more and more in love with this way of emptying his mind.

So whenever I have free time, I will sit quietly and realize Zen.

Bu Er found that doing so seemed to be beneficial to tempering one's mental strength.

I don't know if this is an isolated case, or if it happens to everyone.

Arriving at the room that was temporarily used as a conference room, everyone was called together one after another, including the junior high school students.

"Give me peace!"

The three boats entered the Tao with a loud roar, and everyone fell silent instantly.

Even junior high school students who didn't know Sanchang's path were overwhelmed by Mifune's ferocity.

"The rules for this World Cup have already come out."

"This World Cup competition adopts the group knockout system."

"A total of 32 teams are divided into eight groups for group elimination rounds, and the winners of each group will go to the finals!"

The three boats entered the road and said in a deep voice.

"Group knockout? Is there any chance for the eliminated team to come back?"

Taneshima asked aloud.

"No!" Kurobe shook his head, "If you are eliminated, you will be completely out!"

"Don't think of the weak!"

Mifune glanced at Taneshima.

"Remember it all, this is the world!"

"The world is cruel!"

Bu Er's eyes were slightly fixed, he did not expect this World Cup to be so cruel.

If the luck of the lottery is bad and they meet a strong team, wouldn't they be out of the game immediately!

(End of this chapter)

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