Chapter 199 World
"Let's ask Mitsuya-san to analyze the main opponents of this world competition!"

"By the way, Mitsuya-san will be the staff officer of our Neon team in this World Cup."

After Mifune said a few words, he lay down on the sofa beside him and closed his eyes to rest.

Then Kurobe stepped forward, patted Mitsuya on the shoulder and said.

Byodoin and the others glanced at Mitsuya in surprise. To be entrusted by the coaches with such an important task as a consultant, this handsome-looking guy must have something special.

"This is the information I collected. Due to time constraints, the information available is very limited."

Mitsuya handed everyone a few pieces of paper, and then said.

"what is this?"

Everyone took a look in doubt, and then their eyes widened.

"This is this!!!"

"World Ranking!"

Most of the high school students present only knew that the ranking of the Neon team might not be high, but they didn't have an intuitive concept of the specifics.

Now, through the data of Mitsuya, they finally have a clear understanding of the current status of the Neon team in the world.

Ranked 29 in the world!
The fourth from last!

This is the result of recent efforts by the Byodoin Institute and others to compete for points in the world.

But freezing three feet is not a one-day cold, and the Neon team was too weak before, so that Byodoin was unable to make up for the points for a while.

The high school students looked one by one from the bottom, and finally locked their eyes on the four top four countries in the world.

Fourth place, Spain!
The experienced Spanish team leader, Fernando, is said to be unfathomable and has defeated many well-known professional players.

It's a pity that I heard that not long ago, the supernova Medareno of the Spanish team was seriously injured in an accident, so he was unable to participate in this competition.

Third place, France!
The organizers of this competition, as the home court, naturally have a natural advantage.

Duke Watanabe, the main general of France, is known as the king of destruction of France!
In addition, France also owns the supernova Camus who is called a tennis revolutionist by the outside world!
Some people even say that the future of tennis will be changed through his hands!
Second place, Switzerland!

This is a team with rich skills. The main player, Alejandro, has registered as a professional player last year and started to compete in professional tennis.

Moreover, the Swiss genius Amadeus, who is regarded as a treasure by the Swiss tennis world, is said to be very powerful!
When he first joined the Swiss U-17 team, he was appointed as the next successor by the main player Alessandro.


Ranked first, King Deutschland!

They have won the World Cup eight times in a row, and this year they are coming aggressively, and they are bound to win the honor of nine consecutive championships.

In addition to the main player Kurmanstein Berk, the German team also has two professional players. The three of them are known as the cornerstone of the German team to achieve nine consecutive championships!
In addition, the supernova of the German team, Jurgen Barisavich Polk, is known as "the man who changed the world of tennis"!
He was appraised as "the philosopher leading to victory" by the outside world!
After reading the information about the BIG4 countries, the whole room became very quiet.

"Hmph! What kind of expressions are you all making!"

Byodoin snorted coldly, he was very dissatisfied with everyone's expressions.

"It doesn't matter how strong they are, are we inferior!"

"If you're scared now, pack your bags and go back to Neon as soon as possible!"

Byodoin is full of domineering, even if it is BIG4, his goal is to be number one in the world from the very beginning!

"I just didn't expect that our ranking is so behind! Afraid? That doesn't exist!"

Shuji Taneshima folded his hands in front of his chest, and said with a chuckle.

"I don't care whether they are BIG4 or not, as long as they are my opponents, I will definitely use my punishment method to treat them well!"

Tono Atsukyo said with cold eyes.

"I only know that the purpose of my coming is to win!"

Kitajima Hayato had a chill on his body, and although his tone was flat, it was loud.

"That's right!"

"Victory! No matter who it is, it can't stop us from winning!"

The high school students roared loudly.

"Hmph! You still have some ambition!"

On the sofa, Mifune Irumichi stood up.

He scanned a circle of high school students, then his eyes passed over Fuji, and then he glanced at Tezuka and the others.

"Although most of you are participating in the World Cup for the first time, you are undoubtedly the strongest lineup of our Neon team ever!"


Mifune said slowly, and glanced at everyone again.

"Lead the neon team to work hard!"

"To the world! It's time to show your strength!"

Mifune's words ignited the fighting spirit in the hearts of everyone present.


They used up all their strength and roared loudly.

The morale of the team instantly increased!
"I will definitely bring the Neon team to the top of the world!"

Byodoin even issued its own declaration domineeringly. Even high school seniors who had some problems with Byodoin had to be convinced by Byodoin's spirit at this time!

Listening to the sound of swearing in his ears, Buer felt his blood boil.

"Is this what it feels like to fight with the honor of the country on your back?"

Feeling the invisible pressure in his heart, a slight smile appeared on the corner of Fuji's mouth.

"This feeling!...It's so good!"

Although Tezuka, Yukimura and the others didn't know these seniors, they were also excited.

Then Mifune signaled everyone to be quiet, and Mitsuya began to explain to everyone in detail some of the players in the world's top ten teams that threatened them.

The high school students were a little shocked to see Mitsuya pouring out the information of these players from other national teams like a few treasures.

"It's no wonder that he was selected as the staff officer of the Neon team. He really has two brushes!"

This is the thought in everyone's mind.


"No, are they the strong seniors you said?"

After the meeting, the junior high school students naturally have to stop Bu Er to learn more about the so-called U-17 World Cup.

Ajiujin suddenly remembered the strong seniors that Fuji had mentioned before, and he must be referring to this group of people!
"Well! Akutsu, they will not be weaker than Ralph and the others!"

Buer squinted and smiled.


Ajiujin pouted, but didn't say anything more.

"No two, thank you!"

Yukimura walked to Fuji and said very solemnly.

The others glanced at Yukimura in confusion, but only Sanada and Fuji knew what Yukimura was referring to.

"There's no need for such Yukimura, I just don't want to lose such a good opponent like you!"

Fuji looked straight into Yukimura's eyes.

"It's my honor to be called a good opponent by you!"

Yukimura is not a hypocritical person, he just simply feels that he must say thank you to Fuji.

"No two, although my uncle is very grateful for your invitation, but next time we fight, this uncle will not show mercy!"

Atobe flicked the bangs on his forehead, and said very narcissistically.

"Heh! There are no dead ends in our Qing School!"

Bu Er replied domineeringly.

Afterwards, Tezuka, Yukimura, Atobe and others asked Fuji some things about the Neon U-17 team, and then went back to digest today's news with deep thought.

Today is really an unusual day for them!
(End of this chapter)

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