Chapter 200
There is no warm-up match for this World Cup, so the group knockout match will start directly.

With two days left before the opening of the race, the drawing of lots finally started.

Those who went to participate in this lottery meeting were Byodoin and Fuji.

As the leader of Neon, Byodoin itself naturally does its part.

As for Fuji, Byodoin, Mifune, Kurobe and others have already regarded him as the next successor, one belt one, this is also the practice of most countries in the world.

No matter which country they are in, they naturally hope that their team can be passed on for a long time.

Kurobe and the others had already explained, so in addition to the normal clothes, Fuji also brought a black suit.

No way, according to the regulations of the World Tennis Association, to participate in the draw, you must wear formal clothes.

Maybe it was to take care of the sponsors and big entrepreneurs who came to watch the ceremony.

Needless to say, wearing a suit is as elegant as a prince walking out of a medieval scroll.

As for the Byodoin Phoenix, Uncle Huang is still at the peak of his appearance at this time.

He was dressed in a black suit, with dazzling blond hair. The old scar on his forehead added the charm of a mature man even after removing the headband that he had been wearing all year round.

When I came to the hall where the lottery was held, the hall was already full of people.

Contestants from various countries gathered together, and people of all hair colors and skin colors perfectly interpreted what is exotic!

"No two! Long time no see!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind him.

Buer turned his head, and the figures of Ralph and Dudu appeared behind him.

"long time no see!"

Fuji said with a smile.

It seems that Ralph has solved the problems in the US team, and it turned out that he and Dudu came to draw lots on behalf of the US team.

"Actually, when I invited you last time, you were already the representative of the Neon team, right?!"

asked Ralph suddenly.

When he saw Fuji appearing here, he already knew why he had so sincerely invited him last time, but he didn't even agree.

And with a hesitant to speak, it must be difficult to talk to yourself!


Bu Er nodded, there is nothing to hide now.

"No two, go back to your seat! The lottery is about to begin!"

Byodoin glanced at Fuji and Ralph, and said lightly.


"Then I'll take my leave, let's talk next time, Ralph!"

Fuji looked at Ralph apologetically, then followed Byodoin to the seat of the Neon representative team and sat down.

"Are you familiar with the US team?"

After sitting down in the seat, Byodoin asked lightly.

Fuji put his hands on the table and tilted his head to look at Byodoin Temple.

"I went to New York on my school trip before, and I met Ralph and the others there."

"Speaking of which, Ralph even invited me to join the US team!"

Hearing this, Byodoin's eyes glanced at Fuji without a trace.

"That's right!"

Byodoin clasped his arms around his chest and turned his gaze to Ralph and Dudu who were in the distance.

Sensing the gaze of Byodoin, Ralph turned his head, and the two looked at each other.

After a long time, Ralph nodded slightly and turned his gaze elsewhere.

"Hmph! I want to poach my corner! The US team, don't let me meet!"

Byodoin thought disdainfully in its heart.

Not long after, the leaders of the World Tennis Association and the French Tennis Association took their seats on the podium above.

Then a guy who looked like a big man raised the microphone.

"Start now!"

"U-17 World Cup!"

"The draw for the group knockout round!"

As his words fell, the audience suddenly burst into applause.

Although he didn't know who he was, Bu Er also joined the applause, after all, face should be given to others.

Afterwards, a battle table appeared on the big screen behind the group of leaders.

Most of the boxes are blank, and only the flags of Germany, France, Switzerland and Spain appear on it.

As BIG4, they naturally have privileges.

As seeded teams, these four countries do not need to draw lots, nor will they be assigned together in the group stage.

A total of eight groups, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H.

Among them, the A, C, E, and G four groups were placed on the BIG4 teams.

In other words, these four teams will not meet each other until the quarterfinals.

This is also to ensure the viewability of the competition. After all, these four teams are recognized as the top four in the world, and their games are naturally full of enjoyment.

In order to preserve the suspense, but also for the sake of gimmicks, the organizers will naturally not allow these four teams to meet in the first half of the game.

"Let's invite the representative of the US team to come on stage!"

The lottery meeting began soon. The first lottery was the US team, which was also a strong team ranked fifth in the world, and many people looked forward to it.

With a gentle smile on his face, Ralph walked up to the podium without any stage fright.

The lottery meeting was going on in an orderly manner, and teams from each country came to the stage to draw the lottery that would determine life and death.

Everyone is praying, praying that they will not be assigned with BIG4 countries.

At least in this way, there is still a chance to qualify for the group stage!
The prestige of BIG4 is so terrifying!
"The next one is!"

"Neon Team!"

As the lottery progressed slowly, the name of the neon team came from the loudspeaker.

"Okay, kid, let's go!"

Byodoin said to Fuji.


Fuji asked with some surprise, isn't Byodoin also participating in the World Cup for the first time, shouldn't he be the one to draw the lottery?

Byodoin nodded.

Seeing this, Buer had no choice but to stand up from his seat.

With a calm pace, step onto the podium.

"Boss, look, the leader of the Neon team actually sent Buer to draw lots! It seems that Buer's status in the Neon team is not low!"

Dudu Obondo whispered in Ralph's ear.

"That's natural!"

"With unmatched strength, no matter where you go, you will be the brightest star!"

Ralph was not surprised at all. Since Buer appeared here, it meant that the Neon team valued Buer very much.

In a place like the neon tennis world, if a genius like Budu can be born, it will naturally become a treasure in the neon tennis world.

Valuing is natural.

It's just a pity, it seems that it is impossible to join the US team.

Ralph clenched his fists!

"If it wasn't for that group of people! This year's US team would have hoped to overthrow BIG4!"

In Ralph's heart, he was both angry and helpless.

When Fuji came to the stage, a beautiful host with blond hair and blue eyes in a red hip-wrapped skirt motioned to him to press the button at hand.

Fuji pressed the button, and as the machine rolled, a ball with C written on it rolled out.

"Group C!"

Bu Er felt awe-inspiring, it seemed that the gears of fate could not be shaken after all.

Even if he was replaced to draw lots, the Neon team still met the French team!
"Did the Neon team draw the French team?"

"Great, one less place!"

"What a poor Neon team! I'm afraid they have lost their self-confidence!"

"After this young man goes back, I'm afraid his teammates will accuse him of crying!"

Many members of the representative teams of other countries in the audience showed gloating expressions.

The Neon team drew the French team, which means that their chances of avoiding BIG4 have become even greater.

There was no slight change on Fuji's face, it was already that faint smile.

After thanking the host, Fuji slowly stepped off the stage and returned to Byodoin.

"Senior, the French team has been drawn!"

Byodoin looked as usual, and looked at those gloating people around with disdain.

"Nice job!"

"Fighting against the strongest BIG4 is the best opportunity to show the strength of our Neon team!"

Buer's icy blue eyes opened, and there was a rare hint of excitement in his eyes.

"Who says it's not! Byodoin-senpai!"

(End of this chapter)

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